I owe a thanks to 'Furycutter' and 'harem lord' for suggesting I divide the story into sections, 'Harem Lover 26' 'The Keeper of Worlds' for answering some questions and a big thanks to 'D-nasty' and 'Pure heart of light' for all their help, if you ever need anything in return (Within reason, EG: I won't murder anyone or give you my Cyber Jars) I'm there for ya, my amigos.
From 6000 words to 9000 in one day (what!? 9000, couldn't resist) in one day, so I should be finished within 3 days, or less. :D
I got the Haunter hand idea from Episode 95: A Shipful of Shivers, I figured if a Haunter can use Meowth as a puppet, well read the rest and see.
-Age of characters-
Ash Ketchum: Age 17
Misty: Age 16
Erika: Age 21
Sabrina: Age 26
Standing behind the counter of his game shop was Solomon Muto, who was waiting patiently for his grandson, Yugi Muto, who had promised he would visit him, not only because he had been a little lonely ever since Yugi moved out but also had ordered a certain Card Yugi wanted.
It was then the door opened, revealing non other than the King of Games, who had a big smile on his face, in which Solomon walked around the counter and told his grandson, as he embraced him in a hug. "Yugi, it's so good to see you again."
"I've missed you too, grandpa." Yugi happily replied, as he hugged Solomon back, before the King of Games broke from the hug and asked curiously. "Has that Card I ordered arrived yet?"
"It arrived just this morning." Solomon replied.
Solomon then moved back behind the counter, bent down and when he stood back up, he was holding the Duel Monsters Card Yugi had asked for, which made the King of Games smile wider.
"Thank you, grandpa." Yugi said in a cheerful tone, as Solomon handed the Card over to his grandson.
"You're very welcome." Solomon replied with the same amount of cheerfulness in his voice, before he asked. "Just out of curiosity, Yugi. What do you plan to do with that Card?"
"I'm going to use it to help a 'friend'." Yugi replied, with a small amount of slyness within his voice.
-In another section of Domino City, sometime later-
Within Yugi's apartment, we see Tea, Rebecca and Serenity locked in a passionate three-way kiss, as the blond Duelist and Joey's sister massaged their Mistresses' breasts, while Ishizu and Vivian were engaged in their own deep kiss, as their hands roamed around the other's body.
Though as much as they were all enjoying the pleasure of one another, they all hoped their Master would come home soon, as the pleasure he would give them would leave them in a state of bliss and content.
And they didn't have to wait any longer, as Yugi opened the front door, which ceased all five of Yugi's love slaves to stop, before Tea made her way over to her Master, wrapped her arms lovingly around his neck and kissed in passionately on the lips.
"Welcome home, Master." Tea said happily, when the pair broke from the kiss, before the brunette asked curiously. "Were you able to acquire the Card you wanted?"
"You bet." Yugi replied, as he displayed the Card, before the King of Games asked. "Is everything ready?"
"It is, my pharaoh." Ishizu replied lovingly, before she and Rebecca left the room, only to return moments later with Ishizu holding the Hypno Zapper and red disc, while Rebecca had two scrolls, each tied up with a dark purple coloured ribbon in her possession.
"Very good." Yugi replied, before he activated his Duel Disc and announced in a strong voice, as the King of Games placed the Card Solomon had given him into his first Magic/Trap Card slot. "I active the Magic Card: Different Dimension Capsule!"
It was then a large Yale blue coloured sarcophagus appeared before Yugi and opened, in which Rebecca and Ishizu placed the Hypno Zapper, two scrolls and the red disc inside, before the capsule closed and disappeared flash light, leaving Yugi's reality and entering a new one, destined to find a new hero.
-Meanwhile, in Pallet town-
Just outside the small town in a familiar forested area was a black haired boy and his loyal yellow electric mouse on his lap, better known as Ash Ketchum and Pikachu, who decided to take a break from becoming a Pokémon Master and had returned to visit his mother, Delia Ketchum, and to relax.
Ash smiled as he looked down at Pikachu, who was resting on his lap, as it had been six years ever since the teen had left home to start his journey as a Pokémon Trainer and remembered how things didn't start as he had anticipated.
Ash remembered how Pikachu didn't like him at first and would constantly shock him if he got too close to the mouse Pokémon, but after Ash and Pikachu teamed up to defeat the Spearow horde, the two became best friends and formed a bond that could never be broken.
It was then Ash looked down and smiled at his Pikachu, as he remembered the countless adventures, battles and Pokémon he and Pikachu had faced in order to get where they currently were, over sixty different Pokémon captured, fifty-one Badges obtained and victories against Trainers, Gym Leaders and Champions.
However, it was then Ash let out a small sigh, which caused Pikachu to look up at him, with a concerned look on his face, before the yellow mouse Pokémon asked. "Pika pi pi?"
Even though Ash couldn't speak the language of Pokémon, he knew what Pikachu was saying, in which the Pokémon Trainer told Pikachu in a reassuring tone. "Don't worry, Pikachu. It's nothing."
