A/N well another chapter for ya and I know many what a lemon with the three all I can say is I'm a little worried in doing one. I will like to add one thing before I start the chapter. Neither Sakura nor Ino will use 'kun' when calling him it

Chapter 4 New arrivals

It had been a few weeks since the attack on the former leaf village called Konoha and Naruto's rebirth with the transformation of not only his two mates but many of his friends, yet many villages had fallen in the attack, or had been changed. The whole of Konoha had been abounded since with no a human, or demon in sight.

Yet deep within a cave Naruto's pack was sleeping each one had a room in the cave that was made for them all and well hidden as well so they couldn't be found. And at that very moment, Naruto was with his two mates who were both still sleeping soundly with their arms wrapped around Naruto. "My beautiful vixens I love the two of you so much." Naruto said with a smile as he rubbed their fur.

As Naruto looked at both demon girls he just continued to smile as he soon saw that Ino was waking up as she looked over to Naruto and just smiled at her mate and kissed him on the cheek. "Well good morning Naruto." Ino said with a smile as she looked over to Sakura and saw that she was still sleeping.

Naruto just looked just smiled at his blonde vixen as he pulled her closer to him and gave a dark grin at her. "Oh you're right it is a good morning seeing you beautiful." Naruto then grabbed hold of Ino's breasts and just looked at her with a grin. "You know Ino we were all so busy with what's been going on lately we have had no time to some real fun." Naruto said as he heard Ino give out a light moan.

Ino for her part just shook her head at him. "No we haven't, but now we can my love." She said as she looked at Sakura who thankfully was sleeping soundly with just her pink tail move ever so slightly. Yet Ino just looked at her as she knew that Naruto wanted to have fun with her as well. "What about Sakura, Naruto?" She asked looking at her best friend who was now also her lover. When Ino thought of that she was as little shocked, sure both she and Sakura had a little fun when they were human in front of Naruto. But Ino never once thought that Sakura or Naruto would be her lovers or mates.

Yet she didn't care anymore as a human she would have but now she felt free, Ino's thoughts were soon cut off as she let out another moan as she felt Naruto once again playing with her breasts and she just looked back at him with a grin.

Naruto just smiled at his blonde vixen and looked her over. "I must say Ino you and Sakura really do look sexy as demons vixens." He said as he lightly used his sharp teeth to nibble on her shoulder which caused her to yelp a little.

The yelp from Ino had woken Sakura up as she looked at Ino and Naruto and just gave a smirk at the two. "Well I see you two are having fun, and without me I might add." She said as she crossed her arms over her chest, while her pink tail moved from side to side.

"Sakura chan, I'm happy you're awake." Naruto said as he looked at Sakura.

Sakura just gave a huff at this as she looked at Ino and him. "Well with the nose you two are making how could I sleep?" She asked with a smirk. "And not only that, I see you were going to even have a little fun without me too." She said with a little pout.

Naruto just laughed lightly at him mate and lover as he moved over to her and pushed her back onto the bed that the three all had. "Well then I think that Ino and I need to change that then." He said with a glint in his eyes that went from blue to blood red as he looked over to Ino who was just looking at the two. "Am I right Ino?" Naruto Asked as he looked over to the blonde who was smiling as well at Sakura.

Ino knew what Naruto was thinking and Ino liked the thought as well, so she got onto all four and crawled over to Sakura licking her muzzle. "Oh you're right Naruto. " She said as Ino moved even closer to her best friend/lover.

"Ino..." Sakura said with a whisper as she soon felt Ino clawed hand on her breasts playing with them making Sakura let out a moan of delight at what Ino was doing to her. "Oh Ino so good please play with them some more." Sakura cried out with joy.

Ino couldn't help but smirk at hearing her moans and she wanted to hear more from Sakura as did Naruto. "Well Ino chan, I think Sakura chan needs more." He said as he moved right beside her and gave a cheeky grin. "Don't you think?" He asked as he brought her into a kiss, while Ino just continued to play with Sakura's breasts.

Sakura let out a deep moan at this as she looked up at both Ino and Naruto already into a deep kiss. "Oh you two please stop teasing me like this you're both driving me crazy!" She yelled with pleasure as she wanted even more from the two.

The two blondes just looked at Sakura and smiled at them. "Ino…" Sakura whined, moaning blissfully, "…kiss me Ino kiss me more! Please!"

