Jack flew high in the air, setting a light snow to fall. He felt it would be a great romantic touch to add on Valentines Day. He landed on a roof and watched as a pair of lover snuggled close together against the cold as they walked. He smiled, it seemed that it was working just fine. He summoned the wind and was going to head home but he instead bumped into someone who happened to be hovering above him. He righted himself back down on the roof below and focused on who he bumped into. Jack's eyes widened as he took in the form hovering over him. And yet it didn't seem quite right. The carnation pink quiver over their shoulders and the scarlet bow in their hands seemed out of place. Jack put two and two together and figured out what it was he was looking at.
"Cupid?" Jack asked.
"Well who else would you expect to see on Valentine's Day ya dingbat?" Jack shuddered lightly, even the voice was right.
"But why do you look like... that?" He asked.
"Anyone who looks upon Cupid will see the form of whom they love. Why? Who do you see?" Jack shrugged lightly, a small blush dusting over his face.
"Doesn't matter..."
"Ok then if I may ask, what are you doing getting in the way of my holiday?"
"Getting in the way? I just thought that snow might make it a bit more romantic. And your holiday does fall within winter so I am entitled to still do my job." Jack said chuckling, he summoned the wind once again and started to head away.
"You little uppity..." Cupid stuttered lightly. Before thinking it through Cupid had an arrow notched and let it fly. It hit Jack square in the shoulder and the teen fell, landing softly in a snow pile below. Cupid landed nearby and watched as the arrow dissolved, magic working its way through the teens veins. A soft pink glowing aura surrounded Jack and his eyes opened as soon as it faded away.
North was quite surprised when suddenly a pair of figures literally popped up in his office. He quickly recognized Jack as he was tossed out of the other figures arms.
"What's going on? Is that you Cupid?" The other spirit nodded. "What happened to Jack?" The winter spirit sat up cross-legged giggling lightly, a far off look in his eyes as though he was daydreaming.
"Little brat got in my way. So I shot him." The spirit of love said plainly. "Of course now that I know what's going on in that twisted little heart of his I wish I hadn't..."
"What do you mean?" North asked.
"That is not my place to say. What I can say is this: because of my magic there will be one thing he will want from the person he loves. Once he gets it the magic will fade."
"And how in Khristos imya am I supposed to know what he'll want? Why did you even bring him here? Why not let him try to get it himself?"
"The answer to two of those questions is that with his doped over love-drunk mind he'll end up getting his blasted fanny hurt. As to how you'll now what he want he will say it eventually... Hopefully before the magic intensifies and he gets even worse... Hey I can't change how my magic works." He said in response to North's glare. "Now I have my own job to do... sorry about the trouble North." Cupid left with no more than a snap of the fingers, leaving behind the scent of roses and carnations behind. North spluttered lightly as the spirits sudden exit. He turned back to Jack who was now laying on his stomach, resting his head on one arm as he lazily traced circles on the floor, mumbling lightly to himself.
"Maybe I should go look for... No... I wouldn't now where to start..."
"Jack?" North said cautiously. He knew that at least the first thing to find out was who the teen was so infatuated with. The winter spirit sat up fixing a slightly fuzzy gaze to the guardian of wonder. "Umm... Tell me about them..." North hoped he could get information easily, especially since Jack wasn't exactly capable of trying to hide anything on his current state of mind. Jack sighed dreamily.
"North... what can I say? He's amazing." North actually felt guilty about asking now. He was certain a right-minded Jack wouldn't want this to be known. "I mean he's got such strong arms. And that coat looks so soft. And his accent. Oh even if he was yelling at me I would still hang on to his every word just because of that accent." Jack sighed again and lapsed into silence. Which North didn't mind, he felt he had gotten his answer.
"Jack... I'll brin him here to you. Would you like that?" Jacks eyes widened with elation. He tackled the older spirit in a hug.
"Oh thank you North! Thank you much!" Jack said the biggest smile North had ever seen plastered to the teens face.
"You wait here then. I wont be too long ok." Jack nodded and North left the room taking a snow globe with him. He opened the portal and entered the living space of the one he assumed Jack loved.