However, Ash was lying, in his mind he was thinking about the three special women that traveled with him throughout the regions from the time he was ten years old. When time he first became a Pokémon Trainer and traveled from Kanto to Johto he meet a young girl named Misty, Gym Leader of the Cerulean City.
Most of the time she and ash tended to fight about many things, epically when Misty would argue about her ruined bike, but that ended when they went to the Johto region, but during the time she came close to Ash but stubbornly denied her feelings, but most times she was happy to be around him as much as he was around her.
Then, during the adventures he had in the Hoenn Region, he met May, just like Misty, she was a little pain at the first when she and Ash started out, but during their journey from Hoenn to Kanto, they became great friends.
Lastly, in the Sinnoh Region where Ash met Dawn, those two were like something that many thought would play out like it had toward Misty, but many times the duo got closer and closer and how they looked after one another and always worked as a team.
To Ash it was really hard to figure who was meant for him, if only he knew.
One thing that feared him the most was losing his friends, because that meant more to him than anything else.
After the flashbacks ended a flash of light shone before Ash and Pikachu, in which the pair had to shield their eyes until the light died down, and when it did they were both surprised at what had appeared.
A large blue coloured sarcophagus now before Ash's feet, in which the confused Pokémon Trainer got up, while Pikachu climbed onto his right shoulder and cautiously made their way over to the mysterious sarcophagus, just in case it was another one of Team Rocket's attempts to capture Pikachu or a rare Cofagrigus that planned to trap them inside itself.
After Ash was standing right before the mysterious sarcophagus, the black haired teen carefully pushed the lid forward and was left speechless and confused as to what lay within, two scrolls, a clear casing which contained a red disc which had 'To Yusei Fudo' written on it, as well as 'Or any other hero' beneath, and what looked like a toy ray gun.
As curiosity got the better of them, Ash reached inside the sarcophagus and picked up the two scrolls in his right hand, while he picked up the strange blaster with his right, as Pikachu climbed down his arm and picked up the disc with his mouth, before exiting the sarcophagus and landing beside Ash.
It was then the sarcophagus broke a part and faded into nothingness, adding to Ash and Pikachu's confusion, but then Pikachu removed the disc from his mouth, before the electric Pokémon looked up at the scrolls in Ash's hand and said. "Pika pika."
Getting the idea, Ash placed the unusual gun on the ground and one of the scrolls next to the red disc, before the black haired teen undid the ribbon, opened up the scroll and began to read the message out loud for him and Pikachu to hear.
Which said: To whoever receives this.
If you are reading this letter that means you are the hero or heroes of your world and are meant to receive this gift. This is a hypnosis gun, also known as the Al Bhed Hypno Zapper and was made to give those of pure hearts a better life, it made my life much better and I hope it does the same for you.
Signed 'A friend.'
I know all this seems quite confusing and believe me, I was confused about this thing myself, when the Hypno Zapper landed in my world. I wasn't sure if this was some kind of joke or something, but what our 'friend' says is true. The Hypno Zapper was meant for people like us, heroes who have saved our world from great evils and deserve a great reward. Hope you have as much fun with this gift as I did.
–Davis Motomiya.
First, I'd like to say if you're reading this that means the Gate Of Destiny worked and you are meant to have this. Second, What the others are saying is true. The 'Hypno Zapper' was made for those who have shown they are heroes by saving their World from evil forces. I didn't understand any of this at first and most likely you're unsure about all this too, but it will make more sense to you sooner or later and I'm sure you'll enjoy what the 'Hypno Zapper' will do for you.
–Takato Matsuki.
"Pikachu pika." Pikachu called out, in which Ash noticed there was more writing on the back, in which the Pokémon Trainer thanked Pikachu, as he turned the scroll around, so he could read the final messages.
I'm going to keep this as short as possible. The name's Marcus Damon and every message you've read is true. Everyone who had the Hypno Zapper before me did use its power to make their lives better, as I used it to my make life and Agumon's, my Digimon partner, life better. It really does have the power to hypnotize people and so much more. With the Hypno Zapper, Agumon and I were both able to win the hearts of the girls of our dreams and so much more. We both have girls that we love and who love us back, it truly made both our lives better and I know it will do the same for you and those you love, hero.
Like the heroes before me, my life too was improved by the power of the Hypno Zapper, just as I know it will improve yours. There was a time in my life when I was just a Duelist and an engineer who lived in the Satellite, a place where people were looked down upon, just because we had nothing, but whatever we could find. However, one night I managed to escape to New Domino City and after a few 'incidents', I learnt that I was destined to become one of several Signers, guardians of my world, who would act as a team to protect my world from the evil forces that wished to destroy it. And some time after I stopped an apocalyptic future from happening I received not only a new home for my heroics, but I was also given the Hypno Zapper from an 'old friend' and with it's power I was given a new and better life, one that I never dreamed of and your life will hopefully go the same way.