Answering Sakura's almost pathetic begs with what she wanted, Ino kissed Sakura harder, rolling on top of her, while Naruto just moved away so he could watch the show in all its glory. Ino inserted her fingers into Sakura's moist, damp womanhood, scissoring her fingers back and forth until Sakura was entirely on edge, screaming explosive moans.

Those long fingers, expertise unknown by all but Sakura, rubbed between her folds, brushing dangerously against her clit, as Ino's knuckles rubbed against Sakura's sensitive nub, forcing her to cry out in utter ecstasy. Ino grinded her body seductively into Sakura's, heaving her enormously ample breasts against Sakura's hammering chest, forcing each laboured pant from the raggedly breathing pink lips. "You want me and Naruto, don't you Sakura?" Ino exhaled huskily, eyelids tapering softly.

"Yes!" Sakura groaned, bucking her hips, trying to force Ino's fingers into her while also being very careful with her claws. "I want you both so much Ino, please..."

Smiling cruelly, Ino continued moving her fingers back and forth inside Sakura, breathing her hot breaths onto the smooth surface of Sakura's fur as she kissed even more deeper than before going so far to use her tongue. Sakura felt the air being smothered from her lungs, crushed by the arrival of Ino's passionate mouth as her fingers delved deeper into Sakura, making her lurch forward with a sudden cry as Ino mercilessly entered her.

Naruto on the other hand just looked at the two and smiled as he saw Ino behind rise in the air and simple grinned at this as he went behind her and used his tongue on her womanhood making her cry out with pleasure. "Oh Naruto that feels so good, please don't stop."

Everything became a flash of blinding colours for Sakura. "Oh yes Ino! Ino! Ino! Ino! I'm cumming oh Kami Ino!" Those fingers drove deeper, pleasurably harder. "Please faster Ino! Oh, go faster already!" The pleasure and pain were one entity.

Coming into Ino's hand, the dull ache that had been craving satisfaction within her core detonated into nothingness within her as Sakura released with a piercing cry. Her eyes as she convulsed upon the makeshift bed that the three had, moaning as Ino came down upon her again relentlessly, her sleek, sweat-covered body moving warmly against Sakura's tense frame. The blonde grasped Sakura's perspiring face with both hands, kissing her madly.

Sensations danced in Sakura's stomach, arousing the quivering butterflies as Ino bit lightly down upon that tender spot near her hairline. Sakura jolted before shuddering and giving into those pleasurable sounds that only made Ino want her even more. Relaxing, Sakura surrendered and allowed Ino to begin licking down her throat, tongue dipping between her clavicles and moving down towards her heaving breasts. "Ino…oh Kami just like that!"

Naruto on the over hand was enjoying the sounds he was hearing from his two vixens, as he began to use his own tongue to go deeper into Ino who just once again let out a cry. "Oh yes, Naruto that's the spot right there!" She yelled as she shook her hips wanting Naruto to keep doing it.

Breathing hitching precariously in her tight throat, Sakura struggled to breathe as Ino moved her mouth to the tip of Sakura's nipple, tongue caressing it slightly. "My Sakura-chan, you have become quite lovely." Ino paused, bringing one of her hands up over Sakura's stomach to her opposite breast, beginning to grope it with uncontained lust, fondling it roughly to extract moans from deep within Sakura's throat, drawing more sounds as she pinched Sakura's hardening nipple between her thumb and forefinger. "Oh-ho, you like that!"

Gasping, groaning, Sakura cried aloud, "Yes! Do it more! More!" Teasing Sakura's nipple with her playful pink tongue, Ino prodded the sensitive pearl before taking it into her mouth to suck vigorously and hard. Sakura's back arched, pushing her breasts into Ino's mouth, pleading with desperate actions as the blonde continued her handiwork with the opposite mound, mauling it devotedly. "Suck harder Ino! Harder! Please, please!"

Suckling with restrained force, Ino tried to keep herself from going too fast merely to enjoy Sakura's strife, but she found herself giving in when Sakura locked her legs around her back and began pressing her lower body into Ino's stomach. Ino chuckled hoarsely as she switched breasts. How could she deny her adorably desperate Sakura? "Keep going! Keep going!"

Rolling the round pearl in her mouth, tongue lavishing Sakura's breast, Ino listened amusingly as Sakura groaned and moaned, begging with sexual noises for Ino to continue endlessly. The blonde absolutely loved it and got small tingles of her own whenever Sakura's body would flinch and her body would shiver even more. Then again, Ino absolutely loved every delectable part of Sakura's body.

