/watch?v=ZbSDWr0fWPg - paste after Youtube*DOT*com

So, was working on that video - not my best but I liked the song xD Anyhow, writing and writing - always a pleasure to get reviews and hear everyone's thoughts. Enjoy!

Eric searched their bond and couldn't ignore the obvious fear he found. Sookie. He hadn't thought to test their connection and now seemed a good a time as any. He waited. Nothing. Sookie.She smiled. Good - it meant she did hear him. Do not show any knowledge of who he is. He obviously hasn't shown his true self to you for a reason. Just relax and eat. She replied by take a spoonful of the highly anticipated chili. He realized he hasn't retracted his fangs and took the moment to do such. He lifted the slightly warmed bottle of True Blood to his mouth and took a swig. Bleh. Even when all he ate was root vegetables and local stock - it had tasted better than this shit.

"Sookie. Hey." Eric and Sookie both brought the gaze to the approach figure - Sam. Sookie smiled.

"Sam! I wasn't sure if you were here or not."

"I was in the back doing the schedule. Uh, Arlene just came in and said you're pregnant." She swallowed another spoonful of food before nodded.

"Actually I am." His eyes finally fell below her face and noticed the slightly visible bump on her stomach.

"Holy shit. Sookie...how? Who?"

"It's really complicated." Sam glanced at Eric who's eyes were already waiting. He nodded as he looked back at Sookie.

"Right…" He took a breath. "Well, if you need any days off or anything - you just let me know alright?" Sookie smiled and nodded.

"Thanks." Sam returned the smile and nodded.

"No problem. Don't worry about the bill tonight, alright? My treat."

"Sam!" His smile grew as he nodded at Eric and left the table, going over to Jason and Ben. Sookie took the opportunity to steal a glance and noticed Bill wasn't looking at her for once. He was talking to Sam now, smiling warmly. She took a moment too long as Ben began to shift his gaze toward her direction. She felt her heart beat faster as she switched her gaze toward Eric's direction quickly. She forced a quick smile. Calm down. Vampires can hear a heart beating a mile away. She took a deep breath as she picked up her drink and took a sip.

"What do you think about Jacob?" Sookie raised an eyebrow.

"Who?" Eric couldn't help but laugh slightly.

"Not who. The name - Jacob." It took another moment before she realized that he meant as a name for the baby.

"Oh! Duh." She laughed as she took another spoon of chili. "I like it. It's modern." He took a sip of his True Blood as he nodded.

"That it is." They remained quiet for a bit as Sookie ate her meal. Eric had decided to quickly finish off the vile product rather than drag out the terrible taste. He flashed Sookie a warm smile as she continued to eat her food, switching between the chili and sandwich "So, no weird cravings?" Sookie shook her head.

"Nope. Honestly, I've just felt happy. Like nothing is wrong happy. Sure there's moments of everything else but mostly...I feel good." His smile widened a bit. He was thankful that the pregnancy was good for her - after all, he'd seen some terrible and complicated ones. Ones he'd never wish on his worst of enemies.

"What would you like to do after this?" She thought for a second.

"Well…" She swallowed a spoonful of chili as she thought about it. "What about renting a movie and cuddling at home?" His smile widened. He liked any idea that involved her in his arms but at the same time he knew that it meant enduring some unbearably emotional chick flick of her choosing.

"Sounds good. Before hand, it'd be best if I checked in on Fangtasia and Pam." Sookie instantly nodded. She'd been so wrapped up in everything going on in her life lately that she'd completely forgotten about his.

"Of course. Plus, we should probably tell her." the left edge of his mouth pulled up, turning his sweet smile into one of his more known smirks.

"She already does. She helped pick out your ring." Sookie raised her hand observing the beauty. She should've known. It was a bit girlier than something she'd assume Eric would've chosen. "So, whenever you're ready, we'll head there and then we'll go where ever it is to get whatever movie you'd like." She smiled. "and snacks." This time she couldn't help but laugh as she took a few more spoons before wiping her mouth and sipping the last of her tea.

"Well then, let's get going." Eric stood, extending his hand to her with a smile. He wasn't sure if it was because she'd just eaten or not but her belly seemed just a slight bit bigger than it was when she'd first put the dress on. "I should say goodbye to Jason." Eric's eyes slightly narrowed as he nodded and allowed her to lead the way to their table. As she came upon it, Jason instantly smiled at his sister.

"Hey, y'all leavin' already?" She nodded.

"Yeah, we got some things to do and we're gonna call it an early night."

"I understand. You're an old maid now." Sookie punched her brother in the shoulder. "Ow!"

"You watch what you call me, Jason Stackhouse." The guys at the table laughed at the situation and Jason nodded as he laughed too.

