Assassins Creed: The Short Life of Desmond Miles



Legacy Never Dies:


How could this happen to me? I lost the keys to the van again. Oh man I am going to be killed. Not literally but in a Desmond Your Dead kind of way. I am referring to Rebecca. I am DEAD already! That thought kept dancing in my head all the time I was searching everywhere for that damn key. Finally I looked in the one place I would least expect it to be. My coat pocket. Isn't it funny how when you look for things forever the last place you look is always the place it is. What am I saying of course it is because if you looked everywhere else then there can only be one place it can possibly be. For me that place was my coat pocket.

Anyway, I got into the car and next thing I know all of this static starts coming up on every radio station. I finally just shut it off. I hate the sound of static. Have you ever heard that bad kind of creepy static that you only really hear at night."

"Mr. Miles I'm going to ask one more time politely, Please tell us the damn important part! Now what did you do after the drive over to Rebecca's?," said detective Harold.

"The drive over is especially important to the story detective! Back to me, well after all that static I shut the radio off. Then I pulled out of my apartment parking area. Well after a couple of blocks down the road I realized to cars with three people inside of them were tailing me. Later to find out it was you block head police force officers. So I decided to lead them off. I turned and started to speed up. I turned and turned and turned again. Then I was sure I lost you guys."

"Why did you try to lose us Desmond? Are you afraid that somebody else would be following you?" asked police officer Darrel Parks.

" Yes that is what I have been trying to tell you all along. Abstergo wants me. They want to find out all my knowledge of my past!"

"Let me stop you right there Mr. Miles. You keep referring to this company Abstergo. Are they bad?" asked detective Harold.

"Yes Abstergo is the Templar's. A group of people that have existed for thousands to years. My ancestors the assassins formed a creed to stop them. We have fought for centuries. Why would you ask me about something I only mentioned once?"

It was then Desmond realized that these police men worked for Abstergo. He fiddled his way out of the cuffs and bolted for the door. Then like out of no where he felt a sharp burning sensation in his left shoulder. Followed by a loud boom. He felt his shoulder and realized he had just been shot. The blood was spread across his fingers. It was red and disgusting. Desmond had never been shot before. He had been punched, stabbed, and even burned, but never shot. He fainted because of blood loss and well he awoke in an odd sort of contraption.

SHOCK! It was an electric chair. They were now torturing it out of him.