Disclaimer: The Rise of the Guardians does not belong to me. Neither does Jack (though I'd love to own him xD)

I am in no way associated with the creator, movie or producer. The rest of the story is from my own imagination.

A/N: Heyyy! This fic was taken down (unfortunately), but I decided to repost it to give it another try.

Since a lot of you liked this fic and requested for another chapter, I've decided to make it a two-shot (I'll update soon :D),

but I may extend it to a series. What do you think?

Thanks to the people who had favourited and followed me! Special thanks to Cjabbot.

Please R&R! No flames.

Melting Heart: Chapter One - First Meeting

It is a cold, wintery afternoon, with icicles hanging off roofs of houses as you trudge through ankle-high, fluffy, white snow.

You stuff your hands into your coat pocket as you walk slowly towards the park, gazing up at the sky as it rained snowflakes.

Sticking out your tongue, you giggle when a flake landed on your nose.

You open your arms and twirl around absentmindedly, catching more snowflakes as you do.

You hear a shout of laughter and you glance up quickly, only to find a boy of around 16 or 17 with cerulean blue eyes, donning a blue

sweater with ice frosting over the tips of the material.

The peculiar thing, however, is that he has silvery-white hair and is not wearing any shoes, despite the chilly weather. He holds a stick

that somewhat resembles a shepherd's crook.

And, of course, the most obvious thing – he is floating two feet above the ground.

No, that doesn't come as strange, now does it?

You look at him, shocked and frozen.

"Who are you?" You whisper as you continue staring at him with puzzlement.

He halts and glances at you with surprise. "You – You can see me?" he asks with disbelief clear in his sea-blue eyes.

"Umm … yes …? Am I not supposed to see you?" You answer uncertainly.

His eyes light up with excitement and he grins. "You can see me!" He whoops with glee and spin around, still off the ground, with delight.

You keep staring at him in confusion. He notices your look and lands in front of you.

"Not a lot of people see me anymore. Mostly children, but still. It gets lonely after a while," he explains, twirling his stick. You inspect the stick closer to realize that it is half-frozen over with frost.

"Weird," you mutter to yourself. "Frost, white hair, no shoes, flying …"

Your own (e/c) eyes widen with recognition. "You're – You're … You're Jack Frost!" You exclaim in astonishment.

He smirks proudly and nods. "Yup. Took you long enough."

You pout, but secretly, you're jumping with joy on the inside.

Myths are real! But why is Jack Frost here?

"What are you doing here? Aren't you really busy; bringing snow all over the world?" You ask curiously.

He grins and shakes his snowy white head. "Nope. I finished all that this morning."

"So wait … you're real? Then what about Santa, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy?" You ask excitedly.

"All real," he replies with a wide smile.

You laugh and clap enthusiastically, but then you stop.

"Wait … prove it to me," you say, slightly suspicious that it might just be your friends playing a prank on you.

"What? You don't believe me?" he says, tapping his crook impatiently.

"I don't know. A lot of people try and trick me all the time," you respond skeptically.

He rolls his eyes and frowns. "Fine. What do you want me to do?"

You deliberate for a moment. "You're the Spirit of Winter, right? Can you create a mini blizzard?" You ask thoughtfully.

"Sure, sure. I love my storms," he smirks and slams his staff on the ground. Wind swirls around them and snow begins to fall rapidly, with renewed vigor.

In a few minutes, the ground is covered in a soft blanket of snow, knee-deep.

You gasp and smile widely. "Okay, okay! You are Jack Frost!"

He snorts and hides a grin. "Of course I am. It was pretty obvious about the flying." Jack leaps from the ground and takes off, swooping low and moving here and there, a rush of wind hits you every time he zooms past.

"Jack Frost!" You yell in a motherly tone. "Stop doing that! It's cold!" You put your bare hands on your hips and shake your head with a smile.

He sticks his tongue out and rushes by you again. Before you can scold him, however, the wind gusts around your (h/c) hair, evidently unraveling your black scarf and carrying it off along with it as it blew away.

"My scarf!" You exclaim, running towards it as the wind took it towards the lake.

You pick up your pace as you neared the park, groaning as the wind settled your scarf in the centre of the frozen lake.

"Jack!" You shout angrily as you stomp towards the pond, pausing at the edge.

"What's wrong, berry? Scared of the ice?" Jack teases, loping gracefully in the air as he lands next to you.

You bite back a retort as you glare at him heatedly. "Alright, Mr Frost. First things first. My name is not 'berry,' it's (f/n)! Second, no, I'm not scared of the ice. It's more of the water underneath," you admit quietly.

"Why?" Jack asks, ignoring your glower.

You sigh and twirled a lock of your (h/c) coloured hair distractedly. "I fell in as a kid and nearly drowned. I really don't like water," you mutter under your breath.

Jack grins and snickers. "A 16-year-old scared of water? Now that's a first," he laughs, clutching his stomach as he rolled in the snow.

You scowl at him and cross your arms. "Who said I was 16?" you frown.

"Of course you are, (f/n). I should know, being around for 300 years or so," Jack stops laughing and rolls his eyes.

"You're old," you state.

"Not really. North has been a guardian longer than he is old," he replies, floating off the ground once more and twirling his staff inattentively, training his light blue eyes on you.

