Title: Scarred and Bleeding

Summary: Damon and Elena are FBI agents who don't really get along well; after she gets injured during an assignment, things start to change.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended. No profit is being made from this work.

A/N: Here it is… Once again thank you all so much for the amazing response to this little story! It meant the world having your reviews to read and seeing your reaction to each chapter. Hope you enjoy this final update for our little FBI couple…

He never got used to it.

It was months later and still the evidence that his house no longer was seen as dark and dreary but rather a place filled with light and laughter and love shocked him. Not long after the coin toss had Elena moved in with Jeremy, who only had a few more weeks of school left before he would be off to college. Then a few days after everyone was settled in and getting used to a routine the phone call Damon had been waiting for finally came.

"Mr. Salvatore?"

"Yes," Damon responded, a nervousness taking over his voice. Elena sensed it from across the room and instantly stood up from her chair to take his hand in hers.

"This is Dr. Fell from Mystic Falls General." The doctor cleared her throat before speaking again. "I'm happy to report that your brother, Stefan, has finally awoken from his coma. He's doing well despite some dizziness and confusion which is to be expected. You're welcome to come whenever you get a chance."

The elation that filled Damon up was enough to cause him to squeeze Elena to him and wrap her up tight enough that she had to remind him she needed to breathe. "I'll be there as soon as I can," Damon spoke into the phone.

The doctor laughed. "Carefully, please. Stefan will be waiting."

They hung up and Damon found himself spinning Elena around the room. "What's going on?" she smiled out after he had given her a bruising kiss for about the tenth time.

"Stefan's awake. He's finally awake."

Now it was Elena's turn to squeeze him. They rejoiced for a few short minutes before racing over to the hospital. Elena stood in the hallway as Damon walked into his brother's hospital room. He found Stefan sitting up, nursing a cup of water. His eyes ignited with excitement when he finally turned towards Damon and it was as if they were school boys again with the way they embraced each other. Stefan was full of questions and Damon did his best to answer each one before finally introducing him to the biggest part of his life.

A few weeks later, Stefan joined the little family that took residence in the boarding house. It took some getting used to. He still wasn't back to his usual self and after the ordeal Damon wasn't sure if he ever would be. In the meantime he was just enjoying finally be able to see his brother laugh and smile and try to tidy up the mess his once perfect bouffant hairdo had turned into. They spent hours just talking and rehashing old memories. Damon finally got out the guilt he felt at putting his brother in the crosshairs and when Stefan reached out to him, promising him that he didn't blame him, the weight he had placed upon himself finally lifted.

The coin toss which had once filled him with uncertainty had turned into a blessing. The coin landed on heads and Damon had done the very last thing anyone expected of him: choosing the girl over work. He was steadfast in his decision; constantly reminding Elena that this had been her idea and that she had set the rules. She was reluctant at first but after her first week back, Damon knew he had made the right decision. He may have retired young but seeing that fire in Elena's eyes and that determination in her heart was a constant reminder that she was the right one for the job.

On his last night after he had cleaned up his office and was staring around the four walls that had been a home to him for so many years when Elena had walked in. She shut the door behind him, making sure the blinds had fallen and that no curious eyes could see whatever exchange she had in store for them that night.

"How did your last day go?" Elena questioned with a sympathetic smile. She walked towards him, wrapping her arms around his waist.

Damon shrugged. "I have enough bourbon to last through my retirement."

She was quiet for moment, her fingers reaching up and smoothing down his unruly hair. "Maybe we can talk to Ric. There has to be some way for everyone to get what they want."

"I want you. That's enough for me." He leaned forward and placed the softest of kisses on the tip of her nose. Who knew he, Damon Salvatore, did cute kisses or cheesy lines?

"You and I both know you'll get bored."

Damon shrugged, not believing it for a second. "I'm sure we'll hit a rut sometime. That's when the kinky sex comes in." He smirked and brought his mouth to cover hers.

She melted into his kiss, her hands going from soft tugs to hard grips on his strands. "You know what we never got a chance to do, Damon?" she sighed.

"Mmm, what?" he hummed, lost in the silkiness of her neck.

"All those times you infuriated me in this office there was only one thing I wanted to do," Elena reached past him and pushed aside the three boxes that contained everything in this office that was his. It fell to the floor and Elena quickly turned their bodies so she could sit on his desk. Her legs spread for him and that was when he realized the total irony of this moment. His hands ghosted up her thighs and pushed up the very same black pencil skirt she had worn at their first meeting. Her shirt was the very same dark blue button up that he had imagined unbuttoning.

