Hey guys! This is I think my first Pirates In Love fanfiction, before 'Helping You To See Christmas'. I did put it up on Tumblr but I decided that might have better response. I really hope all of you like it so...yeah! Hope you enjoy! :D


Age : 21
Height : 178 cm
Weight : 73 kg
Occupation : Fencer
Personality : Arrogant, Short tempered, Very possessive


Age : 17
Height : 168 cm
Weight : 53 kg
Occupation : Apprentice Pirate
Personality : Determined, Lots of smiles, Worrier


Age : 25
Height : 180 cm
Weight : 78 kg
Occupation : Mate
Personality : Super sadistic, Cold blooded, dark


Age : 32
Height : ?
Weight : ?
Occupation : Captain
Personality : ?


Age : 29
Height : 185 cm
Weight : 80 kg
Occupation : Ship's doctor Personality : A leader of the pirates, Mild, Space-cadet


Age : 26
Height :188 cm
Weight : 82 kg
Occupation : Chef
Personality : Boorish, A man of few words

After we picked up most of the treasure from the Skull a few days ago, we were sailing towards the nearest town, in this case would be Tanner Island. We were running low on food supplies and Captain was eager to go as Tanner Island was known for its famous entertainment industry. I was just excited to stop by the port and stock up on candy.

We were all in the dining room, having dinner. Tonight, Nathan whipped up some oatmeal. Not my favourite meal though… When we questioned his choice, he just retorted, saying that being the chef, he was in charge of what was served each meal. I sat in between Nathan and Eduardo. It was a cloudy night, puffs of white shading the moon. I wasn't feeling myself that day. I felt a lot more irritable and felt nauseous for a few days. After eating dinner, I stood up and left for the room immediately. I didn't feel like talking a lot that night.

I guess Eduardo could sense that, as he went to the room to find me after dinner. "What's wrong? You aren't yourself today…" he asked, concerned. I shrugged my shoulders and lay down on the bed, staring at the ceiling. All I wanted to do was to get some sleep and ease my fatigue. I wrapped myself in the purple cotton sheets I was so used to, said good night to Eduardo and started to drift off to sleep. A few minutes later, I felt Eduardo creep into the bed.

A few hours after, I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep anymore. I looked beside me to see Eduardo sleeping soundly. I quietly put on my coat and walked out of the room, careful not to wake Eduardo up.

I walked out onto the deck, passing by the kitchen to see Nathan already at work, preparing breakfast. I walked in to say good morning. He turned to look at me, then shrugged. I made my way to the deck to try to catch the sunrise. Seems like Doc had same idea.

"Good morning doc!" I said, trying to sound enthusiastic. He thought there was something wrong with me last night and I didn't want to make him worry. Doc is such a worrywart sometimes. He looked at me and smiled while waving. I stood next to him. Neither of us said anything, awaiting the sunrise.

A few minutes later, we heard footsteps and turned to see Eduardo taking his position at the helm. He was usually very concentrated so I didn't want to disturb him. I walked to the railing and looked ahead. There it was! Tanner Island. At that moment, my stomach started growling so I suggested to the two men getting breakfast from the kitchen. In unison, they shook their head.

Later that day, we finally docked at the port of Tanner Island! This time though, all of us decided to get off the ship. Our first stop was the famous 'Tanner Bar'.

We stepped into the bar and were greeted by flocks of waitresses and women throwing themselves at us. Well, the guys, not me. I really didn't feel like being the odd one out again like the bar in Popo Island. Yeah, that did not turn out well… I went up to Eduardo, told him not to get too crazy before I left the bar. Christopher, who wasn't a big fan of bars, left with me.

Both of us were equally bored so we took a trip to the market area. We saw many interesting things and savored many different tastes. After an hour or two, we went back to the bar to pick up the crew. Thomas must have been causing a mess, the one who gets drunk first.

We opened the door and saw all of them still making merry. I walked forward and saw everyone, but Nathan, drunk. We decided to bring them back to the ship as it was hard to lug them around everywhere we went. Before we left, I saw Eduardo with a woman. They were behaving really intimate! I attempted to drag him away but he just waved me away and continued with that lady. Furious, I stormed off with Thomas in tow. Nathan had to support Eduardo and Russell back to the ship. Poor Christopher had to deal with Captain, who was the worst of them all.

On the way to the ship, Thomas kept spouting nonsense and constantly leaned on me. I found it a bit irritating as Thomas was already heavy enough, and I didn't need him to add on the weight. The bar was definitely a long way from the ship as we had been walking for 30 minutes and the ship was nowhere in sight.

After what seemed like an eternity, we could see the Sirius flag flying high and mighty in the sky. I saw it and ran after it like it was a treasure chest. As soon as I set foot onto the polished wooden floors of the ship, I flung my hands in the air exclaiming in happiness. I totally forgot Thomas was propped onto my shoulders and he fell to the floor, landing in a loud thud.

I gasped before helping him up. By the time he was back on my shoulder, he passed out. I sighed before heading to the cargo to unload him. I walked into the room and I let him fall onto the bed. As I was about to leave, I felt Thomas put his arms around my waist and my eyes widened. I never knew he had that much strength, for when I tried to pull his hands away, they stayed there, as if they were carved in stone.

"Elise…Elise… don't…go…" he muttered. I felt my face flush before I poked his waist, knowing that he would flinch. He indeed did so. I took the chance to flee and ran up the stairs as fast as possible.

When I arrived back up the deck, I saw the guys still walking up the ship. I went over and took Eduardo from Nathan, hoping to lighten his load. I staggered to the room as he was much heavier than Thomas. He usually held his liquor well, I'm confused, today he knocked out…

I kicked the door open with my leg and dropped Eduardo on the floor. He immediately woke up, as if sprayed by a bucket of water. He gasped and looked at me, my face as black as thunder. I squatted down and sighed at Eduardo before walking off.

Just as I had finished, the drunken men had been sent to their rooms, leaving Doc, Nathan me the only ones sober. Doc just went back to his office while Nathan retreated to his beloved kitchen. I had nothing to do so I just started cleaning the deck. It seemed like my only job on the ship was to clean either the kitchen, deck or dining room.

The day passed quickly. As I was finishing up at the helm, Eduardo walked in and looked at me, obviously angry. With that, my rage built up again. I threw the dirty rag and him before storming off. I had no idea where I was going, I just wanted to get out of there.

I ended up in Nathan's kitchen. At this time of day, Nathan would be preparing dinner, but tonight, we were going to have dinner at the port. I sat on the table, enjoying the quiet…

Well I guess this concludes the first chapter! I hope you guys liked it and please review if you did! Have a nice day ^^