I have to apologize in advance for this chapter. It's kind of rushed. I wanted to finish this before I leave for my week long vacation today, but I have so much to do that I really didn't have a lot of time to write this. So, I'm sorry if the ending is disappointing.

By the time The Damned arrived at Port Royal for the wedding, everyone had all but forgotten the fight the week before. But there was still one loose end that no one knew about except Meg… until now. Flynn and Aladdin went down to the brig to get a couple of barrels of rum for the wedding only to find they had a prisoner no one knew about: Gaston.

So, now, just hours before the wedding, most of the crew was gathered in the brig to find out why Meg had not only taken Gaston prisoner, but also didn't tell anyone about it.

"He put the women of this ship through hell for years; I just wanted some payback on all of our behalves."

Hercules rubbed his hand over his face. "Meg…"

"I wasn't going to torture him or anything," Meg insisted. "I was just gonna use that metal pole over there to rape him the way he raped us."

All of the men groaned, but there were no complaints from the women.

"You're not gonna do that, Meg," Hercules told her. "You're gonna let him go."

Meg gaped at her soon-to-be husband. "Let him go? Are you insane?"

"I have to agree with Meg on this one," Shang said. "What if we let him go and he comes after us to avenge Kida?"

"I don't care about Kida," Gaston interjected from the cell. "I'm glad she's gone. I was so sick of taking orders from her."

"He could still come after the ship," Phoebus pointed out. "It did technically belong to him and Kida before we took it over."

Everyone looked at Gaston. He didn't deny that one.

"See?" Meg asked. "We have to keep him locked up."

Hercules sighed. "Our wedding is in two hours. We don't have time to discuss this. We'll leave him in the brig for now and deal with him tomorrow."


A half an hour before the wedding, Meg was panicking. The dress she had stolen for today had gotten destroyed in the fight; it looked as if it had been set on fire. Now, Jasmine and Aurora were in town trying to find her another one. But, they had been gone for an hour and still weren't back.

"It's going to be fine," Kayley assured her.

Despite what had happened between them (mostly Meg just being stubborn), Meg had made Kayley her maid of honor. Meg only planned on getting married once and she knew she'd regret it if she didn't make her sister her maid of honor because of one silly little fight that Meg started in the first place.

"We're back!" Jasmine announced barging into Hercules' room. She quickly handed the dress to Meg.

Meg eyed it. "It's purple."

Jasmine and Aurora exchanged looks.

"Well," Aurora said. "We didn't think white was appropriate. Besides, it was the best we could do at the last minute. Sorry."

"No. I love it."

"Let's get you dressed, then," Kayley said. "Your man is waiting for you."


"Where is he?" Hercules demanded of Barbossa.

Hercules had asked Jack Sparrow to perform the ceremony for them since he had been the one to defeat Ursula and Kida. But, no one has seen him since they arrived in Port Royal.

"My guess? Passed out somewhere," Barbossa replied.

Hercules looked around. They were having the wedding on the fort; on the highest point where Jack Sparrow had managed to escape after Will rescued him from getting hung. Hercules chose this spot because he had been part of the navy who had cornered Jack and Will and it was at that point that Hercules actually considered the life of being a pirate and the freedom that came with it. Because of that one decision he eventually met Meg. So, he thought it would be fitting that they have the wedding here.

The crew of The Damned and the Black Pearl were gathered together, waiting for the ceremony to start. Both crews were dressed in fine clothes that they had stolen from other ships or stores once they arrived.

"I'm here!" Jack Sparrow declared, stumbling passed the guests. "We can start now."

Jack was slurring his words and his breath stank of rum and Hercules couldn't help worrying this would be a disaster. But, he didn't have time to change his mind about his choice. Naveen started playing his guitar and Rapunzel began singing the words of a love song. Jasmine walked down the aisle first and stood to the left of Jack Sparrow. Kayley followed after her.

Then Meg appeared. Hercules' breath caught when he saw her in the beautiful purple gown. Her hair was hanging loosely in waves with little white flowers pinned in it. She was stunning and in just a few moments Hercules would be able to call her his wife.

John walked Meg down the aisle. They stopped at the end where John put Meg's hand in Hercules' and then took his spot beside Hercules.


Despite being drunk, Jack Sparrow performed a beautiful ceremony. All of the women cried. Including Meg. Afterwards, the reception was held at Governor Swann's house. Everyone drank and had a great time. But, as it got late Meg and Hercules were relieved to get away from everyone. Governor Swann let them stay in one of the guest rooms for the night and they headed up to their room as soon as they got the chance.

Meg flopped down on the bed as Hercules locked the door. "This is the most comfortable bed I have ever been on," she said. "I'm gonna sleep so good tonight."

Hercules lied down next to her. "You better not be planning on falling asleep now."

Meg rolled over on top of him. "Definitely not." She kissed him.

Hercules wrapped his strong arms around her. "I can't believe we're finally married."

Meg smiled at him and kissed him again. "This is the best day of my life. I love you so much."

"I love you more than anything, Meg," Hercules told her. "You're my entire world and nothing will ever change that. As long as I live, I swear to God nothing will ever take you away from me."

Hercules was made up of only the purest of light and love; how Meg ended up with him, she had no idea. She supposed even people with the darkest of pasts, with nothing but sadness and loneliness, could still find real love and have the happily ever after they thought only existed in fictional stories and at the end of books.


When I post the first chapter of the next The Damned story, I will post the update in this story, so keep following it. Thank you all so much for following this story. I love you all.