–Yusei Fudo.
You may think that what you've read is unbelievable, but where I come from, I've saved two galaxies from alien warriors, heavily armed robotic troopers and maniacal super villains, so anything is possible. And if you're reading this that means the Hypno Zapper has chosen you to have a change in their life, because you're a hero in someway or another. One last thing, my pal Clank translated each function on the Hypno Zapper and placed it on the disc, so you're gonna need a Holovid or other device compatible with the disc, otherwise you'll have to learn about the Hypno Zapper's functions the hard way.
–Good luck, Ratchet.
And finally, the last message, which said:
Hypno Zapper worked for previous heroes, just as it did me in my world and will do for you.
–Crash Bandicoot.
After Ash was finished reading, the black haired teen retied the scroll, before he picked up the second one, curious as to what was written on it, however there was only one message, but still, that message had a great influence on Ash.
Whoever you are don't doubt yourself or your abilities. If you got the Hypno Zapper that means you are a definite hero and were meant for greatness in your universe.
–Yugi Muto.
Ash then wondered if all this was possible as he stood up, placed the red disc and scrolls in his backpack, as Pokémon Trainer held onto the Hypno Zapper and headed on back home.
'Multiple universes, heroes and a device with the power to hypnotize anybody? I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't experienced the power of hypnosis firsthand.' Ash thought to himself, as he remembered Misty being hypnotized into believing she was a Seel, Pikachu and countless Pokémon brainwashed by Cassidy and Butch's Drowzee and its psychic amplifying machine and even the time Melvin's Exeggcute placed him under the magician's control.
But Ash's thoughts were interrupted when Pikachu called out warningly. "Pikachu!"
Ash then stopped and took his eyes away from the Hypno Zapper to see if he had taken another few steps, he and Pikachu would be swimming with Magikarp, because if Pikachu wasn't there Ash would've walked right off the edge off a cliff and fallen into the deep blue abyss below.
"Thanks Pikachu." Ash said to his favourite Pokémon, thankful Pikachu was with him and had saved him from injuring himself or worse.
"Pikachu." Pikachu happily replied, in which Ash understood that the yellow mouse Pokémon was saying 'no problem', before Pikachu looked down at the cliff and asked. "Pika?"
Ash then looked down to see what Pikachu was looking at, and it seemed like Déjà vu, as he could see Misty down on the shore fishing for new and/or strong water type Pokémon she could add to her party and train.
"Hey Misty!" Ash called out, in which Misty reeled in her rod and looked up to see the black haired teen and his Pikachu carefully making their way down the hillside, until they reached the bottom.
"Ash!" Misty called out in reply, happy to see her old friend after so long, in which the Pokémon water user made her way over to Ash and hugged him, surprised by the feeling of his well-developed chest, thanks to the tireless hours Ash would spend training, not only his Pokémon, but himself to keep his body in good shape.
It was after the pair broke from the hug, that Misty noticed the strange looking toy gun Ash was holding, which caused the orange haired girl to ask. "Hey Ash, what's that thing?" "It's a long story." Ash replied, before the Pokémon Trainer told Misty how he and Pikachu had found the items that were contained within his backpack, along with the device, known as the 'Hypno Zapper', from a mysterious sarcophagus that had appeared out of nowhere, but upon haring Ash's explanation only made Misty laugh, before she stated. "Oh, Ash, be serious. There's no such thing as a ray gun that can hypnotize you."
"But I'm telling the truth." Ash told, in which Pikachu agreed. "Pika pikachu pi."
"Alright then Ash. Let's make a bet." Misty replied slyly.
"What kind of bet?" Ash asked curiously.
"If you can prove to me that the Hypno Zapper isn't a fluke I'll dye my hair purple." Misty told Ash, as she hated the thought of her hair being changed colour, but was confident she would win the bet.
"And if I lose?" Ash asked in a somewhat worried tone as to what Misty had in store for him.
"When you lose, you have to do anything I tell you to do for one hour." Misty replied, as various ideas of humiliating Ash came to mind, such as making him dress up as 'Ashley', his disguise he used to get into the Celedon Gym to face Erika or give a wild poison type Pokémon, such as Muk or Garbodor, a hug, which would cause nausea, due to the foul smells and disgusting dripping fluids those Pokémon emitted.
But not one to back away from a challenge, Ash told Misty in a determined tone. "You're on, Misty."
Ash then turned his attention to the Hypno Zapper, and as the black haired teen began to turn the dials on the Hypno Zapper, which displayed unknown letters and symbols that he couldn't understand, caused him to think in a frustrated tone. 'I seriously wish this thing was in a language I could understand.'
But after several more turns, Ash readied the Hypno Zapper right at Misty, unsure what would happen, as he had set the mode to an image of a blank eyed person, but then Ash pulled the trigger, which sent a multi-coloured wave right at Misty and no matter what she did, she couldn't look away and once the wave hit her, Misty's eyes went blank along with her expression.
