Title: Quiet
Summary: Angel contemplates the quiet, and how it's never done her any good
Verse: IDW
Characters: Angel, Alopex
Spoilers: TMNT IDW Vol12
Dis: I don't own TMNT

Start Time: 11:47pm

Taking on the identity of Nobody was probably the best decision she's ever made. She's never been a good kid, not really, Angel remembered the stories her dad used to tell her. The tantrums, the screaming, and the stealing from the age of seven. Her mother had left, and she'd been an angry kid, and though he always told her he never blamed her for her misgivings... She knew better. She knew because in his eyes she saw the same hint of disappointment she always remembered him having at her earliest memories of him. The same look he had when she picked up her weapons to fight Hun instead of baring her neck. How she refused to be a victim.

Now, she sat at the ledge of a building that used to be a pizzeria, ear listening to the chatter of the police scanners while her narrowed eyes scanned the city for any trouble. Beside her, wrapped in her cloak, was the white fox mutant Alopex . Who would have thought one of her best friends would be a mutant fox? Or mutant turtles, for that matter. The Purple Dragons had been her family for so long... And now Hun had his meaty hands all over them and the same people who always had her back, suddenly turned their backs on her.

"Anything?" asked an eager Alopex.


"I'm bored," huffed the fox, shrugging into her cloak even more, and almost pout on her face.

"It being quiet might be a good thing. The less activity the Foot and Dragons have the better..."

Though, as of late, the quiet was always the eye before the gargantuan storm that leveled her world as she knew it.

Her mother leaving, when the night before had been the best Angel ever remembered having with a dinner filled with laughter instead of screaming.

Her father kicking her out of their place, when the night before he'd finally stopped harping on her siding with Casey and the turtles.

Donatello's near death, when the night before they'd all been oblivious to the tragedy that had been waiting to bang down their doors.

And now. So quiet. So still. She almost wished-

Breaking glass, a shout, and the sound of an alarm, had Angel and Alopex standing.

"Finally!" shouted the fox as she started leaping from one roof to another.

"Yeah." Angel pulled down her visor, thankful for the action. "Finally."

End Time: 11:57pm