Reminded of this thought as she continued sucking until fluids were trickling down Sakura's quivering thigh, Ino firmly gripped Sakura's rear, holding her still, as her lips moved down Sakura's stomach in tight, small kisses. Sakura groaned, wondering curiously where Ino was headed, and was ultimately shocked when the tip of Ino's nose brushed against her womanhood. Sakura sucked in a short inhale and held it, not daring to exhale.

"I-Ino—what are you—what are you—?" Sakura spluttered nervously.

Ino smirked, perfectly manicured eyebrows arching. "Oh, you'll see." Lowering her entire body, Ino positioned her head between Sakura's legs, her lips facing Sakura's nether lips. The pink-haired Kunoichi soon realized Ino's inevitable intent.

Opening her mouth to allow her tongue out of its hot, wet cavern, Ino pushed it into Sakura's tight hole, running it against that sensitive nub. Upon feeling the hard, damp muscle pushing and sliding against her nub, moving past her folds, Sakura was prone to a scream of ecstasy that was irrevocably undeniable. "Ino Oh Kami, oh fucking Kami! Ino!"

Trembling and convulsing wildly, eyes ripped open with her gaping mouth, Sakura cried aloud repeatedly, yearningly. Her green eyes filled with tears of joy, of release, as she came into Ino's mouth as her tongue slid into her violently reacting womanhood. Ino tore back with saliva running down her lip, breathing raggedly, lips tasting salty and bitterly wonderful.

Ino on the other hand could no longer take what Naruto was doing to her as she let out a cry and she reached her climax. "Oh Naruto that's the spot, please don't stop I'm cumming!" Ino yelled as she soon came, while Naruto just licked all her juices up.

"Hmmmm I have to say your tasty Ino." Naruto said as he smirked at his blonde lover, as he looked over at Sakura who was grinning at Ino as well. "Well Ino..." he said as he licked her cheek and moved to her ear. "I think it's time for the main event." he said as Ino's eyes shot open already knowing what he meant.

Smiling at this Ino just nodded as she smiled at Naruto. "Oh you bet and I've been dying for this." She said as she looked at Sakura. "Only if that's alright Sakura, after all you have loved her for a long time?" Ino asked, as Sakura nodded her head.

Naruto soon lowered himself down a little and began to rub his manhood on her womanhood before pushing his way into her. "Oh Ino your so tight." Naruto grunted as he pushed out slowly before pushing back into her.

Ino, for her part let out a moan of pleasure at what her mate was doing to her. "Oh Naruto I love you!" Cried out with a grin as she saw Sakura was smiling at the two waiting for her turn, yet to Sakura shock she soon felt a pair of arms around her and she looked to see who it was.

She was shocked to see that Naruto had made a clone. "Don't worry Sakura chan I won't leave you out." He said as he kissed her on the neck earning a moan from Sakura.

Naruto just gave a grin when he heard this from her which only made Naruto continue with what he was doing to Sakura. "Your liking this, aren't you Sakura chan?" He asked with a grin on his face as he played with her breasts rubbing them against each other.

All Sakura could do was node her head at this as she looked over to the real Naruto and Ino who were enjoying themselves which just made her smile the thrusts became a little rough. Naruto had fastened his thrusts on each of them. Ino deeply moaned of pleasure. Naruto also feels good by doing this to her. "Ah... Ino... Ino-chan... I don't think I could continue to fuck you like this."

"Ah... Lay down, Naruto... I'll take care of this..." Naruto does what she said. He laid his body down the ground. "Mm... Now it's my turn... to make you feel good..." She began riding on Naruto's shaft. Both Naruto and Ino moaned while they did that. "Ah... Mm... Naruto... It's so good..."

Ino just looked over at Sakura and grinned as she whispered into Naruto's ear, which made Naruto form a smirk, and nodded at her. "Sakura come here." Ino said with a sexy smile, as Sakura felt the clone disappear.

Sakura turned to see Ino. "Ino..." Sakura said with a daze as she and saw Ino and crawled over to the blonde vixen.

"Sakura... I can't take this anymore... Please pleasure me... I want you and Naruto to both pleasure me." Ino begged as she rubbed her breasts while moaning with joy as she felt Naruto's member still pushing into her at an even faster pace. "Oh yes I love this please more I want more, it feels so good Naruto!" Ino yelled with a scream as she soon saw that Sakura was in front of her smiling.

As the couple continued pleasuring themselves, Ino took Sakura's head and shoved it in her pussy. "Sakura-chan, lick my pussy. I can't wait for it for much longer." Sakura does what she said, by licking her pussy. With this intense pleasure, she licked it faster. "Ahhh...! Sakura-chan...! You're gonna make me cum again...! Ahhh...!"

