Twice the Trouble CHAPTER 31

Dinner that night was very lighthearted with everyone enjoying the evening as they sat around the dinning table reminiscing about Percy's stay at the Ponderosa.

"Yes, you should have seen his face when he came out of the woods," Adam chuckled, as he related the story about Percy and the skunk.

"Well I felt very sorry for him because he looked so bedraggled after his night in the woods. Then on top of it to run into a mother skunk was really unfortunate for him," Ali added, as she turned and smiled sympathetically at Percy.

He was taking it all in stride though, and even joked about everyone wanting to stay way down wind from him.

"Oh, Ben, I am so sorry that he put you to all that trouble."

"Oh don't worry, it is all in the past now and I think Percy learned his lesson, and I am very proud about how far he has come since then."

"Well, son, did you learn a lesson from all this?"

"Yes, sir, I did. Never run away when you have no idea where you are. And NEVER touch an animal until you know what it is!"

Everyone laughed heartedly at that comment as Adam leaned over and patted Percy on the back. Percy smiled and blushed slightly, but knew it was all in good fun, and was rather proud of himself after Ben's compliment.

Hop Sing brought out a large tureen of stew and set it on the table in front of Ben with a big smile on his face as he informed everyone that Alissa had helped make the stew. Of course she couldn't help but comment about the fact that, yes, they had prepared the stew together and even managed not to strangle each other in the process. Everyone laughed at her confession, while Adam lightly squeezed her hand under the table to let her know how proud he was of her effort.


The next morning was bright and clear with blue skies and just a hint of a breeze, as the family stood in the yard finishing up their goodbyes to the Mathews family.

Hoss finished putting the last bit of luggage in the carriage and turned and tipped his hat at Mrs. Mathews. "That is the last piece of your luggage, ma'am."

"Thank you so much, Hoss." Mrs. Mathews smiled at Hoss then turned to face the rest of the family.

"I want to thank you for all that you have done for my son. I gave you a boy, and you have given me back a young man that I can be proud of. Even if his skin is a little tanner than I like, I suppose I will get use to it. I just liked his pale complexion best," she joked, as she let Percy help her into the carriage.

"Oh, Mother, don't embarrass me," Percy said frowning, as he pulled his hat lower on his forehead. Then he went over to stand in front of everyone.

Reaching out to shake his hand, Percy stopped in front of Ben first. "Mr. Cartwright, I want to thank you for all you have done for me, and I am sorry if I caused you too much trouble."

Ben leaned in towards Percy as he shook his hand warmly. "You are welcome, Percy. As I said last night, I am proud of the young man you have become."

Percy stood up straighter and grinned before he continued down the line shaking hands and exchanging words until he stood in front of Adam.

"Adam, I think I gave you and Alissa the most trouble and I am so sorry for that. Will you forgive me?"

"Of course, Percy, you did a lot of maturing and have learned from your mistakes, as all boys need to do as they are growing up. I have to admit though; it was trying at the time. But I know all boys tend to have to push the limits. Then Adam leaned over to whisper the last part so as not to embarrass Percy. "I hope there are no hard feelings for that tanning I gave you when you were first here."

Percy shook his head as he blushed slightly. "No, there isn't any hard feelings now," Percy grinned, before moving on to take Alissa's hand in his.

"I am so sorry you got that bucket over your head, Alissa. You know it was meant for Adam." Percy winked, and then eyed Adam warily.

"It is all forgotten now, Percy. But tell me, what on earth was in that concoction anyway? It took me forever to get it out of my hair!"

Percy leaned in and whispered in Alissa's ear. "It's a secret. You never know when I will have to use it again."

"Oh, Percy, you are just too much," Ali laughed, as she pulled Percy into a hug.

After Mr. Mathews finished shaking Ben's hand, Ben leaned in for one final word. "Just remember, Tom, you need to be the father he needs, and then I know you will have a leveled head young man when he grows up."

"Thank you, Ben, I certainly will."

He smiled before he turned to Percy. "Time to hurry, son, we need to get going. Thank you everyone, we appreciate all you have done for Percy."

Then he tipped his hat and waved before he hurried to the carriage with Percy following behind him. Soon they were all settled in the carriage and heading out as Percy turned and waved one final goodbye to everyone.

