For riddlemehiddleme on tumblr :D

The day of Valentine was upon the hunters, and Cas waited nervously for Dean to come out of the shower so he could give him the last gift of the season.
A few minutes later, Dean walked out of the bathroom, fully clothed after his shower; humming a song by Metallica and saw Castiel sat on his bed, looking a little nervous. 'Hey, Cas? Is something wrong?' Dean asked him.

'Hmm? Oh, I'm fine Dean thank you. I have just come by to give you today's gift.' Cas stood up and walked closer to Dean, shaking slightly, wiping his sweaty palms against his trousers.

Dean looked at the approaching angel. He watched as Cas moved to just slightly in front of Dean and stopped, his breath ghosting Dean's face.

'Hey, Dean I found this news story and I think it might be a hunt so- WOAH!' Sam said, barging into Dean's motel room. Cas was gone before anyone could blink, leaving behind a furiously blushing Dean, staring lividly at his younger brother.

'Sam! Knock!' Dean shouted, moving to sit on the bed to calm down.

'Um.' Sam said meekly from behind the newspaper he was still holding, 'sorry?'

Dean sighed. 'I really hope you don't plan on making a habit of that Sammy, I may have to kill you.' His mouth betrayed his joke by twitching slightly into a smile so Sam knew he was joking.

'Ha. Ha.' Sam deadpanned before going off on a tangent about the new hunt he had found and Dean zoned out, yawning.

Things carried on as normal, with Cas popping in at different moments, each time looking around, sighing, and leaving again. This happened thirteen times in total; not that Dean was counting. Until, on the fourteenth time he appeared, when Sam had gone out for food, Cas appeared and didn't leave immediately, and came to sit next to Dean.

'Hello Dean.' The angel said.

'Cas.' Dean greeted the angel with a smile and a slight blush 'did you want something?'

'I came to give you your gift. Since we were disturbed earlier.' Cas said.

Dean looked up sharply then, recalling Cas popping in and out throughout the last few hours. 'Is that what you were doing earlier? When you kept turning up, looking about and leaving again?' Dean asked.

Cas again looked nervous and glanced away, feeling his palms start to sweat again. He breathed in and out, calming himself, but still his heartbeat had quickened and he felt himself going red, a nervous smile creeping into his mouth. Glancing up into Dean's stunning green eyes, he took the chance, and brought his face close to Dean. Finally, their lips locked, fire lighting up in their stomachs, a pleasant but powerful burning sensation coursing through their veins.

Dean's breathing was heavy, kissing softly but holding himself back from encompassing the angel in his arms and holding him tight, trying not to push his lips further and roughly, harshly demanding more. Tensed, Dean leaned in as Cas drew back, not wanting the bittersweet kiss to end.

Cas eventually pulled out of the kiss and put his arms round Dean, head on shoulder and his chest heaved with emotion and happiness. They looked up and softly gazed into each other's eyes, each brimming with tears. Dean glanced away briefly and whispered "I've been waiting... All this time." He smiled softly, his mouth tugged by the ache to cry. Cas put his forehead to Dean's and whispered "Happy Valentine's," in his gruff, choked voice.

An hour later, they were snuggled on the sofa together, wrapped in each other's arms. Suddenly the door unceremoniously flew open, startling the couple, Cas vanishing and Dean falling sideways, no longer held up by the angel's body.

'Damnit! Sam!' Dean yelled then, his eyes widening as he whispered; 'Damnit... Sam...' He pulled himself up and nervously ran his hand through his hair; this would take some explaining. His eyes agitatedly searched floor, and he opened his mouth, looking up, but was surprised to find Sam smugly grinning, who then shut the door again, leaving Dean speechless.

The angel appeared once more and Dean turned to him, asking 'What just happened?'

Cas shrugged, and Dean stood up, peering through the eyehole in the motel room door. He scratched his head and pondered... Did this mean... He wouldn't have to explain to Sam?

Dean glanced back at Cas' innocent face, got up, and gently pulled the angel by the tie back into the bedroom.

'Come on Cas,' Dean muttered, 'We're gonna need some more privacy.'

Thank you so much for all the lovely reviews :D They really brightened up our days! :3

So, since it's Valentines Day this doesn't have to be anonymous anymore! So you can go and follow us on tumblr if you want! :D We're JellyfishOnAnEscalator :3