39 – To Sail in the Dark

When Ryoka had read that a complex underground cave system surrounded the entirety of Takigakure, she had assumed it would be something like a dark maze of tunnels, interconnecting and lined with sensors and traps in case unfriendly foreigners happened by.

What she didn't expect was a giant cavern half submerged in water.

"Welcome to the Network," Fuu said with a trace of smugness as they slipped underground through little more than a burrow and emerged into the gigantic cavern. Stalactites hung so large from the ceiling that a few of their tips brushed the water's surface, dripping water sending ripples across the black river. Rather than tunnels, the cavern was filled with natural landforms in nearly every direction, providing countless routes to nowhere.

The only light source filtered through the tiny hole they had just slipped through, illuminating one patch of rock and a few menacing stalactites close to them.

"Ano… were we supposed to bring a boat?" Matsuri asked hesitantly.

"What, you afraid of swimming, or somethin'?" Fuu asked with a feral smile. Matsuri's ears turned pink.

"N—no! Of course not, I just… I…"

"Easy there, kid," Loki shot Fuu an annoyed look and walked over to a small crevice in the rocks. He pulled a chain from the crevice and gave it a sharp tug. "No one's swimming."

Blue fire seemed to ripple across the surface of the black water as bioluminescent algae began to glow within the waves. The water bubbled and frothed before a boat slowly rose from the water, draining water through the sides. The blue light reflected off of the walls of the cavern, sending ocean-like patterns rippling across the rock formations.

Matsuri let out a small, awed gasp, and even Ryoka watched for a moment, transfixed by the dancing blue and green.

"The water is slightly acidic and eats through wood, so normal boats wouldn't last very long here anyways. Good thing you got your very own Takigakure guide, eh?" Fuu grinned and hopped in the boat, offering a hand to Matsuri, who accepted it and boarded the boat with a quick glance back at Ryoka. She followed wordlessly, returning her attention to the people around her. It wouldn't do to get distracted and make it easy for them to surprise her.

Call her paranoid, but her own teammate was out for her blood and she had been cut up by swordsmen for mere play. Human nature was a fickle thing. The memory of Kushimaru and the others soured her mood almost instantly, making her blood boil, so she pushed the images down and swallowed the bile in her throat as she boarded the small vessel.

She would find those bloody Mist savages, but that would be another day. Right now, she would return Gaara's student safely to him, and negotiate an alliance well within Suna's ability to grasp.

The silence was awkward and pressing, in Matsuri's opinion. It was bad enough that they could barely see anything besides the glowing water and the occasional rock formation, but the tense lack of conversation that came from not knowing whether you were with allies or enemies was suffocating.

This wouldn't do at all, she decided. They were on a diplomatic mission for Kami's sake, and she'd be damned if she watched Ryoka struggle with social cues this early. I mean, no offense intended toward the woman of course, because she was strong and beautiful and Gaara-sama's close associate and who even knew what kind of incredibly romantic, fantastical journeys they had traveled together… she coughed and cleared her head quickly.

Anyways, no offense meant towards Ryoka, but if she couldn't hold easy, friendly conversation with potential threats but also potential friends, how could she be expected to do the same with those in political power?

Matsuri was familiar with their own Elders back home, and knew from what little experience she had that those farther up on the political food chain would attack that weakness and exploit it however they could. It was just the nature of politicians.

Matsuri may not be an excellent or incredibly strong ninja, at least not yet, but hell, she knew exactly how to be social. She was a girl, and it simply came naturally. If she could be useful in this way, she was going to use that to the fullest extent she could.

"Fuu-san," she broke the silence hesitantly with just the right combination of shyness and respect.

"Hm? What's up?" Fuu glanced back, taking her curiously cat-like eyes off of the water for the first time.

"What's Takigakure like? Is it a nice place?" Matsuri let innocence and curiosity bleed into her voice. She felt Ryoka's gaze on her, but didn't react at all. (She might have shivered a little in pride, but that didn't really count.)

"You bet it is," Fuu answered with a grin. "Oh man, you should just see the festivals. You guys haven't even seen a party until you drink our sake. The magic's in the water, y'know." She winked, the gesture nearly lost in the dim light, but Matsuri caught it and smiled.

"Ah… I'm underage," she replied mournfully. "But it sounds fun, it really does."

"Awh, c'mon," Fuu leaned over and draped an arm across Matsuri's shoulders, leaning in close to her ear. Matsuri could practically feel Ryoka's tension, radiating off of her in waves, and silently hoped the older girl wouldn't intervene. "Just a cup won't hurt! If you guys succeed in your mission, or whatever you're here to do, we'll definitely have a party! It just depends on if your Sensei decides to be stingy or not, eh?" Fuu stuck her tongue out at Ryoka, and the dark haired girl blanched, the first expression of surprise Matsuri had ever seen on the girl.

"Ah, Ryoka-sama isn't my Sensei," Matsuri smiled. "She's my sensei's partner." Fuu didn't miss the hopeful glance Matsuri shot in Ryoka's direction and smirked.

"Sexual partner?" Fuu asked bluntly, and Matsuri's jaw dropped. From the front of the boat, she heard Loki sigh.

