
"Ah! Gomene Sakura-chan, I didn't mean to hurt you."

"It's fine...I was just caught off guard."

"NO! It's not fine, you're limping."

"I told you it's fine."

"No it isn't!"


Naruto is practicing his new shruiken rasengan but while Sakura's resting on a tree Naruto accidently hits her with the rasengan.

~End of Flashback~

"Fine, then if you want to help me then give me a piggy back ride to my house."

"Give you a piggy back ride?"

"Yup, give me a piggy back ride to my house."

"But your house is all the way across Konoha!"

"No buts. You said you wanted to help me so just suck it up."


They were about half way across Konoha. Sakura was starting to get tired.


"Sakura-chan? Are you tired?"

"Yes...Naruto, you're such an idiot, falling in love with a girl like me."

"But I fell in love with you because you're a girl like you."

"Heh~ You flatter me too much."

"But it's true Sakura-chan! I fell in love with that smile of yours."

Sakura puts her face on Narutos back and whispers.

"I guess that's why I fell in love with a boy like you too."