After everyone returned Percy's wave Ben turned and grinned. "Well, the house is back to normal again, which means chores everyone…hop to it as they won't do themselves!" Ben clapped his hands and headed for the house.

Joe and Hoss headed for the barn as Adam and Alissa stayed back to talk for a moment before Adam started on his chores.

"I sure am glad that Percy and Rebecca have left, now there won't be so much turmoil and we can settle back into our quiet lives," Alissa said smiling, as she unbuttoned the top button on her blouse trying to cool off a little. Even though it was early morning, it was going to be a hot day if the way the temperature was already rising was any sign.

Adam almost choked as he tried to hold back his laughter. "Yes, because there has never been any turmoil in this house since you have come here."

"Now just a minute, Adam Cartwright. Are you saying that I cause turmoil?"

Looking down at Alissa an amused smile flashed across Adam face as his dimples appeared. "Yes, my love, you have caused quite a bit of your own turmoil, even before Percy or Rebecca came. You do remember your march, don't you?"

"Of course I do! It was a great cause, and sadly I never got to really finish it either because of those pompous cattlemen who tried to stop it and caused such a mess."

"And of course you had nothing to do with that so called mess?"

Provoked by his arrogance, Ali turned and poked her finger in Adam's chest as she declared rather firmly. "No! I had formed a perfectly peaceful march until they got involved. Then all hell broke loose!"

Watching Adam's brow arch slightly, Alissa quickly added. "I mean a lot of pandemonium ensued."

"Plus let's don't forget the little bit of trouble you had in the saloon, can't forget that now can we?"

As she set her hands on her hips Alissa frowned. "You know, I wouldn't get into so much trouble if you people weren't so backward in your way of thinking. And I certainly could manage my temper better if more people would manage their stupidity! But I won't stop taking on my causes until I change a few things around here. And if it means a little turmoil happens along the way…then so be it."

"There you go with that expression again. Just what do you mean when you say, "You people and your backward thinking?"

"It is just the people of this time…er I mean town, are rather backward in their thinking from what I am use to. But I am going to work on them!" Ali declared, with a stubborn set of her jaw.

Letting out a long exasperated sigh Adam said dryly, "See what I mean little trouble maker. There never has been a dull moment since you arrived and from the sound of your little speech, I think more of those moments are coming."

"Probably, but you know you love every minute of our little disagreements, Mr. Cartwright." Ali cocked her head to the side and gave Adam a saucy wink.

"No, not every minute of it, that's for sure," he replied frowning. Then his hazel eyes twinkled as he grinned. "But it does make life with you exciting… and that is what I love!"

Adam leaned down and captured her mouth in a thorough kiss before he pushed her ahead of him, and with a light pat to her bottom he followed her into the house.


A week had passed since Percy had left and the family was around the dinning room table finishing up dinner as Ben picked up the newspaper that he had read earlier in the day. Soon he scowled and set it down on the table rather sharply.

"What's wrong, Pa?" Hoss asked, before he shoved a forkful of mashed potatoes into his mouth.

"Oh, it looks like they are going to hang old Jeb tomorrow."

"Well he did kill a man in cold blood right in the middle of the street, Pa. So we all know he is guilty," Joe added, as he pushed his plate away and moved his coffee cup in front of him.

"I know all that, but there just seems to be more to it. He never did say why he called Tucker out in the middle of the street. He was always a peaceful man and never caused anyone a bit of trouble. It just seems so strange that he would suddenly resort to violence. Besides, I just hate the chaos a hanging brings to the town."

Pouring himself another cup of coffee Joe shook his head. "I know, Pa, it brings in riff raff from all over the area just to see the hanging. Then they get drunk and there are fights all over town."

Adam was watching Alissa during this conversation, and the look that appeared on her face was one that Adam was use to seeing when she was thinking about doing something he was sure he wasn't going to like.

"Alissa, what is going on in that mind of yours?"

"I was just thinking what a great story that would be for the newspaper. Why would a peace loving man like this man named Jeb decide to kill another man in cold blood? What was his motive? Oh Adam, I need to go to town tomorrow and interview some of the townspeople to see what they have to say."

Putting down her napkin and scooting her chair back Alissa smiled. "If you will excuse me, I have some work to do in my room."

