Hey everyone. It's me again. Time for another new story!

Disclaimer – I don't own Fairy Tail. If I did, Natsu and Lucy would already be together.

Chapter 1 – The scarf

Normal POV

It was a usual day in the number one guild of Fiore. Everyone was doing what they did every day. Everything was normal except for a missing pink haired boy.

"Where's Natsu?" Lucy asked the white haired mage. The bartender turned around with a smile "Why? Miss him? The former demon smirked. Lucy just sighed. "Can't you give it up already? Me and Natsu are only friends, well best friend, and we don't like each other." the blonde girl clarified. Mira teared up a bit knowing that Lucy was denying her feelings towards the dragon slayer. "Well he went on a solo mission for the day. He should be back soon". Lucy looked down after Mira said that he went on a mission. "Mira can I have a strawberry smoothie?" the celestial wizard asked. "Coming right up!" Mira went to get the blonde a smoothie and Lucy quietly walked over to the table and laid her head down on the table.

Lucy's POV

Why is it so boring without Natsu here? Why didn't he ask me to go with him? If he asked me I would definitely go. I mean it's not that I don't like him or anything; I just don't like him that way. Well, at least I don't think so.

Mira came by my table and handed me the smoothie and I popped my head up. "Thanks Mira." I said. "No problem Lucy. But why so down?" the bartender asked me. "Nothing, just bored." I sighed and laid back on the table. Suddenly Erza came over and sat beside me. "Hey Lucy." Erza smiled. I quickly bolted up. I didn't want Erza to get mad at me. Who knows what she would do? "Hi Erza!" I forced a smile. "Well I wanted to ask you if you wanted to be part of a play." the scarlet mage said. A play? Why a play? "Why…?" I asked her. "Well it would be for the next Fantasia parade and we need actors!" Erza said with a smile. "Uhhh I'll think about it…" A drop of sweat rolling down my face. I really didn't want to upset Erza. "Alright, just let me know by the end of this week." Erza smiled and left. Why does she like acting so badly? Doesn't she have stage fright?


I turn around to see the door kicked open. Standing there was the person I wanted to see the most, Natsu. I got up from where I was sitting with my smoothie in hand and ran to the salamander. As I ran something caught my foot and I tripped, flinging the smoothie towards Natsu. I quickly got up and saw that the smoothie had landed on his head, dripping everywhere. His scarf was also covered in pink. He looked like he would burn down a town. "MY SCARF!" the fire mage yelled. "I'M SO SORRY NATSU!" I apologized. "Igneel gave me this scarf! It was the last memory I have of him! And now it's ruined!" Natsu shouted at me. After that he quickly ran out the door. Everyone was shocked. I was still processing what had happened. Everything was just too sudden.

The next day I woke up and went to Fairy Tail. Natsu also came, but a little later than usual. He was still wearing his scarf and it looked all clean. He didn't even come say hi to me. He just went to Elfman and Lisanna. I stare at him from the table I sat from and didn't notice Erza and Gray sitting beside me. "Hey Lucy, it's alright. It's just that his scarf is very precious to him." Erza comforted me. "Yeah, one time I froze his scarf by accident and he almost burned me alive. Everything will be the same as before." Gray smirked. "Yeah because he hates your guts, and he didn't hate me before. He probably hates me to guts now though." I sighed.

The whole day I didn't talk with Natsu. I tried my best not to make eye contact with him because of the awkwardness. I sat at the bar and laid my head down while Natsu talks with Erza and Gray.

Mira's POV

I look at Natsu talking with Erza and Gray and then looked at Lucy at the bar, lying her head on the table. My favourite couple is arguing? I have to help Lucy somehow. But how should I do it? Think Mira, think.




This chapter just helps get into the plot of the story. So sorry if it was short and rushed. :D Don't forget to review and check out my other stories! And stay tuned for the next chapter!