Matter Of Opinions: supernatural/smallville

Author: CHLOLO1213

Chapter 2: "The" Bartender or that hot blonde that likes knives

DISCLAIMER: Forgot it in the previous chapter , so blah blah don't own jack except my imagination and even that i question sometime

Narrator P.O.V

now that you've glimpsed at some our young heros thoughts you should get the whole story of how they all met, It started the summer before high school is when some first batch of the group started trickling in

Joanna Beth Harvelle was one of the first but along with and her mother came another package to deal withthe Winchesters and...Ash but he was a whole different story all together, Jo and the boys all came from her mother's roadhouse the only stable home they knew that was being moved to a funky town called Smallville because of some freak fire...well at least that's the story everybody but the Harvelle's and Winchester's got.

Then came Sarah Blake who was Class cousin on his mom's side of the family (apparently 's mothers side of the family dabbled in art collecting and selling ) who was staying with the Kents because her dad decide he wanted to travel but couldn't take Sarah because he believe she needed a stable home.

Next was Chloe and Lois who probably raised more hell in week than had ever been caused in Smallville history ,which still baffled Clark and made him wonder why he his best friends are such sociopaths.

And last but certainly not least was Oliver who thought he needed a change of scenery in his life , What he didn't expect were the new and crazy friends he'd make


The event that brought them all together was annual state fair which end in chaos ,the hay maze caught on fire(all Clark's fault no matter how hard he denied it.)

Oliver 'accidentally' kidnap Chloe apperantley he needed a hug and the tiny jail bait blonde keep making winky faces at him so he thought they could be friends Chloes take on this is much different than his,

Sarah shot Jo in the ass with an nerf gun over a funnel cake, sam became well know for his boys II men covers of their songs, Dean and Lois were BFF's all of thirty minutes what ended their besties status has yet to be discovered


And yeah well the rest they say is history.

Oliver let out a satisfied sigh at how nice everything was coming along ,Dean and Lois had yet to catch anything there on fire, Jo had yet to put any knife marks on the walls, Clark had even managed not to break any thing when Lois flashed him just for the simple fact she like watching him squirm.
So yeah in his books everything was A-okay

"You sure look happy Ollie."

"Jo! I thought you weren't gonna be here till later!?"Oliver exclaimed inquiringly.

"Yeah well the big boss let me off early said i was to distracted and what not." She said twirling her hand around in a nonchalant manner.

"Did she now?"

"Yup" she said popping the P for effect.

"Nice, Did you tell your mom i said like you said you would." He whined knowing she often forgot to.

"Yes , now stop whining your like twenty-one and you sound like a five year old."

"You need to stop sippin that haterade Jo , just because you don't look this good whining doesn't mean you should try to bring me down." he said in a way that made Jo think he was gay sometimes but the just shrugged it off and rolled her eyes at his thearatrics.

"Anyhow where is everybody at ?"

"Hmm, pretty sure Sarah still trying to convince her English teacher about why he should let her write a story on puppies, Clark, Dean and Sam are getting evrybody's stuff that they packed so are Chloe and Lois by the way. So yeah that concludes the summary of where evrybody's at."

"...why aren't you helping move stuff?" she said while giving him a stink eye that practically screamed "SHAME ON YOU!"

"Because I paid for shit" He replied blandly .

"Touché. My friend Touché."

"I try." He said with a Smug smile.

Their peace and quiet was interrupted by the loud AC/DC ripping through the air as a nice sleek black Impala pulled up in the drive followed by a red dodge charger and last a sliver maserati (that looks suspiciously like his).

"...And there goes the neighborhood." Jo says with no small amount of amusement.

" The closes neighbor is four miles away , Darling." Chloe says as she steps out of the (his) maserati.

"What!?" Lois shouts in a mildly panicky voice "What the hell are we gonna do if it gets all Friday the 13th in this bitch!"

"Throw sacrifices." Chloe murmurs while looking at Clark with a dark glint in her pretty green eyes.

All Clark could do was cringe away wonder how something so tiny could be so frightening , And hazardous for some ones sanity.

"I think we should use mighty mouse as a sacrifice/bait if the time every comes." Lois practically sing-songed.

"I thought I felt you talking about me she-devil, that shiver of murderous intent that crawled up my spine really gave it away." Dean smirked as he started his daily stare down with Lois.

"You should fell honored." she said drily while a smirk of her owned made it's way on her , while she got in her battle ready stance to win the stare down.

"Guys don't do anything to stupid we just got here." Chloe said with an air of fond exasperation attention already off Clark as she made her say towards Oliver's side.

"Awe this is gonna be fun." chuckled Jo with nods of agreement from all around.

A/N:Like i said before reviews are appreciated criticsm or not please and thank you.