Adam was out of his chair and around the table in a flash as he grabbed hold of Alissa's hand and pulled her from her chair as he started for the front door.

"If you will excuse us, Alissa and I have some talking to do in private!"

Alissa started tugging back on Adam's hand as she complained. "Now just you stop right there, mister. I don't feel like talking right now so let go of my hand!"

Stopping so suddenly that Alissa's bumped into the back of him, Adam leaned down and whispered in her ear. "Fine, would you rather the whole house hear our conversation or do you want to do it in private, because one way or the other we are going to talk?"

"Oh very well. Let's get this over with and then I can get on with my work."

"Don't count on it!" Adam growled, as he headed out the front door.

Alissa's answer to that remark was to stick out her tongue as she slowly followed her determined man out the door and angrily slammed it behind her.

"Here we go again," Joe laughed, as he stood up and took his plate into the kitchen.

Hoss started laughing too, but suddenly quit when he saw the scowl Ben was giving him. So he decided to concentrate on pouring some gravy over the mountain of mashed potatoes he had on his plate.

As soon as Alissa was out the front door, Adam grabbed her hand again and walked over to the bench on the side of the house. Quickly setting her down he turned and stood in front of her with his hands crossed across his chest.

"Are you out of your mind with this foolish notion? Do you realize how awful a hanging is, not to mention how dangerous?"

"Well of course I wouldn't watch the hanging. That is just so barbaric and sad. I just want to talk to some people after and try to get their perspective about why this Jeb fellow would do such a thing completely out of the blue. He certainly had to have his reasons and maybe someone might know what they were."

Ali looked up at Adam's angry face and frowned slightly as she had seen that look many times before. And it only meant that he was being stubborn again.

"You are not going!"

"Oh yes I am and you can't stop me!" Alissa declared, as she stood up glaring.

"Really now? I am bigger and stronger than you so how is that going to work out for you?"

"Oh good grief, Adam, are you really going to try and use the bigger than me tactic? Well if that's the case, are you going to keep a constant watch on me just to make sure I don't go? And maybe lock me in my room too?"

"If I have too!" Adam shouted, as he glared down at Alissa's angry expression.

After they both stood glaring at each other for a long minute, Alissa finally broke her stare and started pacing back and forth in front of Adam.

"Oh for heaven's sake, this is getting us no where!" she shouted, as she threw up her hands.

She waited to see what Adam would say next when she noticed the expression on his face had softened. Then he tenderly grabbed her hands in his and brought them to his lips for a kiss. This sweet gesture threw Alissa off guard for a moment as she watched Adam curiously.

"Sweetheart, do you realize all the riff raff that will be coming to a hanging? There will be fighting and drinking and all kinds of danger before and after the hanging. It is the worst place that a woman could possibly be, and I just don't know what I would do if something bad ever happened to you and I didn't do everything in my power to stop you from going."

The heartrending look on Adam's face pulled on Alissa emotions. As soon as she looked into his eyes she quickly pulled him into a hug as she finally realized how serious this could be. The bottom line was he was her protector now and he felt it was his job to keep her safe and this was definitely not a safe place to be.

"I am so sorry, sweetheart. The reporter in me came out and I just saw this as a great news story. I guess I didn't really think it through. I had no idea how serious this could be. Now that I see how much this means to you, I promise I won't go or even try and sneak out to go that day."

"You promise me?"

"Yes, cross my heart," Alissa said smiling, as she did just that. "But will you take me a few days after so I can get my story?"

Adam wrapped his arms around her and held her close in what seemed like forever, as she laid her head against his chest listening to the sound of his heart beating.

"We'll see."

"Well, I guess that is something. But it is going to be a good story, Adam, it really is. So I hope you will take me a few days after it is all over."

As Adam hugged her tighter he whispered, "You do know you drive me a little crazy, don't you?"

Hugging him around his waist Ali softly giggled. "I know, but sometimes crazy is good, right?"

"Oh you are something else, young lady. One minute I am angry with you and the next all I want to do is hold you and kiss you. But through it all I know that I love you, Alissa Marie Anderson with all my heart."

"And I love you too, Adam Stoddard Cartwright with all my heart, even if you are too bossy."

Adam grinned before he reached back and lightly swatted her backside.

