A/N: Hey people. So this story is me just testing the waters to see if anyone would like this. I just got the idea for it and started to write but I'm not sure if I'll continue it, maybe depending on how many people like it but I don't know. Anyway, here goes nothing.

Santana's P.O.V

I pull up to my father's house in my black BMW M6 convertible, birthday present from the old man he opens the gate, confirming it's just me, I drive forward and park in front of the house in the circular driveway. I get out of my car and walk up to the doors

"Hey Tony, Leo. You two are looking extra dead today." I say to my father's guards.

They're big as hell. Tony is 35 and is at least three hundred and fifty pounds of pure muscle. He' 6'7 and has a scar under is right eye. He was stabbed there. He's the scariest bald man I've ever seen but the sweetest man I've ever met. His wife is the nicest and his kids are fucking adorable. Leo is 40 and he's a little shorter than Tony. He has long brown and gray hair, that's always pulled back in a pony tail. He's probably about 310 at most and he's pretty friendly. At first I thought he was creepy but I've know these guys since I was 11, so 11 years. They smirk at me and Tony says

"Hey Santana." I pretend to punch him in the stomach and he pretends to be hurt then hugs me.

"Hey San. How's your day been." I hear Leo say as I pull back

"Good. Yours?" I ask and hug him as well

"It would be better if we could guard from the inside." He says with a small chuckle

"Yeah, it is hot out today. Why are you guys out here anyway?" I ask

"Marco is here." They say and I nod. Marco is my dad's long time friend and business partner. Dad said he's been paranoid as hell since he went to jail back in the 80's, so whenever he comes dad has security everywhere to make him feel safe.

"Okay, when he leaves, you guys come in for lemonade. I'm probably going to make some." I say and they nod. I walk through the door and into my father's house.

"Papi!" I yell and I don't get a response. The only downfall of being in a mansion. I go to one of the intercoms and say

"Papi?" A second later I get a response.

"They're on the golf course S." I hear my brother Puck say

"Why the hell are you here?" I ask

"Dad invited me. Duh. Plus I can come see him when I want." He says

"Whatever, loser. Does dad know you're here?" I ask then start to walk through the house

"Nope." I hear him say and I go to another intercom

"Then come with me. You know he hates when we're here and he doesn't know it."

"You think I don't know that? I'm the one that almost got shot last time." He says and I roll my eyes

"Anyway, hurry up. I'm going to the kitchen." I say then walk to the kitchen to see Puck rummaging through the refrigerator. He stands up holding a sandwich between his teeth and puts back the jar of mayo.

"Got here before you."

"Come on jackass." I say and walk out a side door that's connected to a patio. I go down the steps and into the garage to get my golf cart when Puck zooms past me and into his.

"Race you to dad?" He says as I get into my cart and open the garage door.

"Puck. You're 23. I'm 22. We're not kids anymore so -" I say then start my cart and race out of the garage

"You won't win!" I yell and I hear him coming up behind me

"You cheater!" He yells and I laugh. I love that we were 14 and 15 we decided to...fix our golf carts and they go up 120 mph now. Dad was pissed but never did anything about it.

"I'm so winning." I say as I push the gas up to 50

"You're never going to beat me. When will you learn that?" Puck says as he rushes by me. I go faster and see we're getting closer and closer to papi, who's on the hill. Now we're neck and neck and dad looks at us and shakes his head. He walks over to Marco and they take a seat in the garden, at a table. Once we get far enough I stop my cart and get out and run towards Papi while Puck is still driving.

"Hey!" He says and I laugh as I get to dad

"I win." I say and sit next to my father then kiss his cheek

"Hey papi."

"Hi, why are you and your brother so silly?" He asks and I shrug. I notice Michael, dad's butler, bringing food to the table and when he sits the basket of rolls down I take one and bite into it. God the chef, Antonia, can cook her ass off.

"Sup Marco." I say and he nods at me

"You're such a cheater." Puck says as he comes over to the table and sits on the other side of our father.

"Now that you're both here, we need to talk." Papi says and I turn to look at him.

"What is it?" I ask and papi takes a swig of the beer that's sitting on the table.

"I need you and Noah to do a pick up. We have a shipment coming in Florida and I need the two of you to bring it back."

"Wait, you want me to drive with him? No offense but papi have you lost your mind? He'll kill us both." I say and he rolls his eyes

"Says the girl that has broken every car she's ever had. How the hell you dented both sides of the back doors and not the front too, I'll never understand."