His hands found her center and found her completely bare and wet for him. "Looks like we get to the kinky stuff early."

"This is the last chance I get to fuck my asshole co-worker on his desk," she breathed as his finger entered her.

The sound of the curse dropping from her lips did funny things to him and he couldn't take the anticipation any longer. This wasn't going to be quick and drawn out. It was going to be fast and rough and dirty. "Fuck, Elena," he cursed as her hands undid his belt and freed him. Her soft hands wrapped around him, finding him already hard for her.

She gave him a little smirk before roughly bringing her mouth to his and pulling his hips towards her. "Fuck me, Damon."

"You'll need to be quiet," he warned.

Elena mimed a key locking her lips before Damon lost what little control he had. He pushed aside her hands, gave her a bruising kiss and pushed himself inside of her velvety folds in one hard thrust. Elena moaned into his mouth just as his hand gathered up her hair and roughly tilted her head to the side and deepening their kiss. She gripped his ass firmly, deepening his already frantic thrusts, as her legs tangled around his.

Damon was so lost in her that he forgot time and circumstance. He knew they had to remain quiet but that did little to stop him from tearing open her shirt and sending buttons flying all across his office. His one hand gripped her weight, holding her to him, while his other freely roamed the lace covered mounds before him. He pulled down her bra just enough to expose her breast as Elena's hands roamed underneath his shirt before moving instead to his hair.

"Harder, Damon," she whined, moving her hips in such a frantic dance that it was driving him mad.

"Such a pain in the ass," he growled, increasing his speed.

Soon her body was squeezing him causing him to tense up and unravel within her. They came together in a mess of hushed whispers and sloppy kisses as their hands squeezed and scratched and pulled at whatever it could. When they finished they remained as one, lost in this moment that could've been before returning to the reality that was more than either of them hoped for.

"I can't believe you ripped open my blouse," Elena stated, trying to foolishly piece her shirt back together. "You're such an asshole."

"That may be true," he agreed, pulling out of her and grabbing one of his button ups from a haphazard box on the floor. He handed it to her and kissed her forehead, whispering, "But I'm your asshole."

Elena began re-dressing, giving him one last kiss. "I'll see you at home."

It was a better last night than he could've asked for. They had come so far since that first night: individually and as a couple. Seeing everything that Elena brought out of him, the way she forced him to face his demons and begin to care for someone other than himself made him regret the way he had been in the past. They both had their scars to deal with it but facing them together made it a little less scary.

Damon was sitting in his library, working on some research for one of Elena's cases, when he heard the familiar sound of the front door shutting. Her heels echoed through the hallways as she searched for him. It didn't take long. For some reason she always knew just where to find him.

"Alaric would kill me if he knew you were looking at those files," she said, removing her blazer and neatly placing it on a leather chair.

He laughed. "Pot. Kettle. Ric calls me every now and again to help out, too."

"I supposed he told you what happened to Katherine Pierce."

"The chick who outted us? What about her?" Damon looked up, curious.

Elena walked over and took a seat on his lap. "Seems Ric felt something was off about the way she took pleasure out of our situation. He said there was something personal about her enjoyment. Something more than just doing the job. Turns out she fell for Elijah Mikaelson. She's been giving the Bureau the wrong intel on them for years. She was a turncoat."

"Huh," Damon replied, caring little about her demise. "I guess she got what was coming to her."

"Now that all the Mikaelson's are finished and you're actually enjoying retirement how do we ever keep life in this house interesting?"

Damon laughed. He knew exactly how things would get exciting. The secret existed in a velvet jewelry box in his pocket. It was going to be their next adventure. Hopefully this one was a little less bloody and a lot more like those chick flicks Elena and Lily made him watch with the happy ever after and cheesy love songs.

Who knew falling for his partner would bring him here? The self-proclaimed playboy going out of his way to plan the perfect night to pop the question to his girlfriend who once annoyed the hell out of him. It had been a long journey getting here but the hope of seeing Elena smile the way she was now, nestled on his lap and talking about her day, for the rest of his life confirmed what he believed the night they received their ultimatum. Elena was worth it and she always would be.

A/N: Short but sweet!

You all are phenomenal! Thank you so much for reading, reviewing, passing this story on, etc. I'm so happy you enjoyed my little journey into angstville and didn't get too upset with me as I put you through cliffhanger after cliffhanger. So thank you again! xx