I had planned to make this ages ago... but I forgot to make it... not a lot of people requested it, so I was wasn't going to do it. But one of my newest reviews, made me remember! So here it is! Thank you so much for your support, and I hope you like it! PLEASE R&R!

The sound of cheers of joy and excitement rang through the church. The stoic man in black, stood greeting guests, get found this task less daunting this time around. A look of content on his face, as he greeted people he knew, and most he didn't. He guessed his father had planned to invite people from his business, as a way to exploit him. While it peeved him, that look of content stayed, for he simply didn't care. This was the best day of his life, cause he was marrying the woman he loved, and something so small wasn't going to upset him now.

He couldn't fault his father too much though. He had generally meant the apology he made to himself and Mai. And had supported their relationship after getting the chance to meet and bond with her. And Luella quickly took a shinning to Mai, and not just because she gave her a grandchild. Luella loved Mai because of who she was, and unconditionally, because her son loved her.

While Martin had taken some hits from the press, after Naru took Mai to a social party, one that was being secretly documented, everyone had just said Mai was a delight. In fact, since then, Mai and Naru were kind of a celebrity couple.

"Five minutes! Places please!" Charlotte announced, wearing a head piece and a brides maid dress. She smiled to Naru, who simply nodded in acknowledgement. No, he didn't dislike her. He didn't really talk to her often, but she became a friend of Mai's, and himself.

Naru did as he was told, and walked to the isle, more then happily, might I add. Standing there, with his stoic mask in place, and not even the slightest worry or doubt could be seen. But that was simply because there was none there. Marrying Mai was all he wanted, and he had never been more sure of anything.

After a few more blissful moments, the music started playing. Everyone stood, and gasped as they took their first glimpse of the bride. Naru however couldn't see her yet. He saw as the other most important person in his life, stumbled slightly as she tossed flower petals in the air, not noticing the one in her hair. She smiled up at him, her big blue eyes shinning, before picking up her pace, and running into his arms. Naru picked up his beautiful daughter, who had just turned 3 years of age, before brushing her pretty black locks out of her face. She grinned, in a very Mai like manner, before wrapping her arms around Naru's neck.

Naru looked back up, seeing all three brides reaching the front row. Masako, Ayako and Charlotte smiled, before moving out of the way. And then they did finally move, Naru had full view of his bride.

His jaw fell slack, and his eyes grow wide. While Mai had always been beautiful in his eyes, in every way possible, now she was so much more then that. She was stunning. Her dress was elegant and graceful, yet snow white. Her hair was down, and longer since they first met. It was curled, and reached just below her shoulders, framing her face.

She walked arm in arm with Lin, before she stopped in shock herself. She stared wide eyes at Naru, seeing him in a blue shirt and black blazer. He was wearing colour, for the first time since Gene's death.

She smiled shyly, a pink dusting her cheeks. To which only added to her charm.

Naru smiled back, unable to keep his cool exterior. He was so undeniably happy...

When Mai reached him, he placed Yuki on the floor, and took both Mai's hands in his.

They both ignored everyone around them, just staring deep into each others eyes.

Mai had always loved Naru's eyes. They were like pools of emotion, that reflected the feelings he didn't show on his face. But she never understood what held Naru's interest in her eyes. She had asked him once, and he had said that, she had a childish glint in her eyes.

"Do you, Oliver Davis, take Mai Taniyama to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest asked, finally gaining the couples attention.

"I do" Naru announced, not hesitating for a second. Mai's eyes brightened, and she smiled, her most dazzling smile.

"And do you, Mai Taniyama, take Oliver Davis to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do" Mai agreed, all to happily. Her throat tightened, as she held back tears of joy. Naru squeezed her hand, in an attempt to comfort her.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife... you may now kiss the bride." Mai smiled, before wrapping her arms around his neck, as her husband proceeded to kiss her senseless. Awes and cheers filled the church, and even the emotionally shunned Lin and Martin, smiled at the display...

This is the real end now xD Promise! XD Please review! Love you guys xx