Hey everyone, I'm back with a new Fanfic! Well, it has my usual OC Katharyn Lincoln (from Just Friends? Not for Long) in it again, except this time, this story is going to be completely different from my other stories.

Firstly, all chapters and scenes in this story will take place onscreen, and purely onscreen. I haven't found any wrestling fics that only take place onscreen so this is a different take on my stories.

Secondly, Katharyn will be entirely different from the other one-shots and JFNFL. She will only be addressed as Katona (because everything in the story takes place onscreen), and instead of the sweetheart she usually is, Katona's character is a sharp departure from her fan favorite persona.

In this story, Katona is basically a female version of Wade Barrett only she's slightly more cynical and devious. Also what's added to her heel persona is that she also has a feminist attitude, making speeches on how she's sworn off of men because they only view her as a sex symbol. I thought that with her new change in character that she and Wade would have great chemistry together (not just because they're both British), which is how I came up with this storyline.

Hope y'all enjoy this fic!

"I thought I made it clear last week that we are over, John."

The usually cocky, confident John Morrison stood with his feet rooted to the ground, speechless, as the British beauty that had always been his ceremoniously dumped him in front of live television. Katona hadn't an attitude this cold until two weeks ago, when she turned against her former identity as Friday Night Smackdown's sweetheart.

She'd been watching the Divas tag team match between the team of Eve Torres and Alicia Fox and The Sisters of Destruction. Beth Phoenix and Natalya, the latter team, were her best friends both onscreen and off-screen, and just before her fateful injury the two had offered her a place in the anti-Diva faction. Initially she'd been left conflicted; she didn't want to lose her friendships but at the same time she wasn't the cynical type who'd ruthlessly attack her fellow co-workers. Later that same night, however, because Kelly Kelly, the personification of a Diva, botched and took her out for six months, she began to contemplate the offer.

Two weeks ago, she'd gladly taken it.

Throughout the match, Katona appeared to be cheering on both teams, the fair-minded woman she was. It seemed as though she'd returned the same, beloved darling she was to the WWE Universe. Little did anyone in the audience, however, expect the lovely Katona to reveal her true colors when she hopped over the barricade and slid into the ring, appearing to be helping up an incapacitated Alicia Fox.

To the shock of everyone, as soon as Katona helped Alicia to her feet, she kneed Alicia in the abdomen and hit a deadly finisher that no one had ever seen a Diva perform: a front flip piledriver that sent Alicia reeling back into unconsciousness. The slam of the mat caught both Beth and Nattie's attention. The Sisters of Destruction turned back in time to see Katona delivering a superkick to Eve, who'd run in to try and help Alicia. The British beauty stared down at her victims with a devious smirk on her face, adding salt to the wound by stepping on Eve's face and lightly shoving Alicia's body with her foot. She shot Beth and Nattie a knowing look before exiting the ring and disappearing into the audience.

The next week she again shook the WWE Universe when she made her 'official' return to the ring and announced herself the newest member of the Sisters of Destruction…

"Tonight, a new member will join the sisterhood and continue its mission on ridding this company of talentless eye candy," announced Beth Phoenix proudly, the Women's Championship title belt she held in one hand. She and her partner-in-crime, Natalya, turned their attention to the stage, waiting for their newest inductee to appear.

Audience members whispered amongst each other, bringing up possible names that could join Beth and Natalya's alliance. The Sisters of Destruction had been waning for the past few months and the new member brought forth the prospect of them becoming preeminent once again.

"I wonder who it could be, Bradshaw," Josh Mathews discussed the question with his broadcasting partner, John 'Bradshaw' Layfield.

"It might be Katona, but I don't think a lovely little lady like her would join the likes of Beth Phoenix and Natalya," replied JBL, "I mean she did beat the snot out of Eve and Alicia Fox last week."

"That doesn't necessarily mean she's aligned with them," Matt Striker joined them at the table for the night, "she could be going rogue or possibly taking a different direction…"

Suddenly, a guitar riff began to blast from the speakers, and the Titantron displayed shots of a woman's curvy figure getting pumped for a match. The camera did not show the woman's face for a few moments, but when the distortion of an electric guitar began to buzz, a pair of familiar blue eyes appeared on the screen.

The first pounding of heavily distorted guitars roared throughout the arena, the crowd gasping in shock as video shorts of the high-flying Diva played in sequence. It was no longer the familiar screech of Rich Luzzi's "Gimme a hell yeah!" that signified the arrival of the recently returned Katona. Instead, Story of the Year's "The Antidote" would play whenever she made her presence.

