Sorry for the long wait, I have had family up and had to do some traveling for work.

Disclaimer: same as always if Bleach was mine Rukia and Ichigo would be together already.

Shaking his head Ichigo closed his eyes and attempted to focus on anything else then the milky white skin on the back of Rukia's neck, had distracted him for the last 5 minutes as the other discussed different ways of hiding his hollow hole. Although Rukia had spent most of that time arguing with Hichigo, whether he should were a full Chappy suit to the ball.

Groaning as their bickering started to worsen as Rukia punched his Hollows arm, he need to find something that would cover his chest before these two started a war. A basic Kimono as the others had discussed was too slack, anybody approaching on the correct direction would be able to easily see the hole in his chest.

"Hey Kingy what about your form when you used Mungetsu, it's a masked ball right? If you go like that, the bandages will cover your chest and with half a mask, it would be some freaky shit but it would work." Hichigo suggested while glaring victory daggers at Rukia.

"That could work" Ichigo grinned thinking about the look on the nobles faces when he entered, Renji will freak.

Piping up Rukia hide her worry behind her Kuchiki mask, "What is Mungetsu exactly? I know it's how you defeated Aizen but how does it work? " Rukia questioned, if it meant he would risk losing his Reiatsu again. she would beat both of them to within an inch of their lives for even considering the option.

"Mungetsu, is an attack I use when I become my Zanpakuto, it's like my normal Getsuga Tenshou except it's completely black and puts my entire Reiatsu into one attack." Ichigo answered her swiftly, his mind still picture his dramatic entrance with Rukia.

Spinning around Rukia glared at Hichigo "What are you playing at putting that idea in his head? I will not let Ichigo risk his Reiatsu again." she accused. Something about his hollow had been irking her the entire time, he was too quiet. Beside the small bicker about Ichigo going dressed as Chappy he had sat there quietly, it contradicted everything Ichigo had told her about him.

"Un-twist them panties of yours Queen. I'm on your side here." Hichigo chuckled as Rukia folded her arms over her chest throwing daggers at him with her eyes.

Placing hand on Rukia's shoulder, "Common Rukia, settle down. Zangetsu agrees that it's a good idea"

Turning so she could face Ichigo again "You" she glared at Ichigo making him flinch. "I don't know how much of this you are already aware of, but you have been almost more emotionless than Nii-sama and he is as cold as rock, for fuck sakes Ichigo." Rukia roared, starting to get her self-worked up.

Looking hard into her eyes he placed his hands on either side of her head so she couldn't look away, in a quiet but powerful voice he responded, "Yell all you want I don't care, I'm not going to do what I usually do and explode before I know all the information."

Plus she was working as a rather good distraction, as she moved around on his lap. He was just glad that she had chosen not to mention it to him in front of the others or make an ordeal from it.

Seeing the Silence fall on the room as both teen stared at each other, Zangetsu cleared his throat to get the room's attention, "As long as Ichigo doesn't use Mungetsu then his powers will remain, best way of explaining this would be like an Espada Resurrection. When an Espada release their Zanpakuto they become their true form, Ichigo on the other hand becomes his weapons true form."

Feeling him pull his hands away she didn't remove her eyes from his. "Show me" she demanded quietly before getting up from his lap and leaning back against Isshin's desk never taking her eyes off his.

Standing up Ichigo moved to the small clearing behind the patient's chairs in which they were seated, nodding to his father as black smoky Reiatsu started to rise up around him. Isshin cast multiple kido spells around the room before nodding to Ichigo as the black Reiatsu exploded out around the room.

Unable to hear her own scream as the winds whistled around her, her entire vision had been obscured by his Spiritual Pressure, she had felt it shoot up to unimaginable levels for a split second before it return to its normal warm state. Hearing the wind die down her vision slowly returned as the smoky black Reiatsu thinned out.

Rukia felt her heart skip a beat as the black Reiatsu gradually faded from around the figure; she could see a man standing in the middle of the room, his lengthy black hair blowing softly in the wind formed from his own power. As her eyes fell on the man's chest, she felt her cheeks burn crimson with embarrassment. His torso, down to the hem of his pants was tightly wrapped in dark grey bandages that showed of each of his taut muscles.

Trying to clear her mind, she need to know if it was Ichigo in control not someone or something else. Taking a step closer she noticed his pants were made of the same smoky black Reiatsu that had encased him, had he gone too far? "Ichigo?" she asked with a trace of panic to her voice. She couldn't be sure it was him until she seen his eyes. Hollow or not, whenever she looked into Ichigo's eyes she could see everything, not just the hard exterior that he displayed to everyone else but the soft caring inside that would do anything for those that meant something to him.

