SQUISH! The Seeker twins are so adorable, bubububu~

Happy for teh reviews last chappie! I'm glad you all find widdle Dreadwing and Skyquake as cute as I do. They're only gonna get cuter, teehee.

I wanted to introduce another canon character before throwing my other couple of OC's in. I was struggling with the decision because I want to introduce Soundwave later, so I asked my friend who came up with the premise and he said Shockwave. Sooooo, SHOCKERS~ I don't like him as much as some other characters, but his design is awesome. And he's my OCs' friend, so meh. I kinda have to tolerate him. XD

Also, send the little Seeker twins some love! According to me and my friend they're currently sick with cyber-colds. XD Don't worry, we're taking care of them! Force feeding them orange juice and soup and whatnot. But if we show them some virtual get-well cards, I bet they'll feel a lot better soon~

Well, lol. I wanted to show exactly how Skyquake got so devoted to Megs, so... yep. Here it is.

I only own Sharpshoot and Vaccine, and... anyone else you've never heard of. (There WILL be one more. I think only one... lol...)

My friend pointed out, in a rather Shockwave-y manner, that Breakdown being older than Dreads and Sky isn't logical. But meh. I suppose he's not really THAT much older... XD I have no idea. But I'm sticking with my first idea. SO PUT THOSE APPLES IN YOUR PIPES AND SMOKE THEM.

... Wait, what? XD

Enjoy the widdle Seekers~!

Shockwave went first, several long strides ahead of his master. Normally, he wouldn't even be out of his lab, but he'd heard say that the Autobots were using a new type of bullet against the Decepticon army. Any method of updated technology, combat-associated or otherwise, he had to be on top of that. How could he not have thought of the newest advancements in weaponry? His was a brilliant mind, and it made him inwardly furious not to have come up with such things.

The only way he could redeem himself was to rip into the Autobots' tech and find a way to use their own designs against them. That of course was the only logical thing to do.

The landscape was surprisingly soundless, for having just had a battle fought upon it. If there were any Autobots left, well, they'd most certainly retreated. Clearly their bullets didn't work quite as well as they'd anticipated. He had a shield over his vulnerable optic, seeing how much dust and miniscule pieces of scrap metal had been kicked up. It still wasn't very easy to see through the thick, smoky debris, but he could make out shadows of metallic rocks and...

Wait just a klik. He swiveled his helm to one side, adjusting his audio receptors so he could make sure for himself that what he'd heard wasn't just a figment of his imagination. There it was again a few nanokliks later; a small whimpering, coupled with rapid vent-cycling. What was that? He wasn't sure he'd ever heard this noise before.

He took a few steps toward it. Was it remaining Autobots? Slag, they just didn't know when to quit! How illogical. He engaged his cannon, ready to fire should it turn out to be enemies. "I hear you," he warned, walking closer. "Reveal yourself now... the outcome will be the same no matter what."

He got closer, and a rock came into his vision, cutting through the foggy curtain. Somebot cried out, and Shockwave rushed forward, cannon ready.

To his surprise, it wasn't Autobots he was currently holding at gunpoint. Instead, behind the rock, it was two young sparklings. They were clinging tightly to each other and both looked absolutely terrified. Though, who wouldn't be? Most fully grown bots had good reason to fear him, and now here he was pointing his weapon at a couple of kids.

He quickly disengaged his cannon, returning his arm to his side. Their optics were red, which made them the children of Decepticons, and fluid was leaking from both little pairs of red optics. Tears... they were crying. He also noticed that they were identical except for their color pattern - split-spark twins. What a rare sight. "Mechlings," he muttered, leaning back just a little so as not to intimidate them further. "Where are your creators?" Perhaps they just hadn't caught up to their sons yet. What were two little sparklings doing in the middle of a war, anyway?

The predominantly violet and gold twin held his brother closer, and slowly pointed a shaking claw down at the ground in front of the rock. "O-Opi and Danni," he finally spoke, in a shy voice. His brother, whose color scheme mostly consisted of jade and crimson, let out another low whimper and buried his faceplates into the first twin's shoulder.

Shockwave turned his helm to look at where the mechling had pointed. It was not so much of a surprise to see two crumpled metallic bodies lying on the surface, but it was a necessity of war, he knew. These were their creators, who had presumably been murdered before their very optics. No child deserved such a thing as that... but alas, murder was the very center of war, after all.

