Diclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Dragon Ball Z.

Another idea I had.

Hope you enjoy!

"Cell seems to be goin through some kind of transformation! He's blowing himself up like a balloon!"

The evil, insect-like humanoid, Cell, had seemingly expanded his body to ridiculous proportions. Krillin rushed over towards the other Z-warriors, the unconscious Android 18 in his arms.

"Oh, man! What's happening!?" yelled Yamcha.

Goku's eyes widened in realization.

"Gah! Oh, no!"

"This is the end for you! Very soon, I am going to explode! And when I do all of you are going to die with me! You, your friends and this whole planet!" boomed Cell.

"Say what!?"

Cell's manic laughter filled the heavy air.

"Gk! I won't let you!" shouted Gohan through gritted teeth.

"Careful now! I wouldn't attack me if I were you!" reasoned Cell, "I'm quite volatile, and the slightest jolt could set me off!"

"D-dammit!" he swore.

"If only you'd have finished me off a little bit sooner!"

"N-no! I should've listened! I should've listened to my Dad!" Gohan muttered.

"Haha! Thirty seconds remain! There's nothing you can do!"

'It's all my fault! I should've just finished him off!'

Gohan sank to his knees and the golden aura surrounding him dissipated.

"Ngh! Kakarot! Can't you teleport him of the planet or something?" shouted Vegeta.

"There's not enough time! I'm sorry." He said before turning away.

The heavy sadness in his voice hung in the air as Cell exploded.

The following blast engulfed the planet in a fiery inferno.

- - - Prologue - - -

I shot awake in a cold sweat.

What the hell was that? Who were those people? And why'd that feel familiar?

I walked down the stairs of the small house. Tazuna, Tsunami and Inari were still asleep; it was the middle of the night after all.

I walked back up the stairs and flopped onto my sleeping roll.

My thoughts drifted to the young gir- ahem, boy, who I had met earlier today.

"Only when you fight to protect something, do you truly become strong."

Protect those precious to me.

Yeah. I like the sound of that.

- - - Prologue - - -

"So what do you think Goku? Is he ready?" asked Krillin.

The man turned around and faced him.

"Yes. I believe he is."

The monk nodded, and turned to the marked paper on the cage door.

"Everyone, gather your energy, and when I give the command, fire."

Ki gathered in the hands of every one present.


The small blasts of energy rocketed in to the strange paper over the door.

Strangely, the paper seemed to absorb these blasts, as the energy dissipated.

"There, that should be good," said Trunks.

"Now what?" asked Yamcha.

"We wait," stated Tien.

- - - Prologue - - -

"Okay team, let's move out." instructed Kakashi.

"But sensei, what about Naruto?" asked Sakura.

"The dobe can catch up, now let's go." (You have 1 guess as to who that was.)

Giving the blonde's door a quick glance, the squad of 3, along with the old drunken bridge-builder set out, unaware as to the changes occurring within the room.

Naruto's hair had grown out and changes into an odd wild style (Teen Gohan hair) and had turned black, and if you were to have pulled open his eyelids, you would see the now coal-black orbs that now resided within. His height had increased exponentially, bringing him to 5' 6", and the whisker marks had dropped off his face altogether. His frame had become much more muscular, but the most noticeable change was the brown tail sticking out of his pants.

The Z warriors sat back and admired their handiwork.

Oh, he was in for a surprise when he woke up.

- - - (Fin) - - -

Yep, just something I came up with. Hopefully believable. Review!