A/N: So this is the new first chapter. If you've been here before, a long time ago, then some details might have been changed, but I think the changes are for the better.

Disclaimer: As always, I have learned that I own nothing, especially anything that Stephanie Meyer has created.

Would you like to book your flight? The computer beeped at me as I decided whether or not to mess up my life, probably permanently.

You know that you can't take this back if you go back there, I thought.

There. The place where my life got messed the fuck up, but also the place where I decided to take life by the horns, and all that bull.

"Fuck it", I said to myself, and clicked on the 'yes' button on the screen.

You've gotta say yes to probably damaging your life, your kid's life, and the lives of countless other people.

I let out a deranged sigh, and then remembered that I had a three-year-old monster in my living room who was probably in the middle of making a disaster.

"Well damn," I breathed, "can't get a break, can I?" I walked into the second room of our apartment, and I saw that my son, Masen, was not in fact, destroying my house. He was, though, struggling to tie his shoes in the most adorable way. His copper red hair was the messiest it had been, of the day at least, and his eyes were concentrated on the problem in his way.

This happened a lot, because along with his looks, Masen had also gotten his father's innate curiosity. It was at these times that I wondered if I had done the right thing, moving a continent away from everything, everyone that Masen could have loved, and been loved by.

But instead of the answer coming to me, my son finally saw me, and screeched, "Please, momma, please help me to tie my shoes!"

I walked over to him, and finished the bunny hole that his chubby fingers couldn't get to.

"Now remember, Mase, you've got to put the bunny in the hole to make it work." I smirked when he put his hand up to his face, exasperated.

"I was trying to, momma, but the bunny kept getting confused. H-he didn't know where his home was."

Well, he's a lot like you, Mase, I thought to myself, but you're both gonna figure it out to.

Because all three of us were going home. To the place where everything had ended the future I thought I was going to get to have.

Forks, Washington.

A/N: Like the original chapter, this one is still kinda short, but I drew out my thoughts a little bit better, I think. To any new readers, welcome dears, and to any old readers, welcome back, my pretties. Tell the newspaper, I'm back and I'm better baby! xx