"Oh," he simply said, as he knelt to inspect the bodies. "Your opiluk and danniluk? How unfortunate." He traced a claw around the wound in the femme's chest. The only visible and life-threatening injury she had on her, though there were various other scrapes and chips marring her armor. A swift check confirmed that it was the same situation with the mech. A single, large shot to the chestplates, but it wasn't like any other shot. After rupturing the spark chamber (because their sparks were long gone now), it appeared to have melted the armor around it. It had very nearly consumed the entirety of the femme's breastplates, and had begun to work down into the mech's abdominal plating.

"Ah," he murmured, getting back to his pedes. "So this is the result of the new prototype that will supposedly revolutionize the Autobots' war effort. Pathetic. They put no logic into developing this."

He got a closer look at the bodies, and was slightly shaken to see that he actually recognized the mech. It was Darkwing - the brother of the already deceased Dreadwind. As he recalled, Darkwing had been the more positive of the two, though not by much of course. He couldn't identify the femme, but he noted the state of their servos. Claws curled around each other, looking as though the grip had been as tight as two offlining bots could manage. "Must have been his sparkmate..." He glanced back at the two mechlings, and flashed his optic at them. "And you are their sparklings...?"


The scientist turned around to see - barely - the outline of his master, Megatron, coming toward him through the dust. What was he supposed to say about the sparklings? Surely they couldn't have a couple of children running about the Nemesis. As necessary as they were, sparklings were little more than trouble; no, he didn't like them at all. Still, they were Decepticon sparklings. Something had to be done with them to keep them out of further harm.

The warlord stepped through the smoke, and it was plain to see that his mere presence frightened the sparklings. The smaller one wailed loudly and ran to hide behind his brother. Megatron's optics flickered toward the little bodies, then back to Shockwave. "Who are they?"

Shockwave stepped aside so his master could get a better look. "Sparklings, Lord Megatron. The sons of Darkwing and..." He gestured to the bodies. "This femme. I can't identify her."

"Darkwing?" The larger mech tossed a glance toward the scrapheap that had previously been two Decepticon soldiers. "Ah, yes..." A brief expression of something akin to sadness flashed across his faceplates, but it didn't last long. "The femme, her name is Sharpshoot. I remember her somewhat. She was an incredible sniper, a brave warrior in the Academy as I understand. Quick learner. So, she bonded with Darkwing, hmm?"

"Evidently so, sir."

"And these..." Megatron took a step closer to the children, halfway offlining his optics. "Are their sparklings?"

"Yes, my lord." Shockwave glanced back at the mechlings. "Formed of a spark that split in two during their creation."

"Ahhhh... twins? You don't see that every cycle."


"And their names?"

"They..." His vocals faltered slightly, but he caught himself. "Have not told me. I believe they are frightened, Lord Megatron."

"And why wouldn't they be?" Megatron took a small step toward the twins, a false comfort blooming in his voice. "They are young, and alone except for each other. Darkwing and Sharpshoot, their creators, have just been terminated right in front of them. And now here we are, strangers to them, and they've no idea who they can trust now that their creators are gone. Put anybot in their position, and I process they'd be leaking gallons of transmission fluid by now. But these two... are stronger than that, hmm?" He raised a claw, beckoning toward himself. "Little sparklings, what are your names?"

For a few nanokliks they just stared back at the warlord, then the violet twin glanced at his brother before shifting a little and finally speaking up. His voice was quiet and shaky, coupled with the fact that his vents were trying to cycle themselves a mile a klik. "I'm Dreadwing." He drew his twin closer to him, patting on the other's wings. "An' this is my brother, Skyquake."

"Wonderful." He glanced over at Shockwave. "You just need to know how to communicate with them, Shockwave. Make them believe you're not threatening and won't hurt them." He turned back to the children, Dreadwing and Skyquake, and held out a servo. "I am Megatron."

Dreadwing offlined and onlined his optics, loosening his grip on his twin a little. "H-Hello, Mister Megatron," he squeaked out, his mouthplates turning up into a slight pout. "How do you do?"

"How amusing." He stood up to his full height again. "Sparklings, eh, Shockwave?"

The scientist looked down at the two, who huddled into each other away from him. "Indeed, my lord."

"I wonder how old they are. Hmm." The leader's optics traced over the mechlings' bodies, from wingtips to pedes. "Seekers, exactly like their creators. Their model type is impressive. If trained correctly, they would make exceptional warriors. Don't you think, Shockwave?"

"Yes, sir, I'm sure they would. But if you're considering taking them aboard the ship..." He gestured to them. "Whose responsibility would they be? You, Soundwave, and I are far too busy, and I doubt Airachnid could even be trusted not to turn her back on them after five nanokliks."