"Oh whatever. We're not going in your piece of shit."

"Piece of shit? I drive a Mercedes – Benz GLT. Compared to my car, yours is the piece of shit

"Enough." Papi says and we stop talking

"You two will do what I said, comprende? We need this shipment and it would just be safer for you to drive. Be happy to get out of Ohio for awhile. It's Florida and summertime. Have fun but-"

"Don't give you a heart attack or grandchildren. We know." We both say in unison

"Yes. Now I need for you to leave in the morning and you will stay for 3 days. I already have it mapped out and you can take my Range Rover. You two just need to pack and be on the road by six – thirty."

"A.M?" I ask and Puck scoffs

"Too early." He says and I nod

"I don't want to hear it. I expect a phone call the minute you two leave." He says and we nod

"Where is this pick up?" Puck asks

"My associate, Julio, will meet you at Miami Beach." Marco says

"On the beach?" I ask and he nods. Awesome. I can enjoy some sun, half naked women and the beach while I work.

"What's he look like?" I ask and Marco shows Puck and I a picture of him.

"Now, Marco and I have other things to discuss so you can leave or stay." He says and I get up.

"Bye Papi." I say and kiss his cheek again. I get back in my cart and drive it back to the garage and then go back to my actual car. Britt and I were supposed to hang out anyway.

I'm not happy about this stupid trip, at all. He's never sent me to pick up deliveries, but at least it's Miami. I think I'll ask B if she wants to go. Brittany is the most amazing person I've ever met. We went to school together since kindergarten and she's been my best friend ever since. She knows everything about me and didn't judge. Well at first she said it was bad, really bad and she's right but I'm not going to stop because it's bad.

The way she found out was pretty scary though. Instead of going to the warehouse, where the product is made or grown, I told Puck to bring me a bag. Britt was at my house and he put it on the kitchen table. I was going to test it while she was distracted watching Beauty and the Beast but I went to the bathroom. When I came back she had a bag in her hand and was going to stick her finger in it and eat it. She thought it was sugar until she picked it up then she thought it was flour and said 'what the heck? I've never tasted flour' I stopped her an explained what it was and I got scolded a little but in the end she said if that's what I wanted to do, she couldn't stop me but she wouldn't ever help.

My dad, Santos, is one of the biggest...happiness salesman in Ohio and over in Columbia. I don't like to say drug lord, or leader of a drug cartel or drug dealer. He just provides a service to people and it might be a tiny bit...illegal. Puck and I call it the 'family business' because it is, really. Puck started when he was 18. He said it was easy money and honestly we grew up knowing the business. Dad tried his best to hide it from us but we were and are, sneaky people.

Puck is more of the muscle. He takes care of competition, if someone gets caught stealing, cover ups, stuff like that. I manage production and finances. I started when I was 18 too and I...test the product for quality and no I am not on drugs, I only smoke drug free cigars occasionally. Testing doesn't even allow me to feel any effects, it's just a test, and I also handle the money. I'm in charge of making sure the tally is always correct and no one tried to skim off the top.

I also pay our workers and dealers. I like to think of myself as the head bitch under the big boss. Since we rake in over millions and millions in days, we're beyond rich. Dad pays Puck and I and he owns a few businesses and has some investments so it doesn't look like he's doing something illegal. You can't live in a huge mansion and be unemployed without raising a few eyebrows and we don't need the feds on our case.

I just finished college. I went just to have something to fall back on if shit got bad. I'm happy as hell it's summer because now I have nothing to do and I'm going to enjoy that. I call B when I stop at a light and she just tells me to come over. Luckily, Britt lives like right down the street from me so I just park in my driveway and walk to her house.

"Hey San." Britt says when she opens the door and hugs me

"Hey B." I say and hug her tight

"Quinn's coming. She's bringing Rachel too." She says and I nod.

I don't really know that Rachel girl but she's pretty cool I guess. I've only really met her a few times because she's Britt and Q's friend. They met through some community service thing or some shit. She's kinda hot but she's a little weird. She stares and I know I'm hot but don't be creepy about it, though maybe it's just because I'm so hot she can't help herself. She's still pretty sexy though and I have been thinking about asking her out because she does have some really cute dimples and nice lips. I like how small she is too, don't know why. I asked Q a while back to find out if she was into girls but she hasn't gotten back to me yet.

