The Farm
Chapter 1
"Failing? You were suspended for failing again?! Stiles, we talked about this…"
Stiles can't remember the last time he saw his father this angry. It wasn't the first time he was suspended from school, yet his dad was acting like it was.
"Dad, it's not a big deal!" Stiles exclaimed. "At least I wasn't busted for drugs like…"
"I don't care who was busted for drugs; that is somebody else's child, not mine!" He put his head in his hands and sighed deeply. This was a bad sign, because Stiles knew the guilt was about to come.
"I just am disappointed in you Stiles. I only want what's best for you…"
There it is, the guilt.
"I'm sorry dad… I really am. I wish I could do something to show you that I will try… I mean it."
"One of my friends owns a farm that has a couple of acres on it, and he needs help tending it. I could send you there for a month or so to help you grow responsibility and character."
"No." Stiles' says, wide-eyed. "I was thinking along the lines of helping you at the station, walking dogs, even litter patrol! Not becoming Farmer Brown!"
"I think that it will be good for you" the sheriff said, holding back the grin of victory from his face, but failing to do so.
"Oh, so now this is just hilarious isn't it? You just love to torture me!" Stiles throws his arms up dramatically.
"I think you will learn from this experience, and God willing, you will probably enjoy it!"
The only think Stiles could do was roll his eyes, stomp up the stairs, close his door, and fling himself on the bed. He hated this idea. 'A farmer? Seriously?' Stiles thought as he shut his eyes and drifts off into an eerie dream of a man with an axe.
This dream was the weirdest, and surprisingly, the most arousing dream Stiles has ever had. There was a farm and Stiles was looking out in the fields and he saw a man, and he was carrying an axe and a log. The man's face was a little blurry, but Stiles saw his gorgeous black hair, and his biceps shining in the light from the sweat that was all over his body. He had overalls on but no shirt underneath it. He sets the log down on a stump and lifts the axe with ease. He swipes down in one fluid motion, breaking the log in one swing. Stiles' stares in amazement and in awe and when the man turns towards him and is about to reveal his face, the sound of his dad's voice wakes him up.
"Stiles, you need to get up! We're leaving in 30 minutes!"
Today was the day. He was going to spend a month down at the hellhole farm. 'This is going to suck.' Stiles thought.
"It won't be that bad Stiles, keep your head up." His father said. Stiles shoots his dad a worried glance, thinking that his dad read his mind, because the only thing he could think about was the man with the axe. He had that dream every night after his dad told him he was going to the farm to work. 'I wonder if it's a sign… It seems to be a little bit odd...' Stiles thought, but he tried to forget about it and shower up for the car ride to the farm.