Surprised by this result, Ash waved his hand in front of Misty's face and asked, just to see if she was just humouring him. "Misty, can you hear me?"
"Yes... I hear you, Master..." Misty replied in a distant tone, which made Ash smile, as not only had he won the bet but Misty was now under his complete control, but now he had to prove it just in case Misty would have no memory of being hypnotized, and Ash had the perfect idea.
While most people would take advantage of someone who would mindlessly obey them and humiliate him or herself if asked, Ash wasn't like that and instead decided to use his power of control to help Misty with her biggest fear, bug type Pokémon.
"Misty, all your fear of bug Pokémon no longer exists, but that doesn't mean you are fearless against them. So if for example a swarm of Durant were coming right at you and you had no Pokémon to protect yourself, naturally you'd run." Ash told Misty, before he asked. "But if a bug Pokémon only wanted to befriend you, you wouldn't freak out in the slightest. Understand?"
"I understand..." Misty replied in a trance-like tone.
'Alright then, let's put it to a test.' Ash thought to himself, before he whispered his idea to Pikachu, who nodded in agreement. "Misty, when I say the word 'Venichu', you will think Pikachu is a Venipede. But when I say 'Pikapede' you will see Pikachu as he truly is." Ash said, as he placed the commands within Misty's mind, before he said the trigger word. "Venichu."
Upon hearing the word, Pikachu began to nuzzle his head against Misty's left leg as she perceived Pikachu as a wild Venipede, which would normally freak her out, but it seemed the Hypno Zapper's power had worked, as the water Pokémon user began to pat 'Venipede' on the head and showed no signs of panic or fear.
"Pikapede." Ash said, before Ash told Misty. "Alright, that's enough."
Misty then stopped patting Pikachu and stood at attention, awaiting further orders from her Master, which made Ash worry as when he said it was enough, the Pokémon Trainer was actually referring to Misty's time under hypnosis.
"Misty, wake up." Ash said, but when Misty remained in her motionless state, Ash placed his left hand in front of Misty's face and began to snap his fingers and demanded in a worried tone. "C'mon, snap out of it!"
As desperately as Ash tried to wake Misty from her trance, the black haired teen had no such luck, until he realize the way to free Misty from his control was in his hand.
Ash then aimed the Hypno Zapper at Misty, pulled the trigger, which sent a multi-coloured wave right at Misty, but nothing happened, which really made the Pokémon Trainer worry that Misty might remain in a catatonic state forever, until he remembered that the Hypno Zapper had dials on it, which meant it had other functions, and hopefully one to give Misty her ability to think for herself back.
Turning the dials on the Hypno Zapper, displayed the same language Ash had never seen before, but eventually the black haired teen stopped cycling through the modes and aimed the Hypno Zapper at Misty, pulled the trigger and fired a third wave of multi-coloured energy at the entranced orange haired girl, however Ash was unaware that he had set the Hypno Zapper to 'The Breast Enhancement Mode', which caused Misty's breasts to become larger and more sensitive.
And after the energy wave wore off, Ash blushed as Misty's breasts had gone from a C-cup to a H-cup size, in which Ash nervously stated. "Err... Misty, your breasts were always that big."
"My breasts... Always this big..." Misty replied in a monotone voice.
Taking his attention away from Misty's breasts, which wasn't easy, Ash began to turn the dials on the Hypno Zapper again, before the Pokémon Trainer pulled the trigger and fired yet another wave of multi-coloured energy at Misty which made Misty's swirl and 'change colours' for a moment before they returned to normal.
"Misty, are you alright?" Ash asked in a concerned tone.
"I've never felt better. Thank you for curing me of my fear of bug Pokémon." Misty happily replied, before she surprised Ash when the water Pokémon user wrapped her arms around his neck and told him lovingly. "I'm so happy that I have such a wonderful Master like you."
And Ash's surprise was heightened further when Misty kissed him deeply on the lips, in which Ash dropped the Hypno Zapper, as the Pokémon Trainer was left stunned by Misty's words and actions, as the Hypno Zapper had been set to 'The Complete Love Slave Program', turning Misty into Ash's loving slave girl.
It was then Misty broke from the kiss, leaving Ash and Pikachu speechless and staggered, which left the Cerulean Gym Leader to pick up the Hypno Zapper, cycle through the hypno Zapper's functions, till she came across the familiar image of a blank eyed person, in which Misty then aimed the Hypno Zapper at Ash, pulled the trigger, which sent a multi-coloured wave right at the teen, causing his eyes to glaze over and fall into the same trance Misty had fallen into beforehand.
"Pikachu!" Pikachu called out in a concerned tone, in which Misty smiled slyly and told Ash's favourite Pokémon, with the same amount of slyness in her voice. "Don't worry, Pikachu. Ash is fine. And you will be too."
However, before the mouse Pokémon could react, Misty aimed the Hypno Zapper at Pikachu and fired another wave of multi-coloured energy at the electric type Pokémon, which caused Pikachu's ears to droop, his eyes to droop too and turn blank.
