Hello everyone dreamwithinadream262 here. This is the rewritten version of Death, Universe travel, and the host club. I honestly don't have as much experience in writing as I'd wish to but all alike the passion for literature is still there. I hope you enjoy reading this story as much as I'd hope to enjoy writing it. Reviews and constructive criticism are greatly appreciated. Until next update adios!

I dreamwithinadream262 do not own Ouran High school Host Club or any other songs, books, movies, anime, manga, or poems motioned in this fan fiction.


"Thy soul shall find itself alone

'Mid dark thoughts of the grey tomb-stone

Not one, of all the crowd, to pry

Into thine hour of secrecy"

You see fear is a tricky thing.

It can make you strong and give you the adrenaline to endure tasks you ever thought possible, to help you keep going. Fear also can make you weak, irrational, and its emotion can give you thoughts, that ultimately freezes you up, paralyzes you with no idea what to do. It is funny how the human reaction can be so different when put into compromising situations. How factors alter the outcome, and how other people can give us the strength, courage, and bravery needed to keep going. There is the saying "Alone we are weak, but together we are strong." In some situations this is crucial to the outcome. In other situations it makes no difference. The thought of putting others in danger is a variable one cannot ignore.

It's like a test on your brain because your brain knows what actions to take, but you're other thoughts that tell you the risk is too high, makes an override on the rational thoughts that help you succeed. You make choices everyday; most of them are common sense. They're not hard choices, and you can make the decision without even thinking. When the choices do matter, but the answer is clear it seems the actions to take are 10 times harder.

However when faced with fear what should we do? Give in? Face it? This is the simple fight or flight reaction…

As a species Humans alike, we all have our weaknesses. The fabled superheroes are no exception to this rule. Weakness is to everyone. Superman to his kryptonite. Spiderman to Mary Jane, Gwen Stacy, Uncle Ben, or Aunt May. We all have something worth fighting for. Whether it be our Family, or friends, or merely an acquaintance you've met walking down the street, ones bonds and need to protect others is overwhelming. This would be the fight response.

But what happens when somebody loses the will to fight? To overcome the odds and stand out becomes nothing but something unreasonable… what happens then?

There will always be heroes, villains alike, and the mere person caught in the middle of warfare unheard of. Yet as most heroes know the villains inside ones head… are the hardest ones to vanquish.

It was raining that day… the day everything fell apart. Nobody could've been warned, nobody would've known that everything would be ripped apart at the seams in such a short amount of time. Nobody could've stopped any of the events bond, destined to occur.

Nobody at all can stop fate


Be silent in that solitude

Which is not loneliness- for then

The spirits of the dead who stood

In life before thee are again

In death around thee -and their will

Shall overshadow thee: be still

"Hey! Give me that back!" I yell animatedly. I tell you, never leave your phone unattended near your best friend. Although the outcome isn't devastating, rather it's amusing I suppose, just take my word for it. You'll thank me for the information later. Seemingly I forget my own advice often.

"Why do you have something to hide? A secret boyfriend? Plans to overthrow the government complete with codenames and spy gear!?" my friend Aura exclaims giggling. I reach for my phone but alas she has the advantage and keeps it just above my hands. I tell you being stuck at the unfortunate height of 5'1 at the age of 15 harbors lists of disadvantages. This applies to the situation at hand.

I'm too short to reach for my phone.

To put it in perspective I'm the Edward Elric of my group of friends. They're all well above 5'3 and tend to use it to their liking. Whether it is taking my food, my phone and/ or using me as an armrest while walking. But what can I say friends tend to do these things. We show our affection by gently bullying each other. We have our moments of hostility and of acting civilly. It's that perfect balance that defines the line of friends and enemies. Tip the scale and all hell is sure to break loose. Thank goodness none of us can hold a grudge.

I take a second to jump up effectively snatching my phone from out of Auras hands before she can inflict and damage to it.

"Recovery successful!" I exclaim holding up the phone in the air. "Did mean Aura hurt you?"