"North?" you echo.

"You know him as Santa," he explains.

"Oh," your eyes drift over towards the lake again, and your find your scarf fluttering lightly in the breeze, still resting in the middle of the ice.

"Ugh," you groan, "Can you get my scarf back for me?" You make puppy-dog eyes, your bottom lip quivering.

Jack is distracted by your pink lips, and he clears his throat. "Sorry. You're gonna have to get it back yourself," he smirks, but his eyes are still locked onto your lips.

You notice this and fight a grin. You lick your bottom lip slowly, tracing the fullness, and smile impishly.

Your lips gleam wetly in the rays of the setting sun, and Jack's grip on his staff loosens as he continues staring at you.

"You're not gonna help me?" you whisper mischievously, stepping towards the young guardian. He says nothing, watching your movements with hawk-like eyes.

You reach where he is standing frozen, and you rest your hand on his, the one that is hanging limply on his side, shivering lightly at the coldness. You move your hand slowly, trailing it along his clothed arm, finally laying it on his shoulder.

There is a soft clatter as Jack drops his staff, his gaze still focused on your own (e/c) eyes.

Your hand moves to his pale face, tracing the contours of his cheeks with one finger.

"You're not gonna to help me?" you repeat, lips next to his ear as my nip his earlobe.

Jack shudders, and it is not from the cold.

"Tell me, Jack … What do you want?" You murmur, your hand still moving. You touch his chest lightly, and you lean it leisurely.

"Well, Jack? What is it you want?" You whisper, your warm breath coming out in puffs in the cold evening, your lips merely inches from his.

"I – I want … I want …," he finally spoke, his cerulean blue eyes yet again, directed into your own, searchingly.

"I want … I want you …" he says at last, still in a daze. Jack hasn't been this close to a human since … well, since he was one.

"Really, now? Then … you can have me," you murmur with a voice like silk, beckoning him to come closer.

He does and your lips connect.

His lips were cold, yet soft. His winter-fresh breath mingles with your own peppermint taste.

Jack wraps his formerly idle arms around your waist and pulls your closer to his own, frosty body temperature, a contrast to your own warm heat.

He deepens the kiss, both your lips moving in a frenzy. His tongue darts out to lick your bottom lip, asking for entrance. You part your lips slightly, and he dives into your warm caverns. You taste his unique pine-mixed-with-winter flavour and flush mildly.

When you finally break the kiss, you find Jack smirking at you.

"Never knew you had it in you, (f/n)," he grins. He falters, however, when he takes in your state. You are panting heavily, your (h/c) hair is tousled, your lips are swollen deliciously and your cheeks are pale with a tinge of red.

He stares at you heatedly and you blush.

"W – Well … I … Uh, I, uh, still need my scarf back," you stammer, eyes darting down.

"I'll get it for you later," Jack murmurs, smirking rebelliously as he approaches you.

"Um …" you hesitate and glance up at his striking blue eyes that are currently gazing at your (e/c) eyes intensely.

"You're the only girl above childhood age who can see me," he tells you as he stalks towards you. You take a step back, your hands clutching at your chest.

"That means you're special." Another step.

"It means you're my chosen." Two more steps.

"It means I love you."

He closes the distance between the two of you and crashes his lips onto yours, kissing you passionately as your tongues danced in a battle for dominance.

"Jack," you gasp as he broke away.

"You're mine," he says possessively.

You can't help but laugh. "I've only known you for a few hours and now you're telling me I'm yours? And you aren't even kind enough to return my scarf to me!" you tease.

"Return your scarf? I'm not even the one who took it in the first place!" he scoffs, stooping down to scoop up his forgotten staff.

"It was your wind, Jack!" you roll your eyes skeptically.

He sighs heavily and groans. "You're no fun," he pouts cutely.

You giggle and kissed him lightly.

"Please?" You give him your best puppy-dog eyes again.

He grumbles but nods. "Fine," he groused, twirling his staff. A gust of wind blew across the lake and your scarf lands on the ground in front of you.

"Thanks," you sigh in relief at not having to traverse onto the frozen lake yourself.

"Well, it's getting late. I need to go home now," you say, glancing at the darkening sky.

"I'll walk you," Jack offers with a smile.

"You'll probably be flying. I'll be walking," you correct him jokingly.

He grins widely and shrugs. "Probably," he laughs.

You stuff your numb hands into your pockets once more and strolled along the sidewalk with Jack floating along beside you.

"Are you going to leave?" you ask suddenly.

He stops and turns around to look at you.

"Probably. But don't worry. I'll come back every day to see you. After all … I wouldn't want my girl to be stolen while I'm gone, now would I?" he smiles crookedly.

You giggle and nod. "Alright. But I'm staking a claim on you too," you add.

Jack laughs and lands in front of you.

"There's no need to rush. We can work the details out later," he tells you, grasping your hand with his own icy, calloused one.

"Of course we can," you smile softly and, as he leans in to kiss you goodnight, you know that fairytales do come true.

All you have to do is believe.

A/N: Personally, I think the idea of having Jack Frost for a boyfriend

would be awesome ;P

Comments or suggestions, please PM me.