"Pikachu, I command you to scout the area and keep away any human or Pokémon from bothering me and my Master." Misty told Pikachu in a commanding tone, as she put down the Hypno Zapper.
"Pika... Pika..." Pikachu replied in a loyal and droning tone, as the yellow mouse Pokémon did as he was ordered and began to search around, leaving the still manipulated Ash and Misty alone.
Misty then turned her attention back to Ash, wrapped her arms around Ash's neck and told him lovingly. "Ash, when I kiss you, I shall forever be your slave and you shall forever be my lover and my Master."
Misty then passionately kissed Ash on the lips, in which Ash's eyes slowly returned to normal, before the teen closed his eyes and kissed Misty back with the same amount of passion, as the duo began to taste each other's tongues and sample the other's saliva.
It was then the pair broke from the kiss and looked into each other's eyes, while Misty could see pure love for her in her Master's eyes, Ash too could see pure love in Misty's eyes, as well as Playful and seductive smile on her face.
Misty then took moved away from Ash; before the Cerulean Gym Leader took off her shoes, followed by her yellow top, showing she was wearing a white coloured bra and a matching pair of white panties as she took off her teal shorts.
"Care to join me, Master?" Misty asked in an alluring tone, as she slowly made her way into the water, in which she then took off her bra and panties, leaving the water Pokémon user completely naked under the water.
"Don't mind if I do." Ash replied slyly, before the Pokémon Trainer removed all but his boxers and got into the water beside Misty.
It was then Ash wrapped his arms around Misty's waist, before he engaged her in another passionate kiss, while Misty's hands roamed down Ash's chest, under the water, to his boxers and removed them, leaving both of them naked.
And shortly after, the forest was filled with the sounds of moans, groans and cries of pleasure from the two Pokémon Trainers.
-Some time later-
Where we last left our two lovers, we see that Ash was relaxing against the wall of the riverbed, while Misty was resting her head on Ash's shoulder left.
"Oh, Master. That was amazing." Misty told Ash in a warm and loving tone, as the Cerulean Gym Leader gently traced her left hand up and down Ash's chest.
"Don't sell yourself short, Misty. It was just as amazing as it was for me." Ash replied, as he never expected to lose his virginity with a hottie in a riverbed.
"Thank you, Master." Misty replied, before she kissed Ash deeply on the lips, which he gladly returned.
It was after the pair broke for air, Misty stepped out of the water, revealing her naked body to Ash, before she reached into her backpack and pulled out a towel, as the orange haired girl was expecting to go for a swim, but Misty never expected the result with Ash to occur, not that she was complaining, in which Misty then said, as she dried herself off. "Master, I just had an idea. Why not use the Hypno Zapper to help the women out there see the joy and pleasure of serving you?"
"That's a great idea, Misty." Ash stated happily, before he commented. "No, Mistress Misty. Seems appropriate since you will be second in command in my harem."
'Mistress Misty?' Misty thought to herself, before the water Pokémon user went on, as she got redressed. 'Oh, I like the sound of that.'
"Pikachu!" Ash called out, as he stepped out of the water, before Misty handed the teen her towel.
However, Ash got a little worried when Pikachu didn't come back after waiting several minutes, but his worry was turned to reassurance when Misty placed her hand on his left shoulder and smiled at him.
"Allow me, Master." Misty said in a warm and reassuring tone, before she commanded. "Pikachu return."
Moments later Pikachu returned, eyes and ears still drooped, as the electric mouse remained under Misty's control.
Pikachu pick up the Hypno Zapper and give it to Ash. Misty ordered.
"Pikachu..." Pikachu replied obediently, before Ash's very first Pokémon picked the Hypno Zapper up with his tiny 'hands', walked over to Ash and presented the Hypno Zapper to him, which the Pokémon Trainer gladly took.
It was then Ash picked up the Hypno Zapper, began to turn the dials, until a sly smile came across the black haired teen's face as he had come across 'The Master Maker Program', in which Ash then aimed the Hypno Zapper at Pikachu, pulled the trigger and fired a multi-coloured wave of energy at the mouse Pokémon, which caused Pikachu's eyes to swirl and 'change colours' before they returned to normal.
Ash then asked slyly. "Hey, Pikachu, how do you feel on helping me gather other beautiful women for my harem?"
"Pika!" Pikachu replied enthusiastically.
"Don't forget about me, Master." Misty stated happily, before the Cerulean Gym Leader told her Master, as she pulled a Poké Ball out of her backpack. "I can help too."
"Go, Golduck!" Misty exclaimed, as the orange haired girl threw the Poké Ball and out emerged the aforementioned Pokémon, who stood proudly before his Trainer.
"Cool, Misty. When did you catch a Golduck?" Ash asked in a curious tone.
"Ever since this knucklehead accidently captured himself." Misty joked in reply, which made Golduck scratch the back of his head in embarrassment.