'You're worried about that phone? What about me? Damn and I thought I was special!" I hear out from a not so happy Aura who is currently getting off of the floor.

"Seriously you didn't have to use me as a ladder!" she states rubbing her head. I laugh, okay maybe I went to some… unreasonable methods to recover said phone, but it was worth it! No body puts my phone in danger!

"All's fair in love and war!" I cry jumping unto the nearest couch in sight. Ahh nice and comfortable don't let me go. I wrap blankets around me like I'm a burrito. Yeah don't question my sanity . Auras house has the best couches, and sheets, and pillows, and carpets and EVERYTHING. It's like the house fairies decided ok we're blessing this house with extreme comfortableness. Side effects include, never wanting to leave and being a couch potato. Fairies are not responsible for any health problems posed by being a hermit. Enjoy.

"This isn't love, or war. Unless you have a weird phone fetish, or you're declaring war on your best friend I find your statement highly invalid." Aura defends. A phone fetish? What does this girl come up with?

I left my head enough to see her.

"What's invalid is your undying love for star wars." I state grinning like a maniac.

Auras eyes light up like somebody just told her the meaning of life. Her indignant scowl is replaced with her trademark dazzling smiles.

"Why my friend, Star wars is on a completely different level. I could counter this by simply stating your unhealthy love for anime. I believe our obsessions are on a same level, are they not?"

I sit up. I'm always prepared for these kinds of discussions.

"Aura, Aura, Aura, one cannot simply measure the obsessive qualities of the common anime fan girl. If anything it rivals all other obsessions."

"I honestly don't understand why you like those cartoons anyways." Aura mumbles. Oh no she didn't, cartoon? CARTOON?

"Aura anime is not just a cartoon…it's anime. It's taught me so many things in life, and how to appreciate so many things. Spirited away taught me to be content with my life because I'll never know what will happen the next day. Fullmetal alchemist taught me that hard work pays off. You shouldn't give up no matter how much the world may put you down. Soul Eater showed me that with the help of your friends anything is possible. That we all have a bit of madness and bravery in each of us. Ouran High school Host Club showed me that money will never buy happiness. Rich or poor everyone has their problems. We shouldn't stereotype the people around s nor treat them differently solely based upon status. Fruits Basket taught me a simple message, never give up. Deathnote showed me just how much power can affect somebody. Angel beats taught me to value my life. Naruto of course, well friends are important, and I need to remember that." I stop my ramblings and smile.

Anime and manga rivaled just how much books meant to me. They bring back nostalgic memories that I'd never hope to forget. I hate it when people tell me it isn't real. I full well know that but the lessons both have taught me and how much the characters affect me makes them real, real in memory that is.

I took a look at Aura who's smiling at me with a look, the look that only a friend can pull off. However it confuses me. What did I do to invoke such a reaction?

"What's with the face?" I ask raising an eyebrow at her, "It's starting to freak me out."

"Well, she starts "I don't know you seem so passionate about the things you love. Seeing emotions from you when you're usually so stony faced makes me happy you know? I genuinely care about you."

I blink and smile. "Thanks for caring, haha you know this is why we're best friends." I turn around the room. "It's also the reason when you steal my phone you aren't murdered."

"Crazy…" I hear Aura mumble under her breath.

"You don't know what crazy is!" I exclaim jumping off of the couch. Unfortunately for me I just remembered the laws of gravity and that I'm wrapped in sheet. Needless to say my face met floor in a not so elegant way. I fall with an "Oof" sputtering out of my mouth.

"Remind me why you haven't sustained any injuries with your obliviousness?" Aura asks helping me off of the floor. I dust myself off. Raising my hand towards my chin I ponder this. True I am the clumsy one. I wonder how I haven't gotten any serious injuries with how I never pay attention to most things I'm doing.

"Well I guess its beca- "RIIIINNNNNGGGG!" my obnoxiously loud ring tone interrupts. I cross my hands over my chest. And I had a good comeback for that.

