Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural or Harry Potter. T.T

AN: This is sort of an AU. This WILL be slash. Pairings can be change(for now). Please tell me if you want them to change. This is my first story! Well that's been past the first chapter.

Pairings(for now): Sam/Hadrian/Cas, Dean/Gabriel/Crowley

John knocked on the of Missouri Mosley's, and was shocked when the door was opened by a young man with vibrant green eyes. The boy smiled a secretive smile that unnerved John. The boy spoke softly, "I have been waiting for you, John."

The boy motioned John and brought him to the kitchen table, where there were two cups , one of hot tea and one of coffee. Steam rose from both cups as the boy spoke again, "Missouri has gone out for a few minutes, shell be back soon. You came here for a reading, correct?" The young man smiled at the still shocked expression of John's face. He pulled out a deck of cards from under the table, while John sat heavily in the chair across from where he sat gracefully. "Pick three cards from the deck and hand them to me," Green eyes bore into hazel, waiting for John to take the specified amount of cards. John sighs and takes the deck, randomly taking three cards from it.

Giving the cards to the boy, he places them upside down in a horizontal line. Then flips the one face up, and they are shown the Jack of Clubs. "You are in despair. Mary's death may cloud our judgment of what to do. Be careful," The child's green eyes were out of focus as he read the cards. The card the left was then flipped to show the Queen of Hearts. "You have had a nice life in the past, John. Two kids and a wife, the perfect apple pie life. Too bad it doesn't agree with the rest of your life. Winchester through and through." John had stiffened at the mention of his boys, and then tensed at the memory of his past. The reader smiled sadly at John.

The reader then flipped the last card, and gasped at the Ace of Spades, The Death Card. "John, Be careful of your decisions during your grieving of Mary. A choice of yours may lead to the death of you and your sons. Be especially careful of your feelings and decision toward you sons," John's eyes were as wide as saucers as stared at the card reader.

Suddenly the front door slammed open and in stormed Missouri. John jumped at the door and the reader calmed sat and sipped his tea. John then flinched back at the glare sent his way by Missouri, "I thought I told you not to come back here ever again, John Winchester!" She practically yelled at John.

"Calm down, Missouri. He's just here for a reading," The reader placated Missouri and got up from the table to calm her down.

Missouri eyed the boy questioningly, "Well Hadrian, what have you told him?"

"You and I both know that you have Seen it, Missouri," the now named Hadrian answered her calmly. He turned to John, "Remember my warnings, John. They may just save your family's life," Hadrian turned back to Missouri, "I'm sorry but I must cut this visit short. You probably know why already," Missouri stared at him with hard eyes, which then softened to him.

Motioning him towards the door she told him, "I'll see you out,"

At the door they both turned toward one another. Frowning, Missouri stated, "You do know that your warnings won't make a stop what is going to happen." Hadrian smiled sadly at her with tears in his big emerald eyes.

"I know."

An: Was it good? The nest chapter will be when Sam goes to Stanford. I don't really know when that is so i will guess and if it's off, I don't really care. Review, s'il vous plaƮt!