"What is it?" asked the figure, a slight apprehensive tone echoed in a slightly deeper voice, as the man opened his piercing crimson eyes looking right into her own.

The instant he looked into her eyes she knew it was him, feeling her legs wobble she slipped into the chair next to her before they gave out completely. Tomorrow night was going to be a very long night if her body was reacting like this just looking at him, let alone being near him. There was no way she would leave him alone looking like this in front of other girls.

Looking around the room as he knelt on one knee in front of Rukia, he took note that the others had already left. "Rukia are you alright? We are alone now you can talk to me" Ichigo asked holding her hand within his two.

Hiding certain emotions as she stared at where her arm wrist disappeared into his hands. "That's one problem fixed but how are you going to explain this?" she sighed, it was always one problem after another with them.

Scratching the back of his head Ichigo grinned sheepishly "Side effect from fighting Aizen, but if you don't like this then we can find another way?"

"No" She gasped quickly "it's just different" she admitted with a slight blush staining her cheeks at her sudden outburst. "The others are really going to think I really did go with a noble until you say who you are." She laughed hesitantly trying to change the flow of the topic, all though she only causing him to chuckle at her.

Nodding his head in response as he squeezed her hand lightly, "I know, imagine there faces, just stay close though in case something does happen, that way you can help me get away before anyone has the chance to spot the hole in my chest."

Rising her eyebrow up at him, "You are escorting me to the ball still aren't you?, if so then why would I leave your side?"

Yes of course" he grinned.

"Ichigo will we have to go back to how we were before?" She asked nervously out of the blue, as her thoughts changed to that of all the nobles trying to get their daughters with Ichigo.

Smiling up to her as his heart swelled a bit, if she didn't want it to change how they were then like hell he was going to allow it too. Softly squeezing her hand, "I think it might be best when we are around others, only reason is if the Central 46 discovers my condition, they might consider you a target as well if they believe you are to close to me or my family and use you for information."

"They already do but I can see your logic and I agree those fucking selfish assholes wouldn't hesitate either" Rukia growled at the thought.

"At least rescuing you would be hell of a lot easier this time round" he laughed.

"I have always been told not to laugh at ill future or it will happen, but I have to admit I would like to see that." Rukia giggled in reply, picking up on Ichigo's shift to more pleasant conversation.

"Yeah" he replied as his laughter died off, crunching up his brow "I was hoping I could keep this a secret for longer but that's the least of my worries for now I guess. I don't want to tell the others yet so make sure you keep this a secret, but I would like to go and tell the twins now if that's alright".

Falling back on to his bed Ichigo exhaled loudly as Rukia sat beside him with a sad smile. "I can't believe they were happy for me, It's nice and that but it just doesn't feel right. It's almost like they were expecting it." He sighed, thinking about the twin's smiles and their small glances towards Rukia.

"Be thankful that you get the chance to say goodbye and visit them baka, I know many people who would give anything to say goodbye to their loved one or family."

"I know it's just weird… Sorry."

Standing up and walking over to Ichigo's cupboard she took one look back at him, he had returned to his normal self now "It's alright berry…"

Hearing her slide the closet door half way shut he turned to look at her, "Hey Rukia, I'm sure wherever Hisana is she knows that you have forgiven her."

"I hope so, night Ichigo"

"Goodnight midget" he grinned as a pair of socks came flying out of his cupboard towards him.

Still groggy from sleep and enjoying the warmth from the small frame wrapped in his arms, he wiggling his nose deeper into the back of her neck. A small smile graced his features as he flexed his fingers and toes. Opening his eyes wide in fear as realization adorned on him, his right hand was cupped around her left breast and in the act of flexing his fingers he had been squeezing her breast lightly.

Forcing his heart rate to calm down as it was already too late for the other part. Maybe she was still asleep and didn't feel it, but how was he meant to move his hand without waking her. "Ichigo are you awake?" Rukia asked quietly feeling him stiffen behind her.

Freezing Ichigo silently prayed that she hadn't noticed his hand. In the best normal tone he could muster he responded, "Only just now, how long have you been up for?" he question hoping she hadn't been up for long and that sleep could still be clouding her mind.

"Um for a while, I didn't know you were one for snuggles" she whispered half embarrassed and half teasingly.

"Rukia… Never mind"

Rolling over to face him, "I'm sorry about last night I was just so frightened, and I…"

Placing a finger on her lips "it's alright Rukia, don't stress about it I understand. Next time just wake me before slipping in so I don't panic at an intruder and kick you to the floor again."