"You mean that's Psyduck?" Ash questioned in bewilderment, as the teen couldn't believe that was the same dim-witted Pokémon he had known in Kanto.
"Yep. After a lot of training, Psyduck managed to Evolve into Golduck, which heightened his strength, speed and intellect." Misty said proudly, before the water Pokémon Trainer turned her attention to Golduck and told duck Pokémon slyly. "Golduck, we've got some work to do."
"Golduck gol." Golduck replied loyally.
-Back at Pallet Town-
Within the Ketchum household Delia and Mimey were both waiting for Ash and Pikachu to return, as they had both promised they would be home for lunch, though Delia was worried a little as her son and his Pokémon were supposed to be back two hours ago.
However, her worries faded when she and Mimey heard the front door open, in which Delia stated in a scolding tone, as she and Mimey exited the kitchen. "Ash, you better have a very good reason as to why you're late."
But Delia and Mimey were happy and a little confused to see that Misty and her Golduck had entered her home, in which Misty then told Delia apologetically. "It was my fault. I ran into Ash earlier, we got talking and lost track of time. I'm sorry, Miss. Ketchum."
"That's alright, Misty. And please, call me Delia." Delia replied happily, before she asked. "So where is Ash?"
"He went to visit Professor Oak to get some of his Pokémon, as we're planning on going on another adventure together." Misty replied.
"Just make sure he doesn't get into too much trouble." Delia told Misty in a joking tone, which made them laugh a little.
"I won't. But one last ting." Misty said, before the water Pokémon user suddenly commanded. "Golduck, use Hypnosis!"
Golduck then began to say his name over and over again, which caused Delia and Mimey's eyes to glow light blue for a moment, become their eyes glazed over, placing Ash's mother and her Pokémon in a trance and leaving their minds open to suggestion.
"Ok, Golduck. That's enough." Misty said, in which Golduck ceased his actions, before Misty turned her attention back to the entranced Delia and Mimey and asked. "Can you both hear me?"
It was then Delia and Mimey both nodded their heads, showing they were completely under Misty's control, before Misty said. "Delia and Mimey, you now know that my adventure with Ash is actually an objective where we plan to add the beautiful women Ash has encountered to his harem, which I am Mistress of. But neither of you will think what we are doing is weird, because I love Ash and he loves me, and what we are doing is actually a good thing, as we are giving these girls a wonderful life with a wonderful Master. And Delia, you believe Ash deserves this because of all the good he has done and are proud of him, no matter what. Understand?"
"I understand..." Delia replied in a distant tone, in which Mimey replied at the same time, with the same tone. "Mime..."
Misty smiled slyly, as she could see the mental commands had been set, in which the orange haired girl then said. "Delia, Mimey when I slam the door, you will snap out of this trance and you will remember everything I just told you about our 'adventure'. Nod if you understand." Delia and Mimey then nodded their heads in response.
"See you later, Delia." Misty said, as she returned Golduck to his Poké Ball, left the Ketchum residence, slamming the door as she did so, causing Delia and Mimey to wake from their trances, in which Delia smiled and thought to herself. 'Ash you're just like your father. He was quite the ladies' man too.'
Standing behind his lab, as he watched all the various Pokémon Trainers had sent to him to look after was non other than Professor Oak who was then interrupted when he heard the familiar voice of Ash Ketchum call out. "Hey, Professor!"
"Ash, it's good to see you." Professor Oak said happily, as he turned around to greet one of his favourite Pokémon Trainers, before he added happily. "And you too, Pikachu"
"It's good to see you too, Professor." Ash replied.
"Pika." Pikachu said, happy to be acknowledged.
"So, what brings you here, my boy?" Professor Oak asked in a curious tone.
"I was hoping I could get Heracross and Staraptor." Ash replied, which caused Professor Oak to ask curiously. "Planning another adventure?"
"You could say that." Ash replied, in which the Professor nodded his head and left momentarily to gather the Pokémon Ash wanted, only to return minutes later with two Poké Balls.
"Here you go, Ash." Professor Oak said, as he handed the Poké Balls to Ash, in which the black haired teen happily replied. "Thank you."
-With Misty-
Just outside of Pallet Town, waiting for her Master was Misty, who didn't have to wait long as she could see Ash and Pikachu walking toward her. "Master!" Misty exclaimed happily, before the Cerulean Gym Leader made her way over to Ash and kissed him on his right cheek.
"Were you able to get the Pokémon you need?" Misty asked curiously, in which Ash pulled out two Poké Balls from his backpack and replied. "You know it."
"Come out, guys!" Ash then called out, as he threw two Poké Balls into the air, which caused Ash's Heracross and Staraptor to emerge from the Poké Balls, before the bug and bird Pokémon shot from the air, tackled Ash to the ground and hugged him, as both Pokémon had missed seeing their Trainer and were ecstatic to see him again after so long.
"I missed you both too." Ash said as he began to laugh happily, before the Pokémon Trainer managed to say. "But c'mon, guys, get off me."
