A/N- took me long to update, yeah? sorry. hehe. anyway, dont forget to favorite/follow to keep track of the updates. I just love surprises XD

Another Heart Calls

"Oh, hey there, sweet cheeks!" Marceline greeted her step-sister as she laid the pancakes on the white plate and gave it to the pink haired girl, she flashed a smile in return as she sat on the stool.

The only sound was the spoon creating a small friction on the plate and Marceline's constant tapping on the marble glass which happens to be their table-top or kitchen top.

"So, how'd it go with Guy?" the older girl asked as she bit her lip, Bonnibel rubbed her eyes, "What?"

"Last night with Guy? remembeeeeeeeeer?" she inquired, Bonnibel nodded like it was some sort of a bell to her.

Before saying anything, she ate a piece of the pancake, chewed it slowly and said, "he asked me out."

"Uh-huh, you turned him down?"

Bonnibel blinked and looked at Marceline in uttered confusion, "How did you-"

"He never listens." Marceline stood up and disappointment was on her face as well as in her voice, she took her plate and put it in the sink, saying, "uh yeah, you're on washing duty today, my laundry basket's at the room, I'll be in the attic, playing some music shiz." she ended with an air quotation and said it in a monotone and walked pass by the pink girl.

What's with the sudden change of attitude? Should she be happy that I took him down? Bonnibel thought but then she frowned at the realization, she.. she doesn't really like me... I guess that's it.

Marceline smiled as she closed the floordoor of the attic and laid herself on the blanket that she prepared.

So, I still have a chance with Bonnie? she giggled, like a teenage girl who just met The Beatles.

"But what if she doesn't like me?" she mumbled to herself, she sat up, took her phone from her back pocket and texted her friend.

Lady, need you, ASAP.

after clicking send, few minutes later a reply came.

Well, this is weird. Hello, Marceline, what may I be of service?...?

she smiled before typing, I know that it is weird, can I ask you somethin'?

after a minute or two, another reply came, OKay, you're already asking :P what's up?

The raven haired girl bit her lip, Can I see you or something? this isn't the topic that can be talked about thru texts.

I understand, don't just tell Jake.

Marceline chuckled, Sure, and don't tell little sister, might be jelly, y'know ;)

Holy grod, she knows?

Marceline stared at her phone for a minute, wait, does Bonnie knows?

Maybe, she's a smartass, a 50-50 chance that she might know or not, it doesn't really matter anyway. :3

after hitting send, again. There was a sudden knocking, Marcceline puts her phone back on the back pocket and opened the door, revealing a pink girl.


"Your room, it's locked.." she stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world, Marceline nodded and said, "right. come on,the attic's boring."

with that, she went out, Bonnibel following behind her, when her phone vibrated.

She rubbed her head and chuckled nervously at the pink beauty, earning a rather confused expression from her.

"What is it?" she asked, annoyed, Marceline just winked at her and opened her room door.

Marceline shook her head, humming sweetly, "Nothiiiinng~"

Bonnibel rolled her eyes and went inside, totally uninvited, Marceline laid herself on the bed, propping her hand to the side and looks at her sister, she was sporting a loose white button up that runs to her butt, and a black cycling shorts.

Idiot, It does matter, but what happened in the past will stay that way, meet me Candy Kingdom after my shift which is 4:30 PM, be there or nothing. :p the text read, Marceline immediately started typing on her phone replied, whatever you say, be there at 4:25, see ya ;)

"Someone's a little bit busy today." Bonnibel said in a rather flirty tone, Marceline scoffed, "Yeah, will be meeting someone this afternoon, tell mom and dad that I'll be here before dinner." she flashed a smile before Bonnibel carried the basket and shoots a glare at her sister, "Better be home by dinner."


"Welcome to - oh, Marceline." Lady greeted with enthusiasm but realizing it was Marceline her tone changed to disappointment. With that, Marceline frowned and sat at the counter of the small bar.

"Don't give me that tone, Lady."

"I just did, you're way too early, be nice and take a seat, I'll be off in a few minutes." by that, Lady greeted the other customer, Marceline jumped from the bar and took her sweets composed of a red candycane, two lollipos and red colored skittles, after paying she searched for a table, and found out one with a black haired man with a red plaid polo as he was sipping his coffee and busy typing on his laptop, Marceline went to the table and greeted the man.

"Marshall Lee."

the man named Marshall Lee looked at the source of the voice and smiled at his cousin, "Hey there, Marceline, what brings you here to my humble abode?"

"Gonna take Lady to a girl talk, you know how weird girls can be." she answered as she shrugged her shoulders and took a bite of her candycane.

Marshall nodded and said. "Uh-huh, considering you are one.." he stopped to sip and continued, "So, how's life?"

"Tough and hard, but I can manage." she managed to say despite of the sweet food in her mouth, the man nodded again as he typed and asked, "Bonnibel, how is she?"

Marceline bit her lip before answering, "Doing good, better must be the right word..." she pondered, Marshall tapped his cheek and continued typing "That's good to know.."

"how about you? it seems that you're busy with your work than managing the crew in this place." the eighteen year old asked the twenty-two year old man. he drifted his grey eyes at her red ones before scanning the area and sighed. "They don't managing anymore, and a manager's job not only to manage the crew but also-"

Marceline rolled her eyes at the same time waved her hand dismissively at him. "I know that, idiot. What are you doing then? it seems that it's a really serious thing."

Marshall raised his brows in realization, "Oh, just a monthly report.." he stopped, he looked at his watch, "Lady's off now, you may go."

Marceline groaned, "Ugh, okay. Bye Mar-mar." she winked at her cousin, Marshall Lee glared at her before saying, "get out."


"What do you want to ask me?" Lady inquired as they sat on the bench in the park facing the whole river, the lamp lights being the only source of light to brighten the area, Marceline sighed and continued staring at the river.

"Does Bonnibel really like me?"

Lady glanced at her before answering. "Why do you ask?"

"Because I like her."

there was an awkward silence before Lady spoke, "are you really sure?"

Marceline hesitated to answer, "yes, but I just can't because she's my sister."

"step-sister," Lady corrected as she looked at Marceline, "there's still a chance, you just have to find out how."

"You still didn't answer my question." Marceline said as she looked at Lady, her crimson red eyes piercing her friend's black ones.

"She does, she feels the same thing, and If I were you, better tell her, Guy might steal her."

Marceline rubbed her neck and looked at the stars above, "She turned him down, if you didn't know."

"I know that, I'm her best friend, she thinks about reconsidering the offer." she smirked, Marceline's eyes widened, "That's just NO!"

"Then what are you waiting for? go and get her, you idiot."

Marceline chuckled as she stood up, "You never change."

"I guess that what makes me unique." she then stood up and winked at Marceline, the other girl smiled genuinely and said, "Hug to cheer me up?"

"No," she stuck her tongue up but accepted the offer, they hugged for a moment and they let go, smiling at each other.

"Thanks, Lady, you can be everyone's best friend, you know that?"

"Yeah, just don't play with her." she narrowed her eyes at Marceline who grinned, "Nah, why would I?"

"Makes sense."

the two of them parted ways at the exit of the park.


When Lady arrived home, she was eating her favorite oatmeal and busy talking with her boyfriend over the phone when her phone beeped, still talking on the phone, she opened the message from an unknown number and her heart stopped for a while.

stay away from Marceline, if ever I caught you again with her doing affectionate things, I'll fucking cut your head off and tear the hell of you apart.

Have a nice day :)

A/N- DUN DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN will be rated M soon due to some:


Sexual Activities

Rape? *the fucks wrong with me

and other stuff that shouldnt be mentioned because its too much

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