Nothing seemed right anymore. The battle was won, no one perished, but why do I feel as if I still lost? Why does everyone still have pity in their eyes...and why...why can't anyone hear me?
I'm looking around and all I see is destruction. Bodies of demons in pieces, the ground torn up...and a green...skirt...
Why...why is my skirt...and...Those are my...legs...
Does this mean...
My bottom half of my body was lying before me. My legs look to be broken, and there are huge scratches all along my legs and hip. It looks like it was a clean blow, cut strait through just above my belly button.
I can't believe I dead? That makes one can see me...well...this fucking sucks ass now doesn't it?
Sango is the first to notice, and drops to the ground crying. She got her brother back thank god; maybe he can help her through this. I hope he can.
From Sango's shrill scream, Miroku was soon rushing to her side. Once Miroku was half way there though, he saw my body, and just collapsed where he was. Shippo soon followed after, crying for me like I knew he would. I wish I could stay with them. I didn't want to leave. I wish I could stop their crying, there is no need for them to cry. I'm ok.
I'm ok...right?
Inuyasha, having been thrown out of the clearing by Naraku, while I finished him off, ran back into the clearing at top speed...only to stop dead at my dead body.
He found my top half
My face was twisted in pain, and both arms were twisted in ways they should not be twisted. Scratches and at some points, bones scared my skin. I hardly looked like myself.
It made me sick
I couldn't stop crying. I died. I'm dead. I'm gone. I will never be able to talk to anyone. I can't tell them I love them.
And there is nothing I can do about it. For once in my life, I feel helpless, and lonely, so lonely. All I can do is cry.
Until I see a bright light, and a women's voice says "come closer Kagome"
I'm no longer in control of my body anymore, before I know it I'm in front of a beautiful woman wearing battle warn warriors clothing, with ink black hair and the most beautiful pink eyes you could ever hope to see.
"...Midoroku?" I ask, holding my arm up so I can see past the bright light
"It is time for you to leave my child; it is no longer your place to be here any longer. You will protect the jewel elsewhere. There is another world that is in need of your help young one." She said, petting my head in comfort.
"The jewel?"
"Yes Kagome, the jewel still lives inside you. You are now the true guardian of the Shikon jewel. I will be training you in your dreams every night. We must leave now Kagome." She said
A red light engulfed my form, and
I wake to find me lying in the middle of a room. There is a blue sky and some clouds, and some
" are awake I see..."
I sit up to find a man in a dark cloak and a funny white skull mask. He seems really tall...and has big hands...
"Midoroku, what is the meaning of this?" asked the strange man
"Hello lord death, nice to see you again. You see this is Kagome. She is my guardian and I have brought her here to help with the little...pest problem down in your basement. I will be training her in her sleep, id say it will be ten days until we return. By then I think you could have a room for her couldn't you?" asked Midoroku
"Uugghh...hi?" I said.
"Well, I will see what I can do in such short notice. Thank you for your help." Lord death said in a happy voice
"Happy to help my lord. We will take our leave now."
"I'm right here you know..." said Kagome as she was helped up by Midoroku. "Ok...I guess see you in ten days?"
Lord death waved them goodbye so they could be on their way. Walking down the odd hallway made of guillotines, Kagome asked "so...where are we going?"
"I am taking you to train. After ten days you will return and become a meister and a weapon."
And so, Midoroku explained everything that was going on, what I meister was, what a weapon was, and the type of battles I would be facing. This is all so quick...I don't know if I can handle this right now...but I'm going to have to try my very best. This world needs my help. What else can I do?