When It All Began

It was one hell of a party. That was all Dean Ambrose can say about the bachelor him and his friends threw for Roman Reigns who was getting married in one week. They woke up the next morning, not remembering a thing from the night before. It felt as if there were living that "Hangover" movie. It was amazing.

Dean was the first one to wake up, despite having more to drink than anyone else, even Roman. His head was throbbing with a splitting headache as he was trying to figure out where the hell his pants were. He stepped over someone on his way to the bathroom, brushed his teeth, washed his face, and proceeded to the living room. Still not finding his pants, he went to the kitchen and found them on top of the refrigerator. "Oh, what the hell?" He mumbled to himself, taking them down and slipping them on. "Fuck, I'm never drinking again." He knew that was a lie as he started to recollect little things that happened last night and wishing he'd drank more so that he didn't remember them.

Two hours before the party, he met up with one of his best friends, Seth Rollins to set up Roman's, their other best friend's, house. They had a few beers as they were rearranging furniture and putting balloons and other shit up. Then Seth, being the lightweight that he is because he never drinks, was buzzed after a few beers and started talking about how he felt like doing something out of the ordinary, out of his element. He said he was tired of playing it safe and tired of living in a bubble his whole life. Dean ignored him, having no idea what the hell he was talking about. After a few more beers, Dean also started to feel a bit of a buzz, and having finished setting up the house, they sat on the couch and just watched ESPN. Then Seth began talking again.

"Do you ever want to do something completely out of the ordinary?"

Dean took a drink from his beer. "I live my life on the edge, Rollins. I do whatever I please."

"So, you would try everything once?"

"I mean... I guess I would. I'm not really afraid of anything."

Seth sat up, sliding to the end of the couch and putting his empty bottle of beer that he'd been holding for the past 10 minutes on the floor. "I mean... something out of your comfort zone. Something you told yourself you would never do."

Dean looked at Seth. "What are you getting at?"

Seth was quiet for a minute before he quickly leaned forward and kissed Dean right in the lips. Dean pushed him back and jumped up, wiping his mouth. "Seth, what the fuck?!"

"That's what I mean," Seth stood up. "Have you ever imagined being with a guy?"

"NO! You're too fucking drunk. Don't ever take a damn drink again. What the hell is wrong with you?" He began to walk away.

"Wait, Dean," Seth followed. "You're not... you're not gonna tell anyone, right?"

"If you try that shit again, yeah, I will. I mean, God, Seth. What are you thinking? I'm not gay. If that's you, hey, I won't judge."

Seth shook his head. "No, I'm not."

"Then explain why the hell you just kissed me?"

The front door opened then, not giving Seth a chance to answer.

They decided to leave it alone for the night, acting as if nothing had ever happened, and Dean drank... and drank... and drank trying to forget that it ever did. He thought Seth was completely insane for what he did, but he didn't want to think about it anymore. He pushed it further from his mind as the night went on, enjoying the food, drinks, and certainly the strippers.

But now it was morning, and everything wasn't so black and white anymore. He couldn't understand why the hell Seth would do something like that so suddenly. He didn't think his best friend was gay because Seth has had plenty of girlfriends, but yesterday began to make him wonder if he really was in the closet.

Seth woke up, wondering why he was laying on the patio floor. It was chilly outside, telling the world that winter was coming. He got up from the cold ground and went to search for his shirt. Last night, he drank for the first time since his college graduation party and he honestly wished to God he hadn't as he stumbled inside, finding his shirt laying on top of the coffee table. He slipped it on, almost tripping over someones feet. "Fuck..." He found the bathroom, washed up, then made his way back out and looked around Roman's house. It was a completely mess and he knew that tonight they would have to clean it up. He groaned and held his head. He doubted he'd be up for that. Hearing a noise coming from the kitchen, he made his way over there, feeling as if he was going to throw up.

"Hey." He said, entering the kitchen.

Dean turned around and wished he hadn't. Why was he so hesitant on facing Seth? Did he even remember about what happened? "Sup, bro? You look like hell."

"I feel even worse. Man, what the fuck did I drink last night?"

"Everything." He tossed Seth a bottle of water. "You really shouldn't drink so much if you can't handle your liquor."

"Mm," He chugged some water and wiped his mouth. "Thanks for telling me that before I started drinking."

Dean laughed and shifted uncomfortably. "Uh... at least Roman had a good time."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm sure he did. I mean, if I could remember it, I would guess that he did." Seth finished off the water and threw the bottle in the trash can. He then leaned against the wall, crossed his arms across his chest, and looked at Dean. "Do... do you remember everything that happened?"

Dean scratched his neck and ran his hand through his hair. "Most of it, yeah."

"Oh..." 'Damnit, Seth. Just ask him. What more can it hurt?' Seth thought to himself. "Do you remember what I did?"

'Damn' Dean thought, not wanting to talk about it. He laughed it off, though. "You did a lot of things last night. Drunk Seth is quite entertaining."

Seth laughed, too. "Yeah, whatever, man. The house is a mess."

"I know, Roman is going to be pretty pissed when he sees it."

Dean and Seth kept talking about the night and Dean filled Seth in on the party's success. They had avoided it for now... but they couldn't avoid it for long.