
I looked up.

First things I noticed: It was a lady, she was wearing standard off duty Marine clothes, and she had orange-ish hair.

Second things I noticed: She had a long tail and two wolf-like ears on top of her head. All were the same color as her hair.

"You ONI?" I asked

"How did you know?" she answered as she sat beside me, putting her meal tray on the table.

I looked around. As always, I was the only person at this table, and no one seemed to really notice the lady.

"The length of your tail. Much longer than any standard Marine's I've ever seen."

I guess I should explain.

15 years ago, we found a race of half human, half animal people living on Installation 10, or a Halo.

Well, I guess they were more two-thirds human and one-third animal.

ONI started to study them.

The people were very primitive. They lived in wood and mud houses, hunted and grew crops. Very cave man-ish.

They didn't fight us, and in fact were eager to help.

Over time, scientists guessed that they were humans that were genetically altered by the Forerunners, and were placed to live on this ring.

After a few years, ONI let them go public, and started to integrate them into humanity.

They did very well.

They quickly learned our ways of life, our tech, and our languages. They soon become a very normal thing to see.

They soon became our first true alien ally.

And now they fight in the UNSC, just as hard as any other soldier.

"What do you want from me, Ma'am?" As I said "Ma'am" her tail twitched.

"First I want you not to call me that..." She said with a growl.


"Also, I have a question."

There was a clatter farther back in the chow hall, and she looked around nervously.

ONI members are so paranoid..."

She looked down again.

"Now where was I...Ah! My question is, have you heard the rumor of a specific man, found in the ruins UNSC ship that had been sucked into Requiem, so ruined that it was un-identifiable...this man is rumored to have been raised, and trained, by Promethean Knights, and killed 22 Marines while being captured, and is now currently is a member of this ship..." She looked at me slightly.

"I believe that man is you. Am I correct?"

I looked down.


I started getting up, but she grabbed my arm and yanked me back down.

"Answer the question, Spartan."

I pulled myself back up, "I'm not a Spartan..." I didn't care who she was, I wasn't going to take this crap from anyone.

"Do you want to get dishonorably discharged?"

That stopped me.

"No..." I growled as I sat back down

"Good. Now answer the question."

"Yes...I am"

"Then I need you to come with me." She said as she got up.

" Wh-" I stopped myself. Why was a question you never asked to an ONI agent.

"I believe you where going to ask me why?" She said. "The reason is for a test, now come with me."

I grumbled as I got up to follow her.

"The test is going to be a War Game"


She looked at me, and seemed a bit angry.

"A. War. Game. A digitally simulated fight to the death.""Oh." I said, getting the picture.

"You will fight two four man teams, and they might as well be a eight man team, because they worked on quite a few missions together." She said with a crooked smile, then we walked quietly, the sharp Clack! of her shoes, which had no heals, racked my mind.

We finally reached the chamber, which had 24 pods that looked a lot like cryo pods.

There were eight other people, correction, Spartans waiting in there, grins on there faces as if they someone had just told a joke.

They immediately lost there smiles, and snapped to attention.

"Officer on deck!" One of them shouted.

"At ease." She said, and they relaxed their shoulders.

I looked at the lady, surprised. Then I thought a bit. I didn't even know her name yet, much less her rank.

"Damn...ONI are as mysterious as they say..."

"You eight will be in a death mach against this," She looked at me. "...Fine, gentlemen on Ragnarök."

"Every person shall have 2 lives." She said as an Radar version of an overview of the Map. "But, to make it fair, there shall be no vehicles" As she said this, the vehicles icon's disappeared.

One of the Spartans sighed.

"Now please choose you pod, and select your loadout." She said, and dismissed us.

I walked towards one of the pods, and a holographic pad lit up, with six words with a gaps below them.

Primary, Secondary, Grenade, Amour ability, Tactical, Support.

I selected my weapons, my primary as a BR55, and my secondary as a SRS99 with a Custom bio scope, witch had Normal, Heat, and Motion tracking, I selected Pulse grenade, which was the kind I knew how to use best. For Tactical, I chose Shielding, and for Support I chose Dexterity.

I turned and asked

"Do we get to use our specialty weapons?"

"Yes" She said, in the "Duh" tone.

I smiled a little. I never really could fight right without my sword.

I punched in my ID code, and, and watched as it made a small holographic version of my suit.

I looked at the sword holder on its back, and a bowie knife on the left side of the chest plate, and the case that holds the extra blades.

I also looked for the small vents on the ends of the amour pieces, such as the ones under the elbows and the ones on the heel's of my leg amour, and the ones on the back.

I smiled confidently. At least I would be able to take out a few of them...and hopefully not have to use my abilities...

I waited for everyone else to be done, and heard a gentle voice say "Please enter the Holopod's, and close your eyes till you hear the beep." and as she said it, the pods doors lifted.

I stepped in, turned around, and leaned back, and watched as the door closed with a hisssss.

I closed my eyes.

I heard a beep.

I opened my eyes, and saw that I was on a beach, a large metal structure nearby me.

And a BR55 in my hands.

I looked around, and immediately ran toward's up the metallic ramp, and saw the three gravity lifts, and I jumped on the area beside the middle lift, pulled my SRS99 off my back, and layed down, and watched for the enemy's.

I saw one pop his head over the head, and I took a quick shot, and missed by a few inches, and at the same time, I heard a POP! and saw the air waver as a bullet flew an inch by my head.

"Some of A-!" I yelled as I jumped down, and crouched down beside the lift.

And that's when I noticed the two Spartans sneaking up behind me.

"How!?" I yelled, dropped the rifle, and pulled my Bowie knife of my chest, pointed it at the closer one and pushed the launch button in little more then a second.

The blade pierced his chest plate, but not the skin.

He seemed to laugh.

And that's when it exploded.

He went flying, and I saw ten points go to blue team on the score chart.

The second one jumped at me, knife out.

My Thruster pack activated, sending me flying in to the wall on left, and he smashed into the wall. I Quickly put another blade on the knife handle, and launched it at him.

It went straight through his visor.

And exploded.

I looked away as the blood flew everywhere, then I remembered it was fake.

I put another blade in the bowie knife, and took a few deep breaths. These fake battles wear as real as they came...

A grenade flew over the wall, and rolled beside me.

"Oh, come on-"

It exploded.

I opened my eyes, and was in a river.

A rocket flew past me, and explode the ground a few feet away from me.

"...Screw this!" I yelled and clapped my hands together, then hit my knuckles together, then felt a heavy, sharp pain in my back, I threw back my head and screamed.

I watched the enemy through my scope.

"What is he doing...?" I whispered

Six blue orbs formed behind him, and started to grow, blew flecks attaching to the spheres, quickly molding themselves into large, solid, shapes.

"What in the world...?"

Those orbs turned into Knights.