Finally some TLK up in here! *happy dances*

I've noticed a disturbing lack of Doctor Who/Lion King crossovers on this sight. I'm here to rectify that. I will say now I am taking some massive liberties with the technological side of DW canon. Namely the Chameleon Arch (and the TARDIS translation matrix to a lesser extent) Just pretend I'm not butchering the use of that particular machine. As for TLK canon, I'll be sticking pretty close to home (even going into things most normal people have never heard of), but I will be interweaving my own headcanon and TLKverse in with it. There also be descriptions of all OCs (and some others), as well as prides and areas, as they appear in the story in the author's note at the bottom. Any translations will also be there.

A warning: this IS Doctor/River. Don't like it, I'm sorry. Please stay and read anyway.

And a note: I began writing this story well before season 7 aired, so the Ponds are still around. This takes place after The Wedding of River Song, but before Pond Life and Asylum of the Daleks. This means River's still in prison and Amy and Rory are happy and couple-y. In TLK world, this takes place after Simba's Pride.

This has been a long time in the making and I am very excited about it, so please bear with me. I am trying to get back on track with my other multi-chapter stories (this includes Self Rediscovery, and even the Degeneration series. I'm also trying to work on some new Tabatha Tyler oneshots), but this is my baby. Don't rag on it. I'm going to try and update this every weekend (the day will probably vary, but I'm going to try for Saturdays). Wish me luck on that front!

Disclaimer: I don't own Doctor Who or The Lion King. If I did, River would get a better ending, we'd get to see Rose and TenToo live happily ever after, Mheetu would never have been cut from the script and Kiara wouldn't be so damn whiney.

Enjoy my special snowflakes! :D

"Something has gone very, very wrong!"

Amy's eyebrows scrunched together in confusion and concern at the recording. She was still trying to process the information the Doctor had already given them in his video, and nearly felt sick to her stomach. It all started when the TARDIS had materialized unmanned in their back garden on a boring Sunday afternoon. The Ponds, both knowing that the Doctor never had an adventure on a Sunday, immediately suspected something was up. Their suspicions were only confirmed by River, who had stopped by for a drink and a chat, when upon entering the blue box and calling out to her husband, his absence persisted. The three had cautiously searched all the rooms he would have any reason to be in; the console room, obviously, the wardrobe room, the swimming pool/library, and even his bedroom (which was by all means off-limits to most all companions), and came up with nothing. After nearly two hours of searching, they finally congregated once more in the console room, at a loss for what to do.

Rory had been the one to suggest taking a look at recent interactions with the TARDIS's computer database, to which River kissed her father on the cheek and busily set to work at the keypad and scanner. What she discovered was a recorded message from the Doctor, informing them that he had to temporarily go into hiding from some sort of blood cousins, and to do so had to make himself human. He had rattled off a list of instructions, up to and including not letting him abandon them and not to let him eat pears. The Ponds were more than a bit concerned for their alien friend, but their daughter, who seemed to be reacting completely nonplussed, assured them that he'd be fine if they could find him. She reasoned that he probably had gotten his human self lost in the depths of the TARDIS, and that it'd just take a bit more looking to find him.

That was, until the video faded out and a second began to play. Then River appeared to grow significantly more distressed. As of now she was gripping the console, her knuckles white with the strain, her eyes frantic and her expression grave. Amy took this as a sign that things, as the recorded Doctor had already stated, were very, very bad, indeed.

On screen the Doctor clutched his chest, gasping in agony. "The Chameleon Arch," he said with far more effort than was considered normal, especially for him. "It shorted out while I was-" a heaving attempt at breathing. "Inside it. Further more, somehow the settings got switched." The Doctor's face was pale and pained. "I'm not going to human. To be completely honest, I'm not sure I'll even be humanoid." He gazed sadly into the camera then, remorse and grief filling his green eyes. "I'm so, so sorry, Pond. Rory. River. I wish… I thought it wouldn't end like this, but clearly I was wrong, eh?" Amy felt tears welling in the corners of her eyes.

"Don't say that, you stupid man." She pleaded quietly. River was still and silent beside her, tears welling in her eyes but she refused to let them fall. Rory wrapped his arms around them both. If Amy was truthful, she didn't know what reason River had to cry. She had once told them she didn't fear the Doctor's death, and later Rory had told her of that Worse Day that she would have to face sometime in her future. Last time the Doctor had died, she had been possessed by righteous anger, shooting at herself in her rage. And now, Amy watched her strong and beautiful daughter – brave Melody Pond, fearless River Song – holding back bitter tears. She didn't know what to make of it.

Amy then realized what the Doctor was saying, and she understood. "Guess I'll be seeing you 'round then. Of course, I won't remember you and you won't recognize me. And even if you do, remember that that isn't me. I won't be the Doctor anymore. I'll be someone else entirely, someone new. Please, don't mourn me. My final wish is for you both to live happy, normal, human lives. You can do that for me, can't you Ponds?"