Grinning cheeky and ignoring the funny look Ichigo was giving her "My-my Mr Kurosaki are you inviting me to join you in bed again." She giggled.

Feeling heat race through his body what Rukia was insinuating. No, he wasn't going to let her win this one. "Maybe I am Miss Kuchiki" he grinned surprising her "It was the best sleep I have ever had" he smirked only for his to be dwarfed by hers.

"Yes and I dare say that was the best wake up you have ever had, well that was until you realized what you were holding." she smirked.

Embarrassment was written all over his features, "Rukia I'm sorry I didn't mean too, I just woke up" falling silent midway through his sentence as she placed her finger on his lips this time.

"Ichigo shut up, I could have moved your hand at any time, plus I trust you not to pull a fast one." She glared at him making sure she got the message.

"Rukia are you sure? He asked still a little uncertain although her glare was helping to convince him that he should just shut up.

Nodding her head softly "If it was anyone else baka I would have never got in the bed in the first place so stop feeling guilty."

"Guilty isn't what I'm feeling this instant, try scared shitless." He finished in a whisper.

"Nii-sama" whispered Rukia wide-eyed, feeling her brother's spiritual pressure arriving in the world of the living.

"We're late' both of them shouted at the same time

Springing up from the bed Rukia dashed to her closet leaving a half stunned Ichigo sitting up in bed staring at her spot her ass had disappeared, all she had worn was a his nice vibe shirt and a small pair of black panties. Tucking the image away for later, Ichigo stood up and opened his bedroom window as his Bankai cloak formed around his top half; the bottoms had remained thought out the night.

Looking at the time on the wall Ichigo grinned they still had 2 minutes to get to hat-and-clogs, "Ready baka?" Rukia asked standing beside in her Shinigami uniform ready to shunpo.

"We are taking the express" Ichigo grinned sweeping her off her feet and flash stepping out of his window with Rukia bridal style in his arms.

Stopping just short of Urahara's Ichigo winked at Rukia while she glared at him "What if Nii-sama had seen us baka, how would you have explained that without destroying half of Karakura in the process.

Rolling his eyes "Relax Rukia he is still underground talking to Urahara" he explained while double checking Byakuya Reiatsu was still underground with Kisuke.

"What type of gentleman doesn't drop the lady off at the door?" she teased.

Staying quiet for a second as they walked around into Urahara's, Yoruichi came into view just ahead of them. "Do you see now?" asked Ichigo whispering from the corner of his mouth to her.

Smiling to Yoruichi "Fair point baka" she shot back in a hushed tone, before starting a conversation with the cat woman as the three moved downstairs to meet her brother.

Landing on the dirt floor of Urahara's training ground, Ichigo instantly masked his spiritual pressure as he changed into Mungetsu, Rukia was probably going to kick his ass for this later but at the moment he didn't care, he was going to give Byakuya one hell of a surprise. Walking up to where Kisuke and Byakuya were talking Ichigo could have sworn Byakuya eyes widen a fraction before he returned to his normal poker-faced self.

"Nii-sama?" called out Rukia trying to get her brother's attention for the second time. As Byakuya stood there ignoring her, his eyes set on the stranger next to her.

Rising his hand to the hilt of Senbonzakura Byakuya ignored his Imouto again as he stood staring at the young man standing behind his sister. "Kurosaki" Byakuya nodded his head; the boy was the only one that Rukia trusted like this so it could only be him.

"Kuchiki Taichou" Ichigo replied cheeky as he nodded slightly return, causing Rukia to spin around and face him with a raised eyebrow at how he had addressed her brother so formally.

"I see this is what Rukia meant over the phone that you will look different when you come to the Soul Society, very well its best if we get moving in that case."

Grinning ear to ear at Ichigo's antics, Kisuke purposely stepped in front of Ichigo turning his green and white cloak inside out to show squad 5 Haori. "What do you think Kurosaki" He commented with a light laugh as he heard Ichigo groan.

"You got too be fucking kidding me" Ichigo spat as Yoruichi stepped between the two flashing Kisuke's lieutenants badge.

"For once I have to agree with your impolite language Kurosaki" Byakuya commented as the crazy scientist and his partner walked ahead into the Senkaimon.

Stepping inside the Senkaimon after Rukia, Ichigo took one last look at the world of the living before the portal closed up behind him.

"Run" screamed Yoruichi looking up to the cleaner only seconds away.

