A Slytherin's Mudblood
Summary: What if the golden trio wasn't as close to one another as they seemed. What if Hermione Granger was just there to help, but not really friends...what if she was just a tool to her so called friends. What happens when the Slytherin's start to see this..and take the smart muggleborn for themselves.
Category: Harry Potter
Pairing: Hermione/?
Rating: M
Chapter Three
Daphne grinned as she heard the whispers at dinner, the word was getting around. The Slytherin's were to have a whole house meeting.
A Meeting that hadn't happened in years.
A house adoption meeting.
This only happened when someone of the Slytherin house brings something up that shouldn't be happened in the school.
It didn't happen often, but there really had no reason to have this house meeting. There was a reason now.
A Slytherin always recognizes another Slytherin.
Daphne recognized the look in Hermione Grangers eyes. She had a haunted look in them, but they also had the look of wanting Knowledge, and wanting to prove themselves. Look of ambition.
Hermione had all those looks in her eyes.
Daphne could tell the girl had changed alot since her first year. Then she was just a knowital, nothing Slytherin about that. Now though, her eyes had changed.
The look of ambition, the look that she knew all too well from when she looked in the mirror. That is why she told Blaise to make the meeting happen.
And happen it shall.
Though Daphne was a little worried on how Snape would act, he was too close to Dumbledore for her comfort. He was a Slytherin, but it didn't mean she was comfortable with the friendship or whatever the two had.
She just wanted to keep this meeting for only the students, the other Slytherins. She knew once she told them what she saw there was going to be a three day watching period.
Daphne knew they would all see what she saw in the waiting period.
They would also see how she was treated by the other lions.
Something she didn't like, and knew they wouldn't either.
Hermione's house was too take care of her, and by the looks of this, it wasn't happening. Daphne looked over at the lion table and saw the girl picking at her food, making her blue eyes narrow.
She couldn't remember any time when she saw the girl eat a lot. This worried Daphne too. Why wouldn't the girl eat a lot. Sure she put food on her plate...but not actually eat it.
What was going on with the muggleborn.
It didn't help the way she saw the other Gryffindors treat the girl. Harshly. Like she was an outsider, only aloud to be there when they found her useful.
And they said her house was cruel.
What they were doing was cruel too.
Very cruel indeed.
Hermione Granger sighed as she pushed the rest of her dinner away, she wasn't hungry. She seemed like she never really was anymore. Food seemed to have lost its appeal.
'I should have stayed in the dorm till everyone left then went to look for my things' Hermione thought as she glanced around at the happy chatting people around her.
Everything was so different from her first year, she was things differently. Nothing was like how it used to be.
Her friendship with Harry and Ron had changed...so had her look on the Wizarding world.
Everything was so different now.
She understood things her friends never would. Hermione knew the things she read her friends would look at her with disgust.
The things she wanted to learn the would give her the same looks.
Her parents did.
Things were getting worse with them the longer she went to school at Hogwarts...she didn't know what to do anymore.
Things were all falling apart.
It wasn't like anyone noticed though.
No one noticed Hermione Granger...unless they needed help with something. It was then she was usefull.
That is all she was...the walking homework helper...puzzle solver...she was never Hermione Granger.
Sometimes she wished someone would change that.
Though Hermione would soon be learning she should be careful what she wished for...because sometimes it will come true, and not in the way she intended.
Yuki Note: Hope you all liked the chapter!
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I love knowing what you all think! Also vote for pairing! I am not sure what the final pairing is as of yet.