"And River," he continued. River broke away from Rory's embrace and pressed herself as close to the screen as she could, precariously hovering over the console on her tiptoes. She gripped the scanner like she would be blown away if she let go, and it broke Amy's heart to see her this way. The Doctor on the recording gave a sad, wistful smile through his pain. "My beautiful River Song. My brave, brilliant, mad wife. I want you to keep going, just like your parents. I know you, my bad girl, and you'll find a way to remake your name in a greater, more respected light. You'll have plenty of adventures and you'll make lots of new friends, I'm positive. You'll live on."

"It's not living without you." She said, her voice breaking on the last word. "It can't be over, it can't! We have so much left to do, my love. So many places to see and so many people to save and so many monsters to run from. You can't forget me yet!"

"It's not my choice, and you know that." He replied. It was a bittersweet thing that they knew each other so well they could predict exactly what the other would say, knowing it was being used for a goodbye. "But we ran, didn't we? We had quite a time, you and I. Lots of adventures, all recorded in your diary for you to relive as you please. Isn't that something, at least?"

River finally let her tears fall as she set her mouth in a grim line. "No."

"Yeah," he sighed, and now he was starting to sparkle and shimmer gold, like he had at the lakeside in Utah. "River." He was straining through clenched teeth now. "River I want to tell you something that I never had a chance to, so listen up Song, because I'm only saying this once." It seemed like his eyes were looking past the camera lens, past the screen of the scanner's monitor, and right into where he knew River's eyes would be. "River Song. Melody Pond. Wife. I love you."

And then he gasped and collapsed to the ground, and the screen went fuzzy.

River released her hold on the scanner and took a step back, one hand going up to cover her gaping mouth and the other she used to scrub away her tears. Amy was at a loss at what to do, though Rory seemed to think that hugging was the ultimate cure-all. He took the older woman into his arms and cradled her like the baby he lost, letting her bury her face in his shoulder. Amy couldn't bring herself to move, let alone join the embrace. All she could manage was to stare blankly at the scene – her daughter gathered in her husband's grasp, motionless and in emotional shock. Mentioned husband, the picture of calm and stoic Roman Centurion, but with an underlying sadness and tenderness in his gaze belying the nurse he was. The scanner blank and fuzzy with snow. The TARDIS lights dimmed in mourning and the hum lower and sadder. Overall, it was likely the most melancholy scene Amy had ever witnessed in her life.

But the somber mood was broken by the scanner screen suddenly coming back to life and an exuberant, accented voice boomed over the speakers.

"Veeery peculiar!" The voice exclaimed, causing all three Ponds to look up in the direction it came from. All watching were more than a bit surprised to see a monkey of all things. "Strange magic, dis is! But! No matter. It gets de job done." The colorful ape grinned, his mouth full of sharp canine teeth. Amy wasn't sure if she should find this funny or frightening. Judging by the animal's cheerful voice, she guessed the former.

"My name is Rafiki," the primate explained. "I was led here by the Mwanamke Katika Nili, and do not worry, She told me everything! I know all about de Traveler and his friends. You see, my people, de Shamans of Grass Walls, have a higher connection to de Spirits, so She is able to communicate with me. Pretty crazy!" Rafiki let out a crazed laugh before schooling his features into solemnity once more. "I also watched de enchanted water and learned more dat way. I know dat I am speaking to his friends. I am telling you he is safe, and he will stay that way if ol' Rafiki has anyting to say about it!" River let out a shaky sigh of relief, as did Amy and Rory. The Doctor was safe. But, if he was okay, then why was there a talking monkey shaman speaking for him?

"Though it appears dat he has undergone a bit of a, ah, transformation, like I 'ave never seen before! I will show him to you, but please, do not be shocked." Rafiki ambled away from the screen, and only then was it visible that he was walking upright and leaning on a walking stick. He squatted to the ground and placed the stick gently on the glass floor of the TARDIS console room, and gathered something else in his arms. He approached the screen again and held up that something.

It was an infant lion cub, still in its spots. It was male, and had beige fur on the darker side of light, with paler fur on his muzzle, and belly. The tip of his tail was dark with a tuft of hair, a hint at what color his mane might grow to be as an adult. Around his eyes the shades were different; darker on the top and lighter below, and when he blinked open his eyes there was a faint ring of forest green surrounding his pupils. When he saw the camera, he grinned and giggled, raising a tiny paw to bat at the unreachable lens. "Dis," Rafiki said. "Is de Traveler."

I had far too much fun writing Rafiki. XD

Translations (Swahili to English):

Mwanamke Katika Nili = Lady in Blue

Character Descriptions:

I'm gonna wait for a few chapters to truly describe Lion!Doctor in detail. After all, patience is a virture! :3

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