"Hey, what was that for?" Ali protested, as she looked a little startled at first before she glared up at Adam.

Lifting his brow in amusement Adam replied, "A little incentive, young lady."

"Oh you are incorrigible, Adam Cartwright!"

Ali fumed for a second but finally stood up on her tiptoes and reached her arms up and placed them around Adam's neck as she began to caress his wavy hair.

"Come and kiss me with those sexy lips of yours and maybe I will forgive you."

Setting his mouth in a cocky grin, Adam leaned in until he was close to her mouth as he whispered against her soft lips.

"Your wish is my command, little one."

With as much insolence as she could muster, Alissa said smugly, "Yeah, until I want to be a real reporter and investigate interesting stories. Then you go all macho on me and sure don't always do what I wish."

Shrugging his shoulders Adam couldn't help but grin. "True, now let's stop arguing and go look at the moon."

Adam leaned over and kissed her quickly on the lips, then started towards the big tree out in the yard as he grasped her hand in his. Right before they got to the bench by the tree, Adam leaned down and scooped Alissa up in his arms and carried her the rest of the way to the bench. The sound of her laughter was music to his ears as he sat down with her on his lap.

"You know, you do have an interesting way of changing the subject, Mr. Cartwright. But I have to admit, this is a lot nicer than arguing." Alissa smiled as she snuggled in Adam's arms.

Soon they both were content as they quietly watched the beautiful night sky with the stars twinkling brightly all around the enchanting moon. The evening skies in Nevada were so incredibly clear that at times it felt like you could reach up and touch one if you so desired. And tonight was a perfect night for stargazing.

Adam let out a contented sigh as he held Alissa in his arms. He hadn't told her yet about having to be gone for two days on business, and he knew she would be disappointed at them being apart. But for now he just wanted to enjoy the night.

Before long he leaned down and gently kissed Alissa's forehead then pointed up at the night sky. "We sure have a beautiful sky tonight, don't we?

"Oh yes! The evening sky is breathtaking tonight. And the moon is so bright that it isn't even very dark outside."

Alissa looked up at Adam's handsome face as she reached up and lovingly touched his cheek.

"Adam, I want you to look at that amazing moon up there."

"Very well, I am looking at it."

"I want you to look up at that moon and remember that I will love you all the way there and back again."

Adam pulled her tighter in his arms as he whispered, "I will remember."

Then as a sudden feeling of uneasiness came over Ali, she turned in Adam's arms and grabbed his face with both of her hands. "I mean it, Adam! Promise me when we are apart you will look at the moon and know wherever I am, when I look at it I will be thinking of you and no matter what keeps us apart…I will always love you."

"Sweetheart, I promise. You act like we are going to be apart for a long time. I know I haven't told you yet, but I will be gone for two days checking the lines. Did you already know this?"


"Then what is all this about us being apart? We won't be apart for very long this time, so please don't look so worried. Do you know something that I don't?"

"No, I just feel a little strange tonight is all."

Adam reached for her hands and brought them away from his face and up to his lips as he lovingly kissed first one and then the other.

"Now then, you don't have anything to worry about, alright? Two days will pass quickly and I will be back in your arms in no time. But while I am gone, I promise each night I will look up at our moon and remember that no matter where we are, you will always love me all the way there and back again, as I will you."

Looking down at Alissa's face Adam leaned down and kissed her tenderly. "Now, my little worrier, feel better?"

She shook her head yes, but in all honesty she still couldn't shake the uneasiness she had. But enough of this she finally decided as she pulled Adam to her for a kiss. She felt the fiercely demanding pressure of his lips on hers. And for now all her worries soon melted away because she was in the arms of the man she loved more than life itself. As the world around them became silent, they both were lost in the warm glow of their love.


Well my lovely readers, it was rather bitter sweet for me, but this story has come to an end... I felt it was time. Of course Adam and Alissa have more stories ahead so don't worry about that. Alissa's life may change for her in the next story, haven't decided on that yet though. Will see where my muse takes me. I want to thank all you readers, members and guests alike for your wonderful and sometimes funny reviews. I loved and appreciated them all! I hope you will let me know what you think of this final chapter too. And if you have been reading this story but never took the time to let me know what you think, I would love to hear from you too. Thanks everyone ~ Sierra