Doing as their Trainer had instructed Heracross and Staraptor got off Ash, in which the blue bug Pokémon helped him back up, before the teen asked the two Pokémon. "How would you two like to accompany me, Pikachu and Misty on another adventure?"
"Hera hera!" The fighting bug Pokémon replied enthusiastically.
"Staraptor!" The flying Pokémon replied around the same time as Heracross, with the same amount of enthusiasm.
"Great!" Ash said happily, before the Pokémon Trainer reached behind himself, reached into his backpack and told Heracross and Staraptor in a sly tone, as he slowly pulled out the Hypno Zapper. "But first, let me 'enlighten' you to the current situation."
-Around four hours later, making it roughly around 7PM-
After Ash had used the Hypno Zapper on Heracross and Staraptor to help them 'understand' the situation, Heracross picked Ash up and flew him over to Saffron City, while Misty climbed onto Staraptor's back and was taken to Celadon City, where she went to Celadon City's Gym to see Erika.
-At Saffron City-
Within the Saffron City Gym's main room Sabrina, Haunter and Kadabra were on the floor meditating, until the trio were interrupted when they heard someone knock on door.
"Come in." Sabrina said, as her eyes remained closed, in which one of her students learning to control his telekinetic powers entered.
"Forgive me for disturbing you. But this a Pokémon Trainer wished to see you, Sabrina." The student said.
"Sabrina, Kadabra, Haunter. Long time no see." A familiar voice stated happily, which caused the psychic woman and her two Pokémon to open their eyes to see non other than Ash beside Sabrina's student.
While Sabrina and Kadabra were happy to see Ash again, Haunter was ecstatic to see his old friend after so many years, in which the ghost Pokémon quickly made his way over to his old Pokémon Trainer and licked him, which unfortunately paralysed Ash and caused the teen to collapse to the floor.
"Haunter." Haunter said in a solemn tone, indicating he was apologizing, as the ghost Pokémon had gotten a little over excited and forgot his licks could induce temporary paralysis.
-After Ash had recovered from Haunter's accidental show of deadly affection-
"So, what brings you back here, Ash?" Sabrina asked curiously.
"I was hoping I could have a word with you, in private." Ash replied.
"Of course. Haunter, Kadabra please leave us to speak." Sabrina kindly instructed, in which both Haunter and Kadabra exited the room, as did Pikachu, leaving the pair alone, before Sabrina then asked Ash. "What do you wish to talk about?"
"This." Ash replied, as he pulled the Hypno Zapper out of his bag, which intrigued and confused Sabrina, before the Psychic Pokémon user questioned curiously. "What is that?"
"It's known as the 'Hypno Zapper'." Ash told Sabrina, before the black haired teen went on and explained how he and Pikachu found it in a sarcophagus within the forest.
"Interesting." Sabrina said, before the psychic woman asked. "So why did you come to see me?"
"I wanted to test its power on someone with a great mind, and who better than someone as intellectually gifted and beautiful like you?" Ash replied, which caused Sabrina to blush a little from being Ash's compliment, before the Pokémon Trainer asked. "Do you mind?"
Sabrina thought about what Ash was asking her for a moment, before she remembered that it was thanks to him and Haunter that she was reunited with her parents and was able to express her emotions again, in which she trusted him and replied. "Of course, Ash. Go right ahead."
Ash then aimed the Hypno Zapper at Sabrina, before he pulled the trigger and fired a multi-coloured wave of energy at her, who moaned out, as the psychic woman could feel her body changing.
Ash then asked curiously, as the energy wave wore off. "How do you feel, Sabrina?"
"I feel great. I feel like I have more energy, it's like I'm a teenager again." Sabrina replied.
"That's because you are." Ash told Sabrina, which confused her a little, before Ash explained, as he began to turn the dials on the Hypno Zapper. "I used a special mode on the Hypno Zapper known as the 'Age Deceleration Mode' and with it I took some years off your life, making you roughly eighteen years old again."
"Oh, wow! Ash this is unbelievable." Sabrina stated, as she checked out her 'new body', before the psychic Pokémon asked in gratification. "Is there any way I can make it up to you?"
"I can think of one way." Ash stated in a sly tone, as he aimed the Hypno Zapper at Sabrina, before he told her. "Become my slave."
However, before Sabrina could respond, Ash pulled the trigger of the Hypno Zapper and fired yet another wave of multi-coloured energy at the psychic woman, which made Sabrina's swirl and 'change colours' for a moment before they returned to normal, in which a warm smile appeared across her face, as she had fallen under the power 'The Complete Love Slave Program'.
"Of course, my Master. Nothing in the world would make me happier than serving you." Sabrina replied in a heartfelt tone, before the psychic Pokémon user Kissed Ash lovingly on the lips.
And it was after the pair broke from the kiss that Ash called out, as the Pokémon Trainer hid the Hypno Zapper behind his back. "Hey Haunter, Kadabra. You guys can come back in. There's something I need to 'discuss' with both of you."
