Well howdy everyone,nah im just kidding,hello everyone welcome to this to prequel my storys,Love is always powerfull,and A new adventure,now this story won't be rated is only rated T,this is about what happen in the past,it take place where John and Lisa are almost one year chicks please of this story if you get a chance,so yeah enjoy this story...

Chapter 1:Who is my best sister?

In the morning in the female chick macaw is flying away from something,she is scared,so she lifts and hides under the rock to cover her self,she sees the chich pasting by,the male chick looks back at the female chick and started rushing at her.

She tries to take off but she is stuck in the chick got closer and pusher down and said.'Tag you're it.'

Female chick laughing,he helped her get out of the vine and helped her up

She hugged him and said.'Oh John,you finally got me.'

John is the green wing macaw who is Lisa's brother,hes been spending time alot with has brown eyes,same color as his father,and his beak and him talons and dark black.

'Yes i did Lisa.'John said as he hugs his sister back.

Lisa is a same species as John and her parents,she has blue eyes,same color as her beak and her talons and light black.

John and Lisa release the hugs and John said.'And of course i have something for you that you don't like.'

'Oh no John please don't.'Lisa said.

'Itttts tickle time!'John jumped on Lisa and tikkleing Lisa's is starting to laughing as John tickling Lisa's wings,her neck,but there is one thing that is missing,Lisa's feet!

John is now going for a feet and tikling under Lisa's feet,she is screaming and laughing at the same time.

One minute and a half later John now calming down and got up,but John stoped her.'Nah ah,before i let you up,i want to say it.'

'Say what?'Lisa said worried.

'Who has the best sister?'

'You do.'

John now finally let go of her and she got up.

Lisa giggles and hugs John,he hugs her back.'Oh John,what im i going to do with you?'

'Like me,feed me,hug me,spend time with me.'John said.

'Oh John.'Lisa hugs him harder,not wanting to let go of her best brother,until.'John Lisa dinner time!'Their mother yelled.

'We will be right there mom!'John and Lisa yelled.

Lisa let go of John and they fly to the hollow.

John and Lisa landed at the hollow,.

'Hey John and Lisa,look whos here.'Dad said.

They have now shown Daniel the scarlet macaw.

'Daniel!'John and Lisa flew into Daniels chest and hug their best friend.

'Well you two missed me do you?'Daniel said.

John and Lisa nodded as Daniel hugged them back,he looks at John and Lisa's father sand said.'And you're so glad i can see these guys Kevin?'

Kevin nodded,he walks over to his wife named Ash and ask.'Hey Ash,could we let John Lisa and Daniel have fun after dinner?'

'Why sure honey,and then you and i can have some fun for while.'Ash said before they kiss.

'Ewww.'John and Lisa stopped looking at their parents.

Kevin and Ash stopped kissing and looks at John and Lisa.'Hey John and Lisa,how about you have fun with Daniel and you're friends while you're father and i have some fun.'

'Yes mom.'John and Lisa said.

'See you two later Kevin and Ash.'Daniel said.

'Will do.'Kevin and Ash said.

While outside John is talking with Lisa and their Toucan friends.

'So how are you guys today?'John said.

'Good.'Male Toucan said.

'Great.'Second male Toucan said.

'Cool.'Female Toucan said.

'Blah.'Second female Toucan said.

'What is that surpose to mean sister?'Male Toucan asked.

'Well brother,im not having a good week here and because you bullys except John and Lisa making me feel bad.'Second female Toucan said.

'Im with you sister.'Female Toucan said.

'Oh great,so now you're with her.'Male Toucan said.

'Yes i am,you got a problem with that?'

'Yeas,sister,yes,i do have a problem,look at her she is so stupid and scared like a little girl and she never gets better.'

'What did you just say about me?'Second female Toucan asked as she gets angry at her brother.

'Ummmmmm,nothing,i said you're cute funny and-'He was cut off by her attack on him,his other brother tries to help him but his other sister attack him,their all attacking each other leaving John and Lisa to watch them.

'Um John,why do they always do this?'Lisa asked.

'I don't know Lisa,its what brothers and sister use to do.'John replied.

The fight just keep going,until their big brother shows up.'Hey,would you all knock it off before i call our mother?'Big male Toucan said to his brothers and his sisters.

They all stopped the fight because of their big brother's command.

He walks to his sister.'im sorry that you're brother calls you stupid and scared'He said and then looks at his brother.'And i think he will say sorry to you.'His brother walks to his sister and said.'Im sorry sister,if there is anything i can do tell me ane then i will do it for you.'He said.

His sister is starting to think and think and think,until she gots it.'How about you wash my back today right now,sense you got me dirty by attacking you.'She said.'Oh god n-Fine.'He said.

'Good,now lets go.'She said before she and her brother flys to to the bath.

Their big brother looks at John and Lisa.'Well well well if it is'nt John and Lisa,good to see you two again.'

'Good to see you too Rafael.'John and Lisa said.

Rafael looks at his brother and his sister.'And you two,go do something or spend time with each other.'

His brother and his sister nodded and then took off.

Rafael looks at John and Lisa and then he hugs them,he broke it quickly.'So how are you two doing today?'

'Very great Rafael.'They both said.

'Um Rafael,what is going on with you're sister?Is she angry about something.'Lisa asked.

'Well she is not really having a good time this week,She haven't play with her friends for awhile.'

'So you're sister is really going to make her brother wash her dirty back?'John asked.

Rafael giggles and replied.'Oh yeah,big time man,big time.'

'Im so glad i did not go with them so that i won't have to throw up in front of them'

Lisa and Rafael starting laughing at John's stopped and Rafael whispers to Lisa's ear.'Man you do have a best brother.'

Lisa made a dream face at John.'Oh yes a do Rafael,yes i do.'

Rafael looks at Lisa with her dream face.'Ummm,okay so what are you two going to do?'

'Oh were waiting for Danial to come back.'

'John Lisa!'Danial yelled in the background flying towardsJohn Lisa and Rafael.

Danial landed and looks at Rafael.'Hey young Rafael.'

'Hey uncle Danial.'Rafael said.

'So how are you guys today,anything happen?'

'You don't want to know.'

Their all laughing and starting to chat all day.

Ahhh yes,Rafael my second favorite character from Rio movie,he is the chick too like John and Lisa,what will happen next?Find out in the next chapter and please i spelled something wrong pm out for next chapter soon.