A/N: this is my first story and I am open to suggestions and I'm not a brony I just wrote this for fun.

The knight of the wind and The mage of the ponies.


The Blue Blur was doing his usual run around Station Square when a yellow two tailed fox flew right by him. "Hey tails what's up." The Blue Blur said. "Hey Sonic and nothing really just doing some research on King Arthur." Tails replied. Sonic's heart jumped at the reply, he forgot to tell Tails all about that adventure, (I'm not saying the game was bad or good to those who got the reference) he only told Amy so he wouldn't get the hammer (which happened anyway). "Uh why are you doin that bud" Sonic said in a worried tone. Tails (not noticing Sonic's worried tone) replied "Because geologists found a hidden kingdom near the Ancient Ruins, oh that reminds me" Tails brought out a letter. "It's from Spangonia University, Professor Pickle asked you meet him there at his office". Sonic read the letter.

Dear Sonic,

Amy told me all about your adventure with Lancelot and the others from king Arthur's time. I thought you both were crazy until I stumbled upon a talking sword known as Caliburn and it that it knew you. So we talked over some pickled sandwiches and it mentioned Merlina the royal wizard would like to see you. That and Chip somehow figured out how to wake up using the Gaia Temples and Dark Gaia's sleeping head and is here waiting for you.

Sincerely, Professor Pickle

"Sweet Chip's back" Sonic yelled in excitement. "Chip's back but how" tails asked. "let's just say he got bored and decided to go bowling."


A lavender pony with sparkles on her flank and a purple mane and tail with lavender highlights was in her studies as usual when she heard a knock on the door of her tree house. "Come in" she yelled calmly. It was a cyan Pegasus with a rainbow mane and a cloud with a rainbow lightning bolt on her flank who walked in and yelled "Hey Twilight come on we gotta go, your brother and sister-in-law and everypony else is waiting for us at Fluttershy's for the picnic." "oh shoot how could I forget it Rainbow dash" Twilight answered. "maybe you were reading again." Rainbow Dash replied.

A few minutes later.

"Twily" a white pony with a blue mane and tail and light blue highlights with a shield on his flank ran up to Twilight and gave her a hug. "Hey Twilight". A bright pink Unicorn/Pegasus (AKA Alicorn) with a crystal heart on her flank with purple highlights in her mane. "Hi Shining Armor and Princess Cadence" Twilight replied. "Well howdy Twi glad you could make it." Said an orange pony with a blond mane and a cowgirl hat with three apples on her flank. "I'm glad I could make it to Applejack". "So nice of you to join us today twilight." said a white unicorn with a pure purple mane and three gemstones on her flank. "it's so nice to see you to Rarity". "It's good to see you well and all but where is Spike". Asked a yellow Pegasus with a pink mane and three butterflies on her flank. Spike was a baby purple dragon with green spikes and claws. "Don't worry Fluttershy Spike is running some errands for me he said he'd be here soon." Twilight responded. "Great so now that mostly everybody is here can we get the party started." Yelled a pink pony with a hot pink mane and party balloons on here flank as she brought out a cannon that shot confetti. "As soon as Spike gets here we can Pinkie pie". Twilight replied.



(Sonic Unleashed: Endless possibilities)

"Alright well see you there Tails". Sonic said as hey blurred out the door. "Hey no fair". Tails yelled as he got in his plane and flew off. The dou went by the areas of all there adventures, first Station Square, then Green hill, then Splash zone, and what was left of the Ancient Ruins.(I couldn't fit the rest it would take too much time, but as you finish the music you can imagine the rest of the locations are there because I can't). The dou finally reached Spangonia U. and went to Pro. Pickles' office. "Hey everyone sorry we're late decided to do some sightseeing before we got here." Sonic said as he and tails entered the room. "Ah Sonic Glad you could make it." Pro. Pickle said with a happy smile.

In the room they see Caliburn, Chip, Pro. Pickle, and Merlina. "hello again sir Sonic" Merlina And Caliburn said in unison. "Hey Sonic, long time no see, you want some chocolate, and don't worry Dark Gaia is Still Asleep and you won't turn into a werhog again." Chip said glad to see Sonic. Merlina started to speak. "Sir Sonic we have a problem." "fire away Merlina I'm Listening." "Well according to Caliburn the Being known as Doctor Eggman will create a machine and make himself at home on a different world in order to destroy you and your world. Caliburn was founded by him and he took him to a place known as "the Ark" When Eggman saw no use for Caliburn he gave to Pro. Pickle and left this note." She handed Sonic the note and he read it out loud.

Dear Sonic,

If you don't want me to destroy another world then try and stop me. I will be in the Ark waiting for you.

P.S.: You have until quarter past three. Think you can stop me.


Doctor Eggman

With that Sonic looked at the time, it was 12:15, right when he grabbed Caliburn and ran out the door Shadow appeared out of no were and said. "I coming to if it's to stop Dr. Eggman." Sonic knew he heard the whole thing and nodded in aggrement. Chip decided to tag along .Tails, Pro. Pickle and Merlina satyed behind so they can learn or catch up with each other.

Sonic noticed that shadow had all seven Chaos Emeralds with him so they could teleport to the Ark. While looking for Eggman they found other swords that Sonic had encountered. Shadow looked at Lancelot's sword and asked if he could use it. Sonic nodded took the other swords and they went on to fight Baldy Mc. Nosehair. When they finally reached where Eggman was they felt the ground shaking when the Egg-Dragon mk II came out of the ground. "EGGMAN" Sonic and Shadow yelled I unison. "Oh oh oh I've waited a long time for this." Eggman yelled back at them. "but you're too late and I wasn't sending me." Just then a glass dome fell on both Sonic and Shadow. "I was going to send you two". "what but you said" Sonic was Interrupted by Eggman. "I lied. So long friend and I'm sending Metal over there to play with you now farewell."


"Hey what's with those flashing lights." Rarity asked when Pinkie yelled. "Twitchy tail". Then Applejack yelled. "Hit the dirt". And Metal Sonic came crashing through the sky holding both Sonic and Shadow by the throat. As soon as they hit the ground Sonic and Shadow were knocked unconscious. Metal turned to the ponies Shining Armor saw what it did and charged at Metal and was just swatted away but Metal knocked unconscious. Cadence charged next, then AJ and RD charged but shot away before any damage could be down, the Rarity threw some rocks which just came flying back knocking her out, Pinkie shot her cannon, which she just learned it was still filled with confetti, was shot back by a stun ray, Fluttershy just fainted, Spike came only to be shot by a stun ray, all that was left was Twilight and after she saw all what Metal did she was scared to the point she couldn't move. Metal just walked up to her. Twilight thought it was the end and said. "I thought it wouldn't like this". Just then a sword stabbed Metal in the head and sparks went everywhere.

As Metal went down he revealed a blue biped with Emerald green eyes, blue spikes, white gloves, and red, white, and gold shoes. She didn't know why but she just stared at him. Sonic looked at her and just stared back at her lavender eyes. Sonic finally broke the silence as pulled his sword out of Metal and walked to the unicorn. "Hey are you alright". "Yes just fine thanks to you and you are." She asked him. Sonic replies doing one of his poses. "I'm Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog, and you are".