Message from the Author:
To my dear readers,
As many of you already know, The Shattered Mirror has been taken down. My apologies to those few of you out there who hadn't finished reading it yet, but as it's been marked Complete for over a year now, the time finally came for me to publish it as original fiction and remove it from this site.
Please, please know I loved and appreciated each and every review, favorite and follow, and all my many PM conversations with so many of you. Without all your feedback, I never would have had the courage to convert this to an original novel and publish it out there for the world to (hopefully) see. It's both exciting and terrifying in equal measure to take this huge step - but I've taken it. And I have all of you to thank.
If you're interested in reading this story as original fiction, the Amazon link is up on my FF author profile here and you can cut and paste it into a new link. It's also available for Kobo, Apple, and other formats through Smashwords dot com, if you simply do a search on the new title.
Please feel free to keep in touch via PM if you have any questions, concerns, or even if you just want to chat.
Thanks so much again,