Chapter 49
The Twins
As the months went on my baby grew. I was getting bigger than I should have been. I was starting to believe I would have more than one child. Kili was overjoyed as was I. I hoped for two sons, sons that would make Kili proud. Whereas Kili wished for two daughters, daughters as beautiful as I was, or so he said. Fili was crowned king and he took Lendethiel as his queen. Lendethiel and I became very close friends, almost like sisters. My father had decided to stay until the baby or babies were born. Indeed, Fili and Kili had been working on convincing him to stay with us.
Now the only fear I had to face was meeting the Lady Dis. Kili's mother. I was worried I would not be able to speak when I met her. What would she think? When the woman her son chose to marry could not speak? I was getting more worried, and when the day finally came I was terrified. Fili and Lendethiel were waiting for them at the gate. Kili and I were on our way to join them.
"There is no need to be nervous my love."
"What if I am unable to speak to her Kili? What will she think of me?"
He stopped and took my hands in his.
"Gwirithiel, my mother will adore you. If Thorin loved you, and he did, then my mother will as well."
I took a deep breath and nodded. We joined Fili and Lendethiel and waited. I could see them coming and my heart was pounding in my chest. It was easy to see which one was Dis. She looked like Thorin and she had his eyes. She hugged her sons and then looked at Lendethiel and I.
"So these must be my two new daughters. And what lovely women they are. And one shall be giving my son a child!"
Lendethiel bowed and smiled.
"I am Lendethiel, wife of Fili and a daughter of Rivendell."
Dis gave her a tight hug and then she looked at me. I smiled at her.
"And then this must be Gwirithiel."
I nodded but I could not find the will to speak. I looked at Kili desperately and he took my hand.
"She has a hard time trying to find a way to speak to people she does not know."
Dis smiled kindly and hugged me. I smiled, gratefully she seemed to approve of me. She pulled back and smiled at me.
"We have a long time together. I hope you will soon be comfortable enough to speak with me."
I smiled and nodded. She pat my arms and then hugged her sons again. Fili and Kili spent the day with their mother, after not see her for so long I was happy they could spend time with her. Lendethiel and I were walking through the halls when I felt a terrible pain in my belly.
She helped me into a room and called out for anyone who could hear. Several guards came in and she told them to go and find a healer.
"Gwirithiel just breathe! Here, take my hand…."
I took her hand and squeezed. The healer came in and said I would have to give birth right there, that they could not move me.
"~Where is Kili?~" I asked Lendethiel.
She looked at the guard and told him to fetch Kili.
Kili's POV
MY brother and I were by Thorin's tomb when a guard came.
"My lord! Lady Gwirithiel is in labor! Come quickly!"
All three of us followed the guard and I heard my wife scream. I ran faster and found Lendethiel holding my child. However, the healer was still telling my wife to push. Lendethiel helped clean my child and then it was handed to me.
"You have a daughter." she said.
I smiled. After another ten minutes, the second child was out. This one was also a girl. I smiled and tears of joy came to my eyes. I had two daughters. Gwirithiel was take back to our room and I followed along with Fili, Lendethiel and mother. Gwirithiel smiled at me and reached for our girls. I smiled and sat down beside her.
"I was thinking of the names Rose and Lily."
She looked at me.
"The song…."
I nodded and she smiled.
"I love it. And I love you." she whispered.
I smiled and kissed her soft lips.
"Hopefully I will give you a son someday."
"I would be happy with any child you give me."
She smiled and looked at Rose. She was the older of the two. Lily had her mother's eyes, but Rose had one of mine and one of her mother's. She was unique. They both were, and I loved them and their mother more than anything in the world.
"Welcome to the world my daughters." I said.
Fili was thrilled to be an uncle and Lendethiel an aunt. My mother loved her granddaughters. Half human and half dwarf, they were special. Rose was more a fighter than Lily. She had a love of the arts, she was a gifted singer like her mother. Rose loved the bow. As she grew older I taught her how to use one. Both of my girls loved to read. They would spend hours in the library together, and they were very close. They always knew what the other was thinking or feeling.
After five years Gwirithiel and I had another child. A son. He was named Thorin. He his mothers eyes. With his dark hair and blue eyes….it was like looking at my uncle again. Fili and Lendethiel had five children. They all had their mother's fiery red hair except the youngest, she looked exactly like her father. All five of their children were girls. I often teased Fili about the boys who would want to court them. He of course, did not find it very amusing. Gwirithiel and I finally had a peaceful life surrounded by our children and family. I stood with Gwirithiel as we watched our children play with their cousins. She took my hand and I smiled at her.
"I know Thorin is smiling down at us now. Seeing his great-nieces and nephews." I said.
She nodded.
"I only wish he could have been here to meet them."
I put my arms around her and kissed her cheek.
"They will meet him someday. And we will see him again. But not yet, not yet."
She smiled and I kissed her lips. Everything was as it should be.
The End.