Checking the illuminated screen I read the incoming text message.


Can you get a ride from Auras mom? The car seems to be malfunctioning…again…L

"Hey Aura!" I yell.


"Can I get a ride home? It seems the parental unit's car isn't quite working at the moment."

"um sure, I'll go ask my mom."

"Thanks for the ride home, and for letting me stay at your awesome house." I say to Auras Mother."

Aura mom is a cheery middle aged woman. She has brown hair with streaks of gray showing that sees lived through plenty of memories. Every time I see her that friendly smile and kind eyes greet me. After Auras dad died she always kept her head held high. I had high admiration for this woman. She was always strong for Aura and never let anyone see her down. She's like a second mother to me, not that my mother is bad or anything.

'No problems, we always enjoy your company." Auras mother smiles at me.

"Hey what about me you know your awesome daughter you see everyday." Aura inputs making me laugh."

"Come on Aura, we all know everybody dreams of a child like me!" I say.

"Yeah, sure, whatever you say," Aura responds and waves her hand. Even with that frown I know she's isn't angry. Just trying to fool us as always.

I open the car door and step out. Only then I notice the rain that greets my clothes and skin.

"You know you love me" I direct at Aura as I start to close the car door. Before it closing I swear I hear a small "sure" Coming out of Auras mouth.

Their car engine starts and I wave as they drive away, backing out of the paved driveway.

Turning around I make my way towards the front door of my house. It takes about thirty minutes to get from Auras house to mine. Judging by that time gap and seeing how it's about 9:30 p.m I'd say everyone is still awake. The sun is well gone and it's the moons domain. I'm not that fond of staying out here in the dark and the rain so I walk A bit faster as I see lightning and the incoming thunder.


That night- tho' clear- shall frown-

And the stars shall look not down,

From their high thrones in heaven

With light like hope to mortals given-

But their read orbs, without beam,

To thy weariness shall seem

As a burning and a fever

Which would cling to thee for ever.

Stopping at the front door I fish my keys out of my pocket. I could always just knock on the door but I don't want to disturb my parents whatever they're up to. They usually take forever to hear the knocks of people on this door. I remember one time when they ordered pizza and didn't hear. I had to greet this really cute pizza guy and pay, with my money, in my anime tee-shirt and sweatpants. They still owe me for that one.

Turning the key I am confused when the door is locked. Chuckling to myself I turn the key again unlocking the door. To give you a hint the door was already unlocked, and I locked it again. My parents should stop leaving the door unlocked though. Who knows what dangers are lurking out there.

The door creaks as I open it and I am greeted by pure silence, and darkness. Okay, weird. Pushing it aside as my weird paranoia I take a few steps into the foyer.

At that moment I am hit with a terrible stench. Pinching my nose with my hand I walk forward into the kitchen. Oh gods do not tell me mom tried to take up baking again. Last time she attempted to bake we didn't have an oven for three months…THREE MONTHS.

Fumbling on the wall I eventually find the light switch. Thinking about I now I highly regret that decision.

Flipping on the light switch I exclaim "LET THERE BE LIGHT!" With a wide smile. But something was wrong and that smile was wiped off of my face as quick as it appeared.

You know that feeling when you feel as if you've just gotten punched right in the stomach, or you're caught off guard, or when you fall right on your back and you just sit there blinking out of confusion...well that is how I feel right now. I feel as if I'm going to choke right then and there.

Red, red everywhere. Red on the walls, red on the furniture, everywhere. And no it wasn't melted gumdrops or some of god's tears, or boat nectar, or strawberry jam.

It was blood.

Eyes wide and sanity at stake I slowly made a hesitant walk towards the far corner of the room. And at the trail of crimson blood it wasn't a prize because the sight I glanced upon was worse than any horror movie I have ever seen.

My parent's corpses sitting in one pool of blood. I fell to my knees crying over their bodies my screams shrill. Its like Yuri's past from angel beats. Or a scene from full metal even. But anime cannot simply grasp and portray how gruesome it all is.