"I agree, Shockwave. But I was considering... perhaps letting Breakdown and Vaccine take care of them." Megatron looked back at the sparklings, offering his servo once more. "Breakdown and Vaccine are medics. They would do a commendable job as your guardians, and they possess fair knowledge on how to care for sparklings." He took a small step closer, looking rather like he was trying not to appear scary to them. "Come with us, Dreadwing and Skyquake. I will make sure that you are both safe."

The brothers looked at each other for a moment, then Dreadwing whispered something into Skyquake's audio. Skyquake whimpered and stood up as tall as he could to reciprocate the same action. This went on for a few nanokliks, finally ending when Dreadwing whispered something and Skyquake nodded. Dreadwing looked back up at the warlord, with the slightly smaller twin seeming to avoid any attempt at being seen. "Okay," the violet twin announced. "But... Skyquake says Dani and Opi have to come with us too."


"I believe that can be arranged." Shockwave gestured to the bodies. "The effects of the Autobots' new bullets should be investigated. I shall have either Breakdown or Vaccine do the autopsies, and then I will perfect these... atrocities. The Autobots are primitive in their preparation of technology."

Megatron nodded. "How foolish they will feel, when the very weapons used to take down our soldiers are used against them in a better form."

It looked like he was about to continue, but before he could the smaller twin, Skyquake, spoke up for the first time. "Is it their fault?" His voice was low, and he was clearly far shyer than his brother.

The warlord offlined and onlined his optics, peering down at the mechling. "Once more, Skyquake? I don't follow."

Skyquake traced a circle in the dust with the tip of his pede. "Is the the Au'bots fault," he repeated, slightly raising his voice, "that Danni and Opi are at the Well?"

Shockwave glanced from the sparklings to his lord, wondering what the answer would be. These two were apparently old enough to comprehend the concept of offlining and a life after it. How disappointing that they had to learn such a harsh lesson at such a young age, but better now than never.

Megatron looked down at the mechling, and vented heavily. "Yes, Skyquake. The Autobots were the ones who offlined your opiluk and danniluk."

Skyquake sniffed, and more fluid began leaking from his optics. "B-But..."

Dreadwing put his arms tightly around his twin, rubbing his wings. "They didn't aim at Opi and Danni," he finished, trying to console Skyquake. "At us - they fir... fear..." His still-developing glossa fumbled over the word, his little wings drooping down. "Fired at us," he managed to finally say.

Megatron and Shockwave exchanged a glance, then the larger mech looked back down at the mechlings. "I wouldn't doubt that the Autobots would do such a thing. They may have aimed at you, but their bullets hitting your creators still accomplished what they were trying to do - offline Decepticons."

Dreadwing looked at him, then he continued to comfort his brother. "Won't happen again?" he asked, the question directed at Megatron even though his optics were focused on Skyquake. "I hafta take... care of Sky. I promised Opi."

Megatron nodded. "Yes. You will both be safe."

At that point, Skyquake wiggled out of Dreadwing's embrace, and ran toward Megatron. Within a nanoklik he'd wrapped his arms around the warlord's leg, clinging tightly and not looking like he was willing to let go for much. He was shaking and still crying, but trying to smile; he actually looked immensely relieved.

"Err..." Megatron raised an optic ridge, looking down at the mechling. "Right then... yes. Erm..."

"I get 'im." Dreadwing toddled over and tapped Skyquake, gently pulling his twin off of the larger mech's leg. "C'mon, Sky. Where we goin'?" he questioned to Megatron.

"My ship - the Nemesis." He waved a servo at the sparklings, and at Shockwave. "Come, this way. The ship isn't very far."

Dreadwing and Skyquake smiled at each other, and sandwiched themselves between Megatron and Shockwave, holding onto each other and following their savior closely. To them, there was no telling where they would end up, but it seemed that as long as they had each other, they thought they could handle anything.

Hmm, Shockwave thought. The naivete of youth.

ABUBUBUBUBU WIDDLE DREADWING AND SKYQUAKE. MiniWing and TinyQuake! YES! These shall be their names. I decree it.

Skyquake, so adorable and trusting and wanting somebody to comfort him besides Dready. How cute! And Dreadwing, "Mister Megatron"? D'AWWWWWSY.

Obligatory Cybertronian translations!

Opi = Daddy

Danni = Mommy

Opiluk = Father

Danniluk = Mother

Th-th-th-th-th-th-th-that's all, folks!

Hope you enjoyed, and pway for MiniWing and TinyQuake's recovery! Give dem all your loves and feels and they will be better in no time!

Thanks for reading! ^^