All 5 feet and 7 inches of Katona's slender, hourglass figure appeared on the stage, and the four-time ladies' champion looked more toned than ever. Somehow, she seemed more beautiful than she had been months ago, when she was taken out with a shoulder injury that required surgery, but her radiant smile did not emit an aura of sweetness.

Dressed in a black, low-cut, sleeveless, leather zip-up vest, skin-tight pleather pants with spiked Dr. Martens and matching biker gloves, Katona looked like the ultimate bad girl. She looked sexy as hell in leather from head to toe, but Katona ignored the catcalls and wolf whistles that followed her down the ramp. She boasted to the camera, "Guess who's back?" before hopping into the ring, where she embraced her best friends.

"Ladies and gentlemen, as her best friend, may I have the honor of introducing the newest member of the Sisters of Destruction," Natalya proclaimed, causing the crowd to protest as a whole.

"Thank you Natalya," Katona took the microphone from Natalya, laughing at every single person whose jaw was dropped to the ground. "And I am truly honored to be part of an alliance with a meaningful purpose."

"The Katona that stands here today before you is the not the same Katona six months ago," Katona began her speech in a dominating voice, "people call me beautiful. Lovely. Gorgeous. The High-Flying Angel. There's something I've noticed about these compliments. They all seem to be about my appearance." She paused for a moment to allow several males to whistle at her again. "I'm flattered by all your compliments, but if your comments involve me either naked or going down on you, take them and shove them up your arse!" Katona screeched aggressively into the microphone, causing a stream of boos from the crowd.

"I came here to be a wrestler, not your showgirl," she continued, "I didn't win all those championships for being eye candy. After all these years I came to realize that the reason for this is because of the cheap, useless, talentless eye candy that has taken over the Divas division like the plague! All these great female wrestlers—Luna Vachon, Victoria, Jacqueline to name a few—have all left because of models and dancers. They don't fit the Barbie mold. Ladies and gentlemen, it is obvious that the days of Lita and Trish Stratus are no more, but that doesn't mean we have to replace their legacies with two-minute pillow fights. You know perfectly well that these models are using WWE as their jumping-off points to Hollywood. That is what the Sisters are going to prevent. We are going to ensure that this type of scum will not let true women's wrestling die out. We want to make sure that the real wrestlers will be remembered for what they did here in the ring. And I, especially, want to ensure that when I eventually have to hang up my boots, you will remember me as one of the few high-flying women in WWE history, and not as just another pretty face."

And to begin her mission, she called out the pretty face who'd caused her to get surgery and kept her out of action for months: Kelly Kelly. And that evening, Katona would walk up the ramp with a cocky grin on her face as she watched the paramedics attend to a critically injured Kelly. She wasn't concerned that she'd possibly separated Kelly's shoulder with that steel chair; all she cared was that she'd gotten her sweet revenge, and the attack on Kelly was only the beginning of her solidified heel turn.

There was one more thing Katona needed to do before fully focusing on her new direction, and that was to rid herself of everything related to her past.

"Babe, you haven't been like this until you came back and attacked the other girls," Morrison was completely taken aback at his now ex-girlfriend's new attitude. Though he had reverted back to the cocky, better-than-you Guru of Greatness he had back in ECW, turning him heel as well, John Morrison could not believe the love of his life was leaving him just like that. "what's gotten into your head? What've Beth and Natalya been feeding you while you were gone?"

"They've been feeding me the truth about this place, John," remarked Katona, "that the only reason why I'm still employed is because of my looks. I refuse to be associated with men like you whose eyes won't peel off of my chest!"

"If all I wanted to do was to sleep with you, I would've left you a long time ago, babe," Morrison argued, "I've been with you all this time because I love you!"

"Well I'm sorry, John, but I can't have our relationship distract me from my tasks with the Sisterhood," snapped Katona apathetically, "I know that you love me John and I know that we were together for the longest time, but now you are nothing more than a distraction. We are done."

The last sentence caused the entire audience to erupt in boos. Morrison and Katona had been known as Smackdown's powercouple, and watching the newly turned Katona break it off with the man who loved her more than anything incited anger and upset emotions. Breaking up with John Morrison was the final blow to the British beauty's former persona; the cold, vicious, anti-Diva Katona was born.

"Now if you'll excuse me, Morrison, I'm off to my initiation. Ripping out Alicia Fox's fake extensions and stuffing them down her throat will be a pleasure, don't you think?" Katona finished, bluntly shoving Morrison with her shoulder as she left the locker room.