Their eyes were open and wide with horror as if the last thing they were thinking about was how much pain they were in. They suffered a lot.

No! No! No! this can't be happening to me. They can't die. This can't be happening!

Tears streaming down my face and my clothes covered in blood I noticed that I needed to call the police.

I reached in my pocket and dialed 9-1 and then the phone was ripped out of my hands and I was thrown to the floor into another pile of blood.

Looking up I see a man manically smiling at me. His clothes drenched in blood, my parent's blood. I can't believe I was this stupid. There, there was my parent's killer and I didn't factor that he could've been in the house.

Trembling in fear I get up on my feet and attempt to run but am thrown knocked into somebody's chest. Looking up I see yet another man with a crazed look in his eyes. He grins at me pulling me close to his blood soaked garments.

In a second I feel a searing pain slowing erupting from my shoulder my eyes widening in horror as I feel the blood rushing down my side.

"Look what we have here Clark.." The man holding me says. "Another toy"

I am thrown to the ground, hard and I hold my shoulder which is gushing blood looking up at them.

It dawns on me... am I really going to die? Is he going to kill me? what am I doing sitting like an idiot? I don't want to die young, my friends , my fami... or what's left of my family? I don't want to die I have so many people to live for. I can't just leave them… No!

My vision starts to become dizzy as the amount of blood escaping my shoulder increases.

I have to fight. I have to fight for them!

Getting up slowly I run even faster trying to pass Clark and the unknown man. Getting passed them for a brief second my hope soars only to be crushed when a burly hand grabs me and smashes me to the walls. They're too fast. I've never been good in P.E, I guess that's why I am an otaku. A scared shitless otaku. struggle with all I've got to break free but his grip is too strong. He starts to drag the knife up my arms. Pain and blood all I can see. My vision is blurring and dark spots plague my line of sight.

Being pinned to the wall I look up at Clark as my body shakes. I want to live I want to live. I WANT TO LIVE DAMMIT! I don't want my friends….Aura they'd be crushed. All of my friends and family how, how will they react if I died? I can't die here, not now!


Now are thoughts thou shalt not banish-

Now are visions ne'er to vanish-

From thy spirits shall they pass

No more- like dew- drop from the grass.

My eyes wide and brimming over with tears due to the numerous amout of cuts that are adorning my shoulder and arms he smiles down at me sadistically. He's enjoying all of this, my pain everything. I never thought I'd have to face such evil human beings ever. It was all in my nightmares but this time there is no escape. I can't just wake up and it will all be over. This is real. This is real.

Struggling against his firm grip is all I can do but he isn't budging. He laughs manically.

"Don't you get it, there isn't any point in struggling either way I will win." He bellows.

"'So, you want to join your family, eh?" The evil man sneers. Join my family? I'm going to die just like them ….NO!

With one last effort I push away from the man and make a last stitch effort into running towards the door. Almost there!

In a flash my back erupts into flames like a fire searing through my nerves. I stumble forward and look frantically to my left at the mirror hung on the wall.

I've been stabbed in the back.

Falling forward my face meets the cold hard floor. A pool of blood cloaks around me as I lay on the floor. My breath labored and ragged and my vision blurring from blood loss. I am rendered unable to move the pain is excruciating.

As the darkness takes over I whisper.

"If anyone can hear me, anybody, please don't let it end this way." My eyes half lidded I croak out almost inaudible.

'I'm sorry Aura." With my tears flowing my eyes close. So this is what it feels like to die.


The breeze- the breath of God- is still-

And the mist upon the hill

Shadowy- shadowy- yet unbroken,

Is a symbol and a token-

How it hangs upon the trees,

A mystery of mysteries!-

~Spirits of the dead

Edgar Allan Poe

Ok so That's the first chapter! Please review and tell me what you thought of it. If you have any questions PM me. Also for anyone who caught the references throughout I hope I made all of you Edgar Allan Poe fans proud seeing as I am an admant reader of him myself. ~dreamwithinadream262