As she began to start to sing, the bell rang and she shut up. It was time for Glee. Hoo fucking ray. She sat alone, waiting for the other members to pile in. As if on cue, they piled it, laughing and smiling. Rachel rolled her eyes at them. They buddied up and sat down together. She was left alone. Fine with me. But as soon as Mr. Schue started talking, Quinn ran in. "Sorry, Mr. Schue, I was caught up talking to a teacher." He nodded, and she sat down. Next to Rachel. Rachel looked at her like she had broccoli stuck in her teeth, but said nothing. "Alright guys, Sectionals is coming up!" Cheers erupted from the club, and Rachel fought the urge to gag. "Now, Rachel, it's time for you to tell us your ideas." The glee director looked at her expectantly. She looked at him, then looked down and began checking her nails. He began impatiently tapping his foot. "Rachel, if you're feeling a little bit moody, because of ahem lady things, that's fine. But really, we need to hear your ideas. We have no time to waste when it comes to Sectionals." Rachel looked at him, appalled. Did he really just say that? Suddenly a voice began speaking.
"Oh my god, Mr. Schuester. What the fuck was that? Just because she doesn't want to talk you assume she's on her period. And why the fuck are you so dependent on her? Aren't you the teacher? What if I have ideas for Sectionals? Why the fuck are you so positive she does? What the fuck?" Quinn Fabray yelled at him, eyes blazing. Rachel looked up and stared at the girl next to her. The glee club sat, staring at the blonde who looked like she wanted to punch Mr. Schue. Everyone was looking like they'd just seen a bear do ballet. Why was Quinn Fabray standing up for Rachel Berry, out of all people? Quinn huffed, then sped out of the room. Everyone's eyes turned to Rachel. She gave them a disgusted look before taking her bag and running out the door. As she ran out of the choir room, she bumped into Quinn. She mumbled a sorry and was about to leave, when Quinn grabbed her arm.
"Seriously, Berry, what's up with you? You mouthed off to a cheerio, have no glee ideas, and have barely said 3 words all day." The blonde gave her a concerned look. Rachel tried to shake off the urge to break down. Careful, Rachel. She does not care about you. Do not trust her. You need to get out of here. "Nothing, Quinn." She spat out the blonde's name with hatred. The cheerio squinted her eyes, staring at the bitter girl in front of her. She loosened her grip on Rachel's arm. "Well, here. This is my number. If you need to talk or something." Quinn took out a pen and scribbled her phone number on Rachel's arm. She gave Rachel a small smile before turning and walking to her car. Rachel stared at her arm like it had been burned. What the fuck? Rachel was just as confused as the Glee club.
Santana ran out of the club and caught up to Quinn. "Seriously, Q. You got a boner for Berry?" Quinn scoffed. "No, Santana. I do not have a 'boner for Berry.' I just think it's stupid what Mr. Schue said. That's all." Santana snorted. "Please, Q. Everything he says is stupid. But, did you say something because what he said involved the dwarf? You have it bad for her, Queerio." Santana smiled, happy with her word play. Quinn bitterly laughed. "Oh, please. Like I'd ever have anything for Berry. I'm just trying to be less of a bitch. You should try it sometime. By the way, even if I did like Berry, should you really be talking, Lespez?" The Latina gave her friend a dark look. "Whatever, Quinnie. I'm just trying to help. It sucks having to hide shit like that. Just be careful with your leering. You were eye fucking Berry so hard in there." Quinn shook her head. "Talk to you later, Sannie." I do not like Berry. Why would she even think that? I'm just trying to help. Something was definitely up with the diva and Quinn seemed like the only one who gave a shit. Has no one else noticed the change? Rachel's basically driven the club to Regionals since the beginning and now something was up and no one gave a shit. She'd seen the girl in the bathroom. She didn't even look affected by the slushee she'd received. And there was undeniably a black eye that Berry was trying to hide. Her lip looked split too. She hadn't seen Rachel act normally since the party on Friday. Today was Monday. How does someone change their entire personality over 3 days? Quinn needed to get to the bottom of whatever was going on with Rachel. If no one else cared, then she would. But, Berry was being even more stubborn that usual. She looked at Quinn with such hatred. And Quinn hadn't done shit lately. She never looked at her like that back in freshman year, when Quinn had actually ruined Rachel's life. Rachel had lost everything unique about her. Her clothes were dull and blended in with everyone else's. Quinn never thought she would miss those horrid animal sweaters. Rachel's eyes were dead and absent. They looked more black than the deep brown color they were supposed to be. Quinn got into her car and banged her eye against the steering wheel a few times. What is going on with her? Maybe Finn said sometime stupid again. She saw Rachel's outburst at Puck's party. Rachel looked like she wanted to rip Finn's head off and feed it to tigers. Although, Quinn didn't blame her. But, Finn said millions of stupid things and Rachel never acted like this. Something happened in those 3 days. Something that changed Rachel entirely. And Quinn wasn't going to sleep until she figured it out. All she needed was a plan. First, she needed Berry. She needed to get Rachel to trust her. Then they'd become friends and Quinn could lure it out of Rachel. She smiled. Operation: Save Berry was now underway.
Hi! I'm sorry. I'm sick so I'm like a review late of updating. Thank you for the reviews! You guys are the best. Someone ( not saying who) will find out about the rape in the next chapter or two or three who knows. Should they find out by Rachel being triggered by something and blurting it out or should the attacker confront Rachel again and the person sees and figures it out? Any other ideas you guys have leave them in the reviews. I love you all so much. I'll update as soon as I can.