Haunter, Kadabra and Pikachu all re-entered the room, while the armless ghost and the spoon bender were unsure of what Ash wanted with them, Ash's favourite Pokémon knew exactly that the two were about to fall within a trap and wind up as allies for Ash's 'journey' to gather the most beautiful women the regions of Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh and Unova had to offer.
-Around the same time in Celadon City-
Within Celadon City's perfume store was the store's manager and Celadon City's Gym Leader, Erika, who was just about to close the store, as she had planned to spend the rest of the day to get some extra training done with her Gloom.
But as Erika heard the door open, she said apologetically. "Sorry, I was just about to close for today."
"That's ok. This will only take a moment." A familiar voice Erika hadn't heard in years replied, in which she turned around and was happy to see Misty and her Golduck.
"Misty!" Erika happily exclaimed, before she began to question in a curious tone. What are you doing he...?
However, that was as far as Erika could get in her sentence as Misty interrupted her by commanding. "Golduck, use Hypnosis!"
Golduck then began to say his name over and over again, which caused Erika's eyes to glow light blue for a moment, become her eyes glazed over.
"That's enough, Golduck." Misty said, in which Golduck ceased his actions, before Misty turned her attention back to the mesmerized Erika and asked. "Erika, do you remember Ash Ketchum?"
"I do... He selflessly risked his life to save Gloom for me... He's such a good guy..." Erica replied in a monotone voice.
"Yes, Ash is a good guy. No, he's a great guy. So great that you wish to make it up to him by becoming his loyal, devoted and loving slave." Misty told Erica.
"Ash... Great guy... Make it up to him... Loyal, devoted and loving slave..." Erica replied in a distant tone.
"You will obey Master Ash at all times because you love him with your heart. You are completely attracted to Master Ash up to the point where the mention of his name makes you quiver with desire for him." Misty said.
Erika replied in a laboured tone. "I will obey Master Ash... I love him with all my heart... I am completely attracted to Master Ash... The mention of his name makes me quiver with desire..."
Misty then went on and told Erica slyly. "Also Erica, you are attracted to me and any other women in Master Ash's harem and will obey me when Ash is not around or is busy, as I am the Mistress his harem and you love me and love to obey me just as much as you do Ash."
Erica then replied in the same labored tone. "I am attracted to Misty and other women in Master Ash's harem... I will obey Misty when Ash is not around or is busy... Misty is Mistress of Master Ash's harem... I love Mistress Misty... I love to obey Mistress Misty..."
'I am really liking this position of power.' Misty thought to herself, before the Cerulean Gym Leader then wrapped her arms around Erica's neck and told her. "Erica, when I kiss you, you shall be forever bonded to Master Ash and will serve him for the rest of eternity."
Misty then pressed her lips against Erica's and slipped her tongue into the hypnotized Grass Pokémon user's mouth, in which Erica's eyes went from hazy back to normal, before she closed them and kissed Misty back.
After the girls broke from the kiss, Misty smiled, as she could not only see the new found love Erica had for her and Ash, but also smiled as Erica kneeled in front of her with love and desire in her eyes, before Erica asked. "I am at your command, Mistress Misty. How may I serve you?"
Misty told Erica in a sly tone. "You can get up as we have to meet up with Master Ash."
"Yes, Mistress." Erica replied obediently, before she licked her lips seductively and said, as her the thought of her new Master came to her mind. "I cannot wait."
But it was then a Kadabra appeared out of nowhere, which had a familiar Pikachu on his right shoulder, before the psychic Pokémon took a hold of Misty and Erica's hands, in which Kadabra's body glowed white, before the two humans and two Pokémon disappeared.
-Seconds later-
Misty and Erica were confused as to what just happened, but their questions were answered when they both took in their surroundings and found themselves in a bedroom, where they could see their Master, wearing only his boxers and Saffron City's Gym Leader, Sabrina, wearing only a black bra and a pair of black panties, lying in bed together, as Sabrina was kissing Ash's neck.
It was then Sabrina stopped kissing her Master, turned her attention to their 'guests' and said happily. "Thank you Kadabra."
"Kadabra." Kadabra replied, as he was happy that Sabrina was happy, before the psychic Pokémon user held out Kadabra's Poké Ball and instructed. "Return."
"You too, Pikachu." Ash said, as he got out Pikachu's Poké Ball, in which both Pokémon were sent back inside their Poké Balls, so Ash and his slaves wouldn't be disturbed.
"Misty, Erica. Why don't you make yourselves more comfortable and join us?" Ash asked in a sly tone.
"Yes Master." Misty and Erica both replied in a warm and submissive tone, before they began to undress, revealing Erika was wearing forest green bra and a matching pair of panties, while Misty had gone commando ever since she and Ash had finished their 'fun' in the riverbed.
It was then Sabrina moved away from Ash as Misty and Erica got onto the bed, made their way up to their Master and engaged him in a deep and loving three-way kiss, which would lead to a long night of passion and pleasure.