Sasuke groaned as he ran a hand through his head. His boss had promised him he could leave early today but that was an obvious lie and now currently he was the last one here. Sasuke worked for FedEx and because some labels got mixed up before some packages were sent out he had to spend his night fixing them. He looked at his watch and saw it was 9:45. He was so pissed right now that he couldn't even see straight. He was kind of pissed Naruto didn't show up after his two hour interval too. Just thinking about what they were going to do gave Sasuke a boner that lasted for at least 30 minutes. He grabbed his cell phone when the door to his office opened. Naruto was standing glaring at him holding a backpack.

"Just so you know," he said. "Working still at 9:45 is in way shape or form the same as getting off at 8:30."

"Sorry," Sasuke replied. "My boss is a fucking cunt who is having me revise a mistake alone that if 5 people worked on would've been finished nearly an hour ago."

"Yeah well we've both reached our quotas of dickwad bosses today."

Naruto sat on the black leather couch and opened his bag. He passed Sasuke a turkey sandwich and a thermos with some tea in it.

"You know if I start eating this I'm not going to want to keep working," said Sasuke.

"That's the idea," said Naruto taking out a pack of Oreo cookies. "But then again you should do your work because it's so much more interesting than what we both obviously want to do. And in case you missed the hint, its sex." Sasuke ignored him and opened his sandwich and reluctantly continued working.

About thirty minutes into working again he realized that Naruto was asleep on the couch. Sasuke could see a bulge forming underneath his jeans. Just seeing Naruto aroused in his sleep was enough for him to get an erection. He would've kept working but what set him over the top was that he saw Naruto smiling and licking his lips. That was officially it, no way was Naruto going to get off in his dreams while he didn't in the real world. Sasuke saved all his work on his laptop and then he covered where he knew all the cameras in his office were. He got on his knees and unbuttoned Naruto pants and his dick fell out. Sasuke immediately wrapped his moist lips around it. As soon as that happened, Naruto slowly opened his eyes. Once his vision cleared up he smiled and took his shirt off.

"You could've woke me," he said.

"I did," Sasuke replied without taking the hardened prick out of his mouth. Naruto held Sasuke's head down with two hands for nearly twenty seconds and Sasuke never gagged once. The Uchiha stood up and took off his shirt and then he climbed into Naruto's lap and began to kiss him. Their buff and chiseled bodies ruvving against one another. Their tongues were battling for dominance as Sasuke pinched Naruto's nipples, and Naruto clenched his back. As they kissed Naruto grabbed Sasuke's neck and tightened their kiss even more. At that point Sasuke's cock was threatening to break because it was still confined in his pants. Both rising, Sasuke kissed Naruto aggressively all the way up against the door and then he slid his pants down, his penis bouncing out. At once Naruto dropped to his knees and opened his mouth. Sasuke placed his head against the door and face fucked the hell out of him. Naruto's gag reflex wasn't as adept as Sasuke's, so a couple of times he choked. Sasuke leaned up against the wall as he got blown. Thinking ahead he pulled his lovers pants down some, wet two fingers with spit and began to finger Naruto's asshole. Naruto bounced back on the fingers determined not to be out done. Finally, Sasuke pulled Naruto's pants off completely leaving them both naked.

"I take it this is better than working," Naruto asked with a grin inbetween a kiss.

"Shut up," replied Sasuke spitting on his hand and rubbing his shaft. He grabbed Naruto's left leg and placed it on his shoulder. Then he positioned and sheathed himself in all in one stroke. He waited briefly as he saw Naruto flinch with pain. After a few seconds, Sasuke fucked Naruto against the door with no mercy. Despite how many times they could fuck a day, Naruto nearly always remained tight as ever.

"Oh fuck me," roared Naruto when his prostate was smashed.

Sasuke wasn't even in the mood for talk. He just wanted to cum and he was nearly there when Naruto pushed him out.

"What," he asked wiping sweat off his face. Naruto smiled and lead Sasuke over to the couch.

"On your knees," the blond ordered.

Sasuke quickly complied with the order and Naruto bent him over the couch. Sasuke normally got fucked once every three times when they had sex so he didn't tighten up too much. Naruto opened his bag and grabbed two tubes. He spread Sasuke's cheeks and let the first one slowly pour on. Sasuke knew what lube felt like. It was normally cold. This new stuff however felt different. He looked to left briefly and saw a container of honey. Then he closed his eyes as Naruto began to rim him. When the blond stuck a finger in him, he scratched his couch so hard that he left nail marks. Finally Naruto began to apply the lube to him inside and out. One minute later the head of Naruto's wide cock began to slowly push in and stretch him. Sasuke took short quick breaths and moaned in pain and pleasure while rubbing his dick vigorously.

