Series Notes: These drabbles are my entries for the "2013 Last Fan Standing" fest at the kakasaku community on Dreamwidth. The challenge was to write a drabble in response to a daily prompt for 30 days.

Each drabble is between 100-500 words and they all feature Kakashi and Sakura in some way. Some are friend!fic, some romantic, some just plain crack and others full of angst/DoOm. Naruto, Sasuke, Sai and others also make appearances. Since I'm fairly new to writing in the Naruto fandom, I used these little fics to get to know the characters.

I'll be posting one a day (or so). (Update: all drabbles have now been posted!) I hope you enjoy!


Prompt: Pillow | Title: Some Nights - 110 words


It was only a light tickle. Any lighter and the pull of sleep would be much stronger. But the pressure of the touch was enough to bring her to wakefulness.

It took exactly three seconds for her to realize what was going on.


"I was asleep, Sakura-chan! I didn't mean-"

Thwack.stomp, stomp stomp.

"Kakashi-sensei." She stood over him, blanket tucked under her arm. Pink hair stuck out at odd angles. He nodded and she settled on the ground next to him, then laid her cheek against his leg.

She was never going to let Naruto convince her that he was a good pillow ever again. Pillows don't grope.