"Are you ever going to ask her out?" Britt asks as she steps aside to let me in.

"When I find out if she likes girls." I say as I close the door and go sit on her couch

"She'd like you. So ask her out." Britt says as she sits next to me and I shrug

"We'll see. So when are they getting here?" I ask

"10 minutes at the most." She says and I nod and lay back on the couch

"Britt, you want to go to Miami with me and Puck?" I ask

"Cool. When?"


"Why are you going tomorrow?" She asks

"Business." I say and she nods

"I don't want to go then."

"Aw what? Why not?" I say disappointed

"You could get arrested and I could get arrested for being with you. I can't get arrested." She says worriedly

"I'm not going to get arrested."

"You don't know that." I say and she nods her head vehemently

"Not you getting arrested, but it's still possible."

"I know B but...I'm like the female Scarface. Say hello to my little friend." I say and pretend to shoot a machine gun trying to get her to laugh

"Who's your little friend." She asks confused and I just shake my head

"Do you have a gun San?" She asks

"That's...a little random but, yeah I do. Why?"

"Curious." She says with a slight bounce of her shoulders

"Can I see it?"

"You've seen my gun." I say with a smirk

"That's like a water gun."

"Yeah a super soaker."

"No, one of tiny ones." She says and then bursts into laughter

"That's not funny Britt." I say while glaring at her slightly

"It was but I'll stop laughing." She says as her laughter dies down then my phone rings


"San, there's an issue." Puck says

"What kind?"

"We're missing an entire kilo of coke."

"Are you sure no miscounted?" I ask


"Who came up short?"

"Ian." Ugh damn it. I don't want to handle this right now

"Fine. Which location?" I ask and he tells me which warehouse it is and tell him I'm on my way and then hang up

"Where are you going?" Britt asks

"Take care of some business. Shouldn't take long." I say and stand. Britt stands with me and pouts

"No. Put that thing away. I have to go, it's my job." I say and she frowns and nods

"Okay." She says and then hugs me

"Be safe."

"Always am." I say and walk out the house.

I make my way over to the warehouse and go up the stairs to my office. I have an office in all of them. When I open the door I see a man, completely naked and tied to a chair, in the middle of the room. Puck is sitting on my desk and David is leaning against my filing cabinet. I close the door and they look at me.

"What's up?"

"Ian's count was short a whole kilo. We checked everyone else's station and they were all accounted for. David says. I sigh and walk around to the front of Ian. He's a blonde, about 25 maybe and has green eyes. His mouth is duct taped and he's sweating like a whore in church. I lean towards him and pull the tape of

"Ow!" He yelps and I lean back against my desk and look at him.

"So...an entire kilo of coke disappeared?"

"I don't have it. I swear I don't. Someone probably took it from my station when I wasn't looking. I swear I didn't take it." He says with panic and I nod

"So you have no idea where it is?" I ask


"Well since it was your responsibility...you have two options. Either I get my coke or...Puck how much do you think we lost in profit?" I say and look back at him

"Hmm...maybe 22,000 ."

"Look at you finally understanding the numbers." I say with a smirk and he rolls his eyes then I turn back to...Ian

"Now, I'm assuming you don't have 22,000 dollars do you?" I say in a calm voice and he shakes his head

"Of course you don't because if you did, would you be working for me?" The question is rhetorical so he doesn't answer. I walk to him and grab his chin then lean down closer to his face.

"Now, you seem like a smart guy so I'm going to ask one more time. Where. The. Fuck. Is. My. Coke?" I say glaring at him and he gulps. I roughly push his face away from mine and stand up straight.

"I – I – I don't...I – don't know." He stutters out and I shake my head and sigh

"Here's where you fucked up. One, you never EVER steal from the Lopez's. Two, If you do steal, steal small things not an entire kilo you idiot! And three, even if someone did take it, it was your responsibility to make sure shit like that didn't happen. Now, I'm going to leave you to my brother. I'm sure he and David will treat you right. Puck, make sure he's taken care of nicely, but not to nicely. Make sure his pretty little face is still recognizable." I say while turning to look at Puck and he nods

I get up and leave the office and as I climb down the stairs I can hear the screams coming from upstairs. At first, I felt bad for doing that to people but it's like papi said 'you can't have a heart in this business. Everyone is looking out for themselves and you trust no one' Wiser words have never been spoken.

A/N: So let me know how you guys liked it