After so many thrusts, Naruto felt the wave of pleasure. "Ino-chan... I'm gonna cum...!"

Hearing this, Ino turned on her back, as Naruto continues to thrusts in her. "Ahhh...! Ahhh...! Naruto...! Naruto inside, I want you to cum in me!" Ino cried out.

"Ino-chan your pussy it's so good!" With a final thrust, he shoots out his load inside of Ino, mixing her love juice. They both breathe heavily after that orgasm they had. "Hah... Ino-chan... That feels so good." He said as he looked at Ino who was panting for some much needed air from what she and Naruto had done.

Yet Ino just looked at Naruto with a smile. "You weren't bad either Naruto." The blonde said as she looked over at Sakura who was grinning and Ino just smiled. "Well Naruto I think that it's about time Sakura had her turn it's only fare."

Naruto just smiled at he looked over at Sakura who knew that the girl was waiting for him. "Well Sakura chan it's your turn now, and I know your looking forward to it, I know I am."

Sakura just looked at Naruto with an exciting look. "Ok!" She spread her legs wide open and stretches her pussy wide enough for his member to go through. "Go on, Naruto, fuck me hard."

Without hesitation, he slowly inserts his shaft inside of her wet lips. "Here I come, Sakura-chan." Slow he pushed his member into Sakura's womanhood and he slowly began to thrust back and forth, so he can't hurt Sakura so much. Sakura moaned of pain and pleasure in his mouth. After a while, Naruto increased the tempo and is now thrusting rapidly. Sakura felt that the pain goes away and felt only pleasure. "Mm... Naruto..." she moaned in his mouth. Naruto pulled from the kiss and sucked her nipple, while fucking her. "Ahhh...! Naruto...! Don't stop...!"

"Sakura-chan... You're so tight, Sakura-chan..." With each and every thrust, it's like heaven for the two. After so many thrusts, Naruto can feel himself coming again. "Sakura-chan, I'm gonna cum...!" Naruto said as he grunted holding Sakura closer to his body. He also noticed that Sakura didn't respond as she just looked at Naruto with a smiled as she tilted her head so they could kiss, and before long Naruto realise his seed deep into Sakura's womb with Sakura screaming as she reached her climax as well.

After it was over both Ino and Sakura were exhausted and the two had fallen asleep with the two cuddled up next to each other with their arms wrapped around each other. Naruto just stood up as he looked down at the two and smiled and rubbed their cheeks before he left the two so that they could rest.

"Sleep well my vixens." Naruto said with a smile on his face. "Soon, soon the world will be ours and I will rule with you two by my side as my queens." Naruto said with a dark smile and rubbed both Sakura's and Ino's.

Meanwhile high above in the air the remaining members of the Akatsuki were flying high above with them taking a look knowing that they had to make sure that it was safe. "Well Itachi any sign of the demons?" Konan asked in a clam tone.

"It's all clear." Itachi said as he looked at the area seeing that it was safe for them to land soon. "I also see Konoha." He replied as he looked to Konan.

"Good, I just hope that you're right about this Itachi." Konan said as she looked ahead and knew that with what was going on there may be little chose.

As they all got closer the five remaining Akatsuki members, could already see the devastation that had befalling Konoha. "Well it look like the demons already taken the Hidden Leaf down hn." Deidara said look at the destruction that had happened.

"Deidara we must land now." Nagato explained as Konan looked at her friend with a worried look on her face.

"Nagato, are you sure that is a good idea, I mean Konoha has fallen and what if there are still demons around in the area?" She asked with concern in her voice.

"Yes Konan I'm sure, but we must be ready just in case." Nagato said as the clay bird that they were on began to land it what was left of the Hidden leaf, and already the five Akatsuki members could see the many dead bodies that had been left.

Some were humans that had killed themselves in order so they didn't become demons while others were demon bodies that had been killed by other demons in battle to take and turn the humans into demons.

Kisame just kicked over a dead snake demon that had been sliced in half. "Well if we're lucky they might have killed a few off." He said with a laugh.

"Hmm that may be so, but I see no sight of any demon foxes." Deidara said with a grin. "We may have caught a break and the leaf fools might have killed the Kyuubi brat stopping him from becoming a demon."

"Do you think anyone survived?" Deidara asked, looking for any signs of life.

"Not too many." Came a voice from behind. They turned to see a 7-foot fox with grey fur covering his