Subtle art not thou name, Matsuri thought dryly, amazed at Fuu's straightforwardness. I mean, she hoped, but she would never dream of voicing it aloud so bluntly. Sometimes the way Gaara would stare at Ryoka, watching, and the way she always seemed to be aware of it, moving when he moved, twitching when he was agitated… it was just so… so touching, but Fuu…

"I mean, I wouldn't know…" Matsuri stammered as politely as she dared. "But I meant partners in the field, for majority of their missions."

Backtrack, backtrack, backtrack! She thought frantically. She could feel Ryoka's eyes burning accusingly into her back, and Kami help her if Gaara found out…

Fuu laughed.

"Honey, I know exactly what you meant."

Oh, please just let her drown in the dark waters now. Matsuri felt her face flood with color. Why, oh why, did she think this would be a good idea? She should have left it to Ryoka. Ryoka always knew what she was doing, ugh, now she was going to have to face Ryoka later once the darkness wasn't there to hide her humiliation.

"Ah, well, how long have you and Loki-san been working together?" she weakly asked, in attempt to redirect the subject. Thankfully, Fuu took the change gracefully, though she shot Ryoka a strangely knowing and somewhat—impressed?—look.

"Oh gosh, probably since I became a jinchuriki," Fuu answered brightly, and Ryoka noticeably stiffened, along with Matsuri. Bringing up jinchuriki so casually in conversation was like political dynamite. Matsuri would have to either let Ryoka take over soon or ease out of the conversation before any offense or misconstrued perceptions were given. Fuu didn't seem to mind at all, and Matsuri was wondering if her blunt nature was simply something they would have to get used to.

Judging by Loki's second, this time more exasperated, sigh, it probably was.

"Remember, Loki?" Fuu beamed at him. "I told you I had a stomachache, right? And you thought it was the seal, and then it turned out I was actually sick."

"I recall you telling me it was the seal, before puking sake-saturated dango all over my lap," the man answered dryly.

"Ah," she lifted a finger seriously, turning to Matsuri with grave eyes. "I was completely wasted!"

"W-wow," Matsuri answered weakly, the stammer not even faked this time.

"Which just goes to show how good the sake is, because I swear to you all, Taki's honor, I am not a lightweight!"

Loki snorted, and Matsuri did her best to stifle a giggle.

"Eh, you got somethin' you wanna say, Loki?" Fuu glared at the man.

"Hon, even Matsuri-chan could beat you in a drinking contest."

"False!" Fuu protested indignantly. "Not a y-chromosome's chance in the Slug Princess's pants!"

Matsuri spluttered.


"Have you ever seen Namekuji no Tsunade-hime?" Fuu shook her head mournfully. "Prettiest lady I've ever seen in my life, and that's sayin' something. No boy's got a chance, I'm telling you."

"Ehm, Fuu-san, I'm not sure that's really…" Matsuri trailed off, slightly at a loss for what to say. She turned to Ryoka for help.

"Ryoka-sama, you've met Tsunade-hime, haven't you? You spent a lot of time in Konoha if I'm not mistaken."

Ryoka nodded slowly.

"She healed my voice," the dark haired girl murmured, her fingers brushing against the line of her throat where hardened vocal chords had been softened once more.

"Hmph, well you have a funny way of showing your appreciation," Fuu interrupted haughtily. "Barely heard you say more than two sentences since I metcha!"

Ryoka just stared blankly at Fuu. How would talking more frequently show her appreciation for the healing if Tsunade wasn't there to see her appreciate it? What was the point?

"Still though, I can't believe you've actually met her," Fuu sighed dreamily. "What's she like? Is she as kind and compassionate as the rumors say? Is she terrible at gambling? I bet she is, since no princess would actively partake in that kinda thing. Which is a real shame, because I love gambling…"

"She's… obstinate and stubborn," Ryoka stated objectively. "And is good at chasing people down and harassing them until they do what she wants."

"…" Matsuri stared at Ryoka quizzically. "Is she really?" the girl asked, and Ryoka nodded gravely.

Fuu beamed.

"Ah, well that's even better. That means she's not boring!" She leaned back comfortably against the boat's edge. "I mean, my goal is to make a thousand friends before I die, and someday maybe she'll be one of them, so it's good that she's not boring."

Fuu grinned at Matsuri.

"You're already one of them. I like you." A pleased blush colored Matsuri's cheeks.

"Thank you, Fuu-san, I enjoy your company as well."

"Oh, sheesh, just call me Fuu, those honorifics make me feel stuffy and old." Fuu grinned at Ryoka next, her eyes turning a little feral.

"You're next, Nadeshiko Ryoka. Watch out for me, cuz once I decide to make a friend, I can't be stopped. We're gonna have a ton of fun, and the festivals are just the first step."

She winked at the dark haired girl and Ryoka just nodded sagely, more than a little confused but knowing better than to show it.

"We're here," Loki deep voice caused the three girls' heads to turn as the darkness faded to a grey light. They rounded another bend and suddenly the cavern was flooded with light and they came face to face with the huge spread of nature that was Takigakure.