Chapter 8
Trinity had decided it was best to go and see Madam Pomfrey. And she stumbled along the corridors to make her way towards the medical wing.
She fell into, and out of the Vanishing Cabinet and onto the floor of the library.
Madam Pince looked up at her from behind her desk and shot her a dark glare as she opened her mouth, "You shouldn't be drinking this early in the morning!" She squealed, "Get up from my floor, this instant!"
Trinity ignored the woman, and closed her eyes as the voices grew louder and louder. She whimpered as she sat up, clutching onto the door of the Cabinet to help pull herself to her feet. As she closed the doors and stumbled backwards, clutching her head. She head the unmistakable sound of a chair scraping across wooden floorboards.
A pair of pointed, shiny black heels came into view, with dark green ribbons. And Trinity knew the person standing in front of her was a Slytherin.
"Are you alright?" Daphne asked, placing a hand upon the Gryffindor's shoulder.
Through her blurry eyes, Trinity could see that the Slytherin was the only other person in the library, which was probably why she was being so nice to her at that moment.
"I'm fine." She lied, gently moving past the Slytherin to get to the main doors.
"You're having a vision." Daphne stated, "Aren't you?"
Trinity sighed, "I don't know what's happening." She replied honestly, "It's not a vision, I don't think."
"Come on," Daphne stated, taking the raven haired girl by her elbow, "I'll help you up to Madam Pomfrey."
"You don't have to," She replied, wincing as her eyes stung again and her head throbbed painfully. "I'm sure I can find my way-"
"-Don't be ridiculous!" Daphne scoffed, leading Trinity out of the library. "Look, Slytherin's look out for one another."
"But I'm not a Slytherin."
"You were supposed to be." Daphne replied, "Which makes you one of us."
"I'm not so sure Pansy would say the same thing."
"Pansy's just jealous you're with Draco." Daphne rolled her eyes, "And because you have nice hair, like mine."
They walked up two moving staircases before arriving at the Infirmary. Madam Pomfrey was looking after a couple of injured Hufflepuff's from their Quidditch Practice. Obviously, the Slytherin's had kicked them off of the pitch.
Daphne helped Trinity onto one of the beds before taking a seat beside her. "You don't have to wait with me if you don't want to." The raven haired girl stated.
"I wouldn't be here if I didn't want to be." Daphne replied. "I want to be your friend Trinity."
The Gryffindor was taken aback, "I-"
Daphne looked a little nervous, "Pansy's doing my nut in. Well, actually, to be honest with you she always has…ever since I slept with Draco two years ago she's been really horrible to me." The Slytherin looked up, "Just don't tell her we're friends." She stated, "And I'll find out why the Weasley's are acting so weird around you."
Trinity nodded and smiled, "Thank you." She was glad someone wanted to be her friend, even if it was a little odd for it to be one of Pansy's minions.
"Okay!" Madam Pomfrey made her way towards Trinity's bed, "What appears to be the problem?"
"She had a vision." Daphne began, "Only it wasn't."
Madam Pomfrey frowned, "Well, what are your symptoms?"
"Voices." Trinity stated, "Whispering, terrifying voices." She explained further, "And the usual migraine, and loss of sight…but I can't see what's happening. I can only hear it."
The nursemaid raised an eyebrow, "Miss Greengrass, would you be so kind as to fetch Professor Trelawny?"
"Of course." The Slytherin hopped up from her place beside Trinity on the bed and quickly left the infirmary in search of the Divination's Professor.
"It's strange to see you without one of the Weasleys'…" The nurse began, damping a flannel and placing it across Trinity's forehead. "It's usually Ronald who brings you up here!" She chuckled.
Trinity nodded, "We're not really talking at the moment." The raven haired girl sighed, "I don't really know why."
Madam Pomfrey sighed, "I'm sure everything will be fine." She stated reassuringly as she puffed up the pillow behind the girl, "You're Gryffindor's after all! Now, I'll be back when Professor Trelawny arrives."
It wasn't much longer until the frizzy haired Professor stepped into the infirmary, Daphne at her side. "Oh!" She cooed, hopping worriedly towards Trinity's bedside, "I thought this would happen! I thought so!"
"What is it?" Trinity asked as Daphne merely rolled her eyes.
"It was a sign!" She cried, reaching out towards the air and grasping it in her pointy fingers as if she were Ron diving into a bag of Jelly Snakes. "From the moment you couldn't read the Crystal Ball, and you no longer had the need for the potions for your visions…" She suddenly moved closer towards the Gryffindor so that their noses were almost touching. "You're not seeing the future," She explained, "You're hearing something from the past!"
Trinity frowned and looked between Madam Pomfrey, Daphne and the Professor. "What were the voices saying, Miss Riddle?" Madam Pomfrey asked.
Trinity blinked and looked down at the bed covers, "It was a man." She began, "I heard him repeating: 'She's a Death Eater'. It's the only thing I could make out from everything else going on."
Professor Trelawny nodded enthusiastically and reached for the Gryffindors hand, "Continue."
Trinity blinked again and looked up at Daphne and Madam Pomfrey, "That was it." She stated, turning back to the Professor.
With an overly eccentric wave of her hand, the Professor pretended to faint, "It's the Grim!" She cried out, "The Grim!"
"Like," Daphne began, with a roll of her eyes. "Of course it is."
Madam Pomfrey handed Trinity a vial, "Drink this." She stated, "It'll help you sleep for a while. Sybille, if you can go and find Professor Snape and explain what's happened, perhaps he could make her a new batch of…something to help?"
The spectacle clad witch nodded eagerly before turning on her heel and swiftly making her way out of the infirmary.
"Drink up!" Madam Pomfrey stated, "And Miss Greengrass, it would be best if you left Miss Riddle here to sleep. Let Mr Malfoy know she's here and to come and collect her in a few hours."
Daphne rolled her eyes as soon as the nursemaid made her way into her office. "The Grim." She sighed, "Sometimes I don't know if that woman is even sane." She remained quiet for a while and smiled kindly towards the raven haired girl. "We'll keep our friendship a secret." She stated, "Meet up on the sly and all…" She grinned cheekily, "Draco will think you're seeing someone else, as will Blaise with me. I think it'll be rather funny!"
Trinity smiled up at the Slytherin before her, "How will we contact?"
"By owl, of course!" She laughed. "Right, drink up and get some rest. I'll let Draco know you're here while I dig up some dirt on the Weasleys." She winked at the raven haired girl and waved at her over her shoulder as she turned to leave, "See you!"
A/N: So it's Daphne who is going to be Trinity's unexpected friend :) Did you see that one coming? Will it last though? Is it even true friendship, or is the Slytherin being a spy?
Well, I really do apologise for such a late update! I have been really busy these past few months, and updating isn't going to become any better either! I have eight assignments due in before Christmas, so I doubt I will be able to update again before then unfortunately :( Also, this was my last pre-written chapter. I am completely stumped for ideas (I have a seperate document for ideas, it's the filling that's the struggle for I don't really want to rush this story!)
Anyways, I will try and update whenever I get the chance. For now though, a few reviews will be much appreciated! xx