"Fuck," he grunted in a strained voice. "Oh shit. C'mon, harder."

"You want me to go faster?"

"Yes Naru, fuck me hard daddy!"

Sasuke heard Naruto chuckle at his sex nickname. And then Naruto pounded into him with no mercy. Sasuke was seeing colors that never existed because that's how damn good his ass felt. Naruto grabbed a fist full of his raven colored hair and pulled back, while slapping his ass. Sasuke shuddered as his legs began to twitch, a sign that Naruto was really doing his job of fucking him well. As Naruto hit his prostate, Sasuke bit into the couch and screamed at the same time. Finally Naruto stopped fucking him, got on the couch and raised his legs. Sasuke understood at once, climbed on top of him and entered him. Naruto cried out as he got fucked and wrapped his legs around Sasuke's ass, and his arms around his neck. Sasuke fucked deep and hard while giving Naruto love bites and kisses.

"Cum in me," Naruto said seductively into his ear.

Sasuke didn't even last four more strokes after hearing that. He spilled his seed into Naruto riding the waves out. As he slowed, Naruto gently pushed him off. The blond walked over to Sasuke's desk, closed and moved his laptop, and then brushed everything else off the dusk onto the floor. Naruto climbed on the desk and lay on his back his cock completely standing and silently calling for Sasuke's ass. Sasuke climbed on Naruto, lined himself up and then he sat down on Naruto's dick taking it all.

"Oh my god," yelled Sasuke riding Naruto and throwing his head back. The blond pinched the Uchiha's nipples before sitting up and kissing him. Sasuke kept bouncing on Naruto. He kissed and bit his lips. Finally he pushed Naruto back down, clenched his chest in both hands and rode him hard. Naruto slapped Sasuke's ass with both hands at the same and spread his ass wide.

"I'm going to fill you like a whore," Naruto growled hitting Sasuke's prostate. Sasuke's eyes rolled in the back of his head and he collapsed on Naruto's chest moaning "fuck me daddy" while the blond kept pounding him. Sasuke bit Naruto's ear before smashing their lips back together.

"OH FUCK GONNA CUM," grunted Naruto through the kiss. He elevated his lower body into Sasuke and then just released and released. Wave after wave of cum shot through his dick. Some even dripped onto the table. Finally both men exhausted got off the desk and just sat on the floor against the desk.

"I need a cigarette after fucking like that," sighed Sasuke brushing his hair away.

"You don't smoke," Naruto reminded him.

"True, but knowing you-" Sasuke reached into the backpack and found two Budlight with Limes. "These will just have to do instead."

They popped the tops and drank in silence for a minute. Finally Naruto looked around the room and said," your office looks like shit babe."

"Nobody told you to knock all my stuff on the ground," Sasuke snarled.

Next Morning

"Well," said Sasuke sitting at the table in the apartment in his boxers. "At least we can check 'having hot sex twice in one day' off our sexual to do list now."

"We can check that and 'fuck because boss pissed you off'," Naruto informed him. "So what's next?"

Sasuke grabbed his phone off the table and read," have we done sex after your sibling pisses your significant other off yet?"

"Yes, Itachi spilled paint on my brand new damn laptop. We came home and,-"

"You fucked me into the mattress so hard for fifteen minutes that I couldn't walk for nearly thirty minutes I remember. Let's see here... sex in a pool?"

"Too many times to count.

"In a movie theater?"


"At a wedding reception?"

"Two weeks ago at Choji and Ino's in the bathroom stall."

"Oh yeah good times, loved that blowjob in the bathroom by the way. We've already fucked in the car before-"

"Wait a minute no we haven't."

"Yes we have, it was 4th of July, you were drunk off your ass, and super slutty. We were watching the fireworks on a hill, and next thing I know you're screaming in the car riding my dick screaming 'fuck faster asshole and is that all you got. I even ripped a few strands of your hair out when I fucked you from behind."

"Damn just hearing that is turning me on. Well... we're going to need to do that again."

"You'll hear no arguments from me at all, hope your in a slutty mood again. Now, next on the list is... ummm... have hot sex after your significant other's parents piss you off." He looked at Naruto and said," call Kushina and tell her to make her famous chicken adobe because we're coming over for dinner later tonight."

"But you hate my mom's chicken adobe."

Sasuke laughed and said," I know, but do it in significant other's parents bedroom is on the list too. We can knock two more off the list if Minato and Kushina don't catch and kill us both."