"Yes ma'am." Sookie leaned down and hugged him. "I'll call you later. You take care of my lil' niece or nephew." She felt her cheek flush as Jason pointed to her belly. She swallowed as noticed everyone - including Ben - shifted their gaze to her stomach. Suddenly she felt as huge as an elephant.

"Alright, y'all have a goodnight and Jason - stay outta trouble, ya hear?" He nodded with a smile as Sookie turned on her heel and headed toward the door. Eric exchanged a look with Jason before nodding a good night and following his Faerie. He had sense Warlow's gaze on him. His gaze and his anger.

Eric had decided that flying might cause Sookie more nausea than she already had to deal with so he opted to drive. Their drive was quiet - Sookie had fallen asleep only 10 minutes into the drive. He smiled as he glanced over at her. In his thousand years, he had come to think he'd done it all. Until her. He could remember it as if it was yesterday - the day she walked into his life. The hate he felt when Bill had claimed her and the greater hurt he felt when she confirmed it so proudly. At first he had thought it was merely his Viking pride that fueled his desire to claim her but once he found out what she was, he had thought than perhaps it was her blood. He had been too blinded until he'd forgotten everything - even her. He'd never been one to believe in a god but if there was one - he couldn't thank it enough. He was thankful it had been her to find him on that side of the road. Anyone else would've exacted a revenge he more than likely had coming. In losing everything he knew - he found her and himself. A side of himself that he'd thought was lost long before he'd become a vampire. A side in which he thought the only woman who'd ever know it would've been his mother - his innocence. He'd heard a saying around the last few decades; "Every man grows up to marry his own mother." She did possess many of the qualities he'd seen in his mother -in fact - she is a lot like his mother . His smile grew as he dwelled on it. Perhaps that is why she was able to capture his heart as she did. It also made him contemplate for a moment - could his mother have been of Fae blood? He'd never thought to consider it. He knew there was a possibility that Fae could bare full mortal babies if they produced with a human. If anyone would have the answer to his question - it'd have been Niall. Poor Niall. Eric's eyes narrowed a bit as his thoughts now lead him to the inevitable - Warlow. He had been able to walk in the day without concern obviously which Eric knew could and probably was a result of draining Niall and god knows how many other Faeries. What puzzled Eric was the fact that Sookie was able to hear his thoughts - or so she said. Is it possible that her pregnancy is allowing her to hear vampire's thoughts? Or is it possible that Warlow is more than just a vampire? What if Warlow was part Fae and Vampire? As Eric pondered more into the possibility and how, he noticed constantly whirring and moving of the trees - it's speed kept up with the car. Eric's fangs instantly popped out as he inhaled the night's air. The scent was faint but it was unmistakable. Warlow.

The door to Jessica's room opened and she instantly stood up from the red velvet couch. Nora smiled as she stepped into the room, a younger gentleman behind her. He has chocolate brown hair and hazel eyes.

"I thought you might be hungry. You haven't eaten all day, I'm told." Jessica swallowed and watched as Nora motioned for the guy to sit on the couch. Jess watched he did and removed his black silk robe to reveal a golden tan body that looked as those the gods chiseled it by hand. Her eyes drank everything in before traveling and remaining on his pulsing neck. She licked her lips slowly before forcing herself to look at Nora.

"Why are you doing this to us?" Nora walked closer to Jessica, reaching out and caressing her face.

"Your maker has been lead astray for much too long. I am offering him and you a new beginning. Have you been reading the book?" Jessica nodded slowly. "Have you read of Lilith?" Again, Jessica nodded.

"Why are Faeries considered bad? Don't they help people and whatnot?" Nora's smile melted and her tone shifted into something that caused Jess' skin to crawl.

"Faerie's seek to destroy the dark - the night. Us." Jess' face showed more confusion. "Lilith herself drank of the Fae and saw their true power." She was almost killed, but she showed them that night and all of it's creatures were not bad and that we could live together in harmony. Their blood could grant us a glimpse of all that we lost."

"That's why she made Warlow?" Nora nodded.

"Yes but Warlow betrayed his maker…something no child can do. Their blood is far less pure than our own."

"So he's the bad guy?"

"Warlow is everything the book of Lilith teaches us to avoid in allowing to happen. Tainting our blood with their in procreation is impure ."

"But he -"

"Tell me, could you kill Mr. Compton?" the reaction said it all. Anger and fear danced visibly on Jessica's face. "No child could kill their own. Allowing Faerie blood to mix with ours will be the beginning of our kind. " Jessica wasn't completely sure she understood Nora but she knew that if anyone tried to hurt her maker - she'd rip them to pieces. So maybe Nora was onto something.

Welll?! :D REVIEWS!