
The king of Halloween roamed the quiet little town of Salem, where he called home, as children ran around dressed as monsters, superheros, and many other things. What had happened to this joyous holidy for the dead? Use to people of all ages put masks on and danced around a fire to be with their long lost family members, lovers, and friends. Even adults use to be able to see him but that was a very long time ago. Now in this present time candy companies use this holiday to make people buy more of their candy and stores sell silly and redulious costumes. This was not Halloween. Do humans even remember why they carve jack-o-lanterns other than the fact that it is an old tradition? Probaby not... Now after hundres of centuries Samhain, the origional spirit of Halloween, power began to disappear.

"Humans have corrupted this holiday... they do not know the true meaning of Halloween and so I have accepted my fate..." the spirit said to no one in particular but as the moon hung high in the sky he heard his old friend. The king looked up to the moon. "You and I both know this day was soon to come... they have lost sight of the true meaning... few still celebrate this holiday the way it was use to..." The King looked down at his had and saw that end had begun, he was begining to disappear. "Find another soul MiM. One with the power of old combined with the power of new" By now his legs had disappeared and from the elbows down. "Make them know was Halloween was and still is... make them remind the children as well as the adults what this hoiday was... goodbye... old friend..." As he said the last part of the sentence the king of Halloween disappeared forever...