"No" growled Ichigo as he flash stepped to the center of Dangai right in front of the cleaners path, "I'm over running anymore" he growled as he stretched out his hand behind him before closing it over the black smoke katana that had formed in his hand. "Getsuga Tenshou" Ichigo screamed as he brought the sword forwards in an upwards arc firing off a red and black of arc of pure energy.

Rukia's eye's opened wide as the arc tore through the cleaner with no resistance. Smiling Kisuke turned to Yoruichi as he pointed to the small device in the air that belonged to the department of research and development. "Hopefully this will scare the old man and central 46 from doing anything rash when they meet this mysterious figure".

"Kisuke I'm not too sure about that" replied Yoruichi nervously as the device speed away.

Still smiling Kisuke tipped his hat a little "Mayuri knows not to show the old man until he decides to move on Ichigo.

"Show off" growled Rukia as Ichigo turned around smirking to them at his own power until he seen the grin on Kisuke face.

Carrying the blood and bruised body of Kisuke over her shoulder, Yoruichi waved to the others before disappearing in a burst of shunpo.

"They will never change will they" Rukia asked Ichigo from beside her brother.

"No they have been like that since they day they met". Byakuya commented with a light laugh, surprising both the teens as he turned and walked up to one on the Kuchiki House servants who had appeared as they entered the Kuchiki grounds from the portal.

"Lady Kuchiki, Sir." Lightly bowed a young girl in Ichigo's direction, "Please follow me and I'll show you where you will be staying Sir before I take lady Kuchiki to have her Kimono made."

Stooping in front of the room that was located right next to Rukia's, Ichigo shoot Rukia a questioning glance, only to get a slight shrug in return. "Lord Kuchiki said to give you this room as you will be acting security for Lady Kuchiki during your stay."

Feeling a light nudge in his side Ichigo flicked his eyes to the midget and back to the girl. "This should do fine, thank you."

"It's my pleasure sir, please let me know if you need anything else." She smiled to Ichigo with a slight batter of eyelashes that didn't go unnoticed by Rukia.

Turning her gaze back to Ichigo as he walked into the room, his long dark hair swaying behind him, tonight was going to be a long stressful night. She had heard plenty of gossip about Ichigo before so it wasn't unexpected, but now with his new status as the hero of the winter war and when he announces his death, he will make himself the most eligible bachelor in the Soul Society.

Looking around the impressive room, a large king's size bed stood in the middle of the room and the furniture was obviously that from a master craftsman, when he noticed a door that led towards Rukia's room. "If this was my old man's place I would understand but your brother… Nah no matter what my old man did your brother never would do it." Ichigo commented as he pointed at the door way.

"If it was Isshin, there would only be one room in some small cabin in the woods" Rukia chuckled. "This used too be a guest room for a family staying with young children, this side doesn't lock."

So why do you have the bedroom next door then?" he asked unsure as to why he suddenly wanted to know if she kept her door locked.

"I like this side of the garden better, Byakuya offered it to me when he found me habitually sitting on the porch between the two rooms looking into the Koi pond. Plus its quitter around this side of the mansion and it's away from some of the elders that stay here time to time."

"You really hate the elders don't you?" Ichigo questioned as he sat on the edge of his bed.

"That's not even the start of it, and something tells me that we will have to deal with them sooner than later." She sighed as someone knocked on the bedroom door. "Coming" she called out.

"Sorry to interrupt you lady Rukia but your Kimono is ready for you to try on" grinned the girl from before standing in the door way. "Oh no sir you can't come, Lord Kuchiki said only for Miss Rukia to see." the girl smiled sweetly to Ichigo as he rose from the bed.

"Katie, I have told you before when it's just us call me Rukia." exhaled Rukia trying not to frown at the girl.

"But your security Rukia I wasn't sure." Replied the girl as she rolled her eyes.

Turning her head to look back at Ichigo Rukia giggled a little, "It's alright I dare say he is just as confused as you now."

"I'm not, just curious" Ichigo called out.

"Sure Berry, I won't be long" Rukia called out over her shoulder as she stepped out of the room pulling the door shut behind her. "He is a friend of mine, so don't worry about him."

Tying her silver hair back behind her Katie smiled up to Rukia "That's Ichigo isn't it?" she asked innocently.

Softly nodding her head, she wasn't going to lie to the person that was the closest thing to family inside the mansion; Katie had always been like a sister to her when she was at the mansion. "How did you know? It's a secret nobody is meant to find out." Rukia asked looking around to make sure they were alone.

"Rukia you make me laugh" Katie chuckled, "Only he can make you smile like that, don't worry though your secret is safe with me."

Another Chapter completed, and we are nearly at the ball.