I want to thank everyone who has read and enjoyed Oasis. Despite its age and lack of updates, I frequently get notifications of people favoriting this story. That means a lot to me, and I want you all to know that.
However, Oasis will not be continuing. At least not as it currently is. I hit a wall, and I hit it hard. While I know how the story ends, the middle was proving to be a problem. I don't like the pacing. I feel that Grom'thor is missing something, not to mention I honestly hate his name.
I can't promise if, when, or honestly if ever, that I'll pick up this story again. I do love the idea behind it, and I'd love to finish it, but as I said, it needs a lot of work. While I do have some ideas for making the story work, I would need to ask permission from someone to use those ideas, and possibly even names. There is no guarantee this person would say yes to my request, and I would have to respect their wishes.
Also, there is the issue that while Oasis is based on Warcraft, and my undying love for Thrall and Jaina, it had never been my intention to write a purely Warcraft fanfic. Because of this I've done a lot of world building that can't be reflected in a Warcraft story. I originally posted Oasis here because I didn't know where else I could share it and I felt I could keep things vague enough. Now I'm not so sure.
Again, I want to thank everyone for their kind words. Thank you to everyone who has favorited this story. It truly means a lot to me that you have enjoyed Oasis so much. Oasis honestly means a lot to me, too. Layla is a character who is very dear to me, and there is much about her I'd love to share properly. Grom'thor, though in need of an extreme makeover, is dear to me as well. I know the type of orc he can truly be, and he can be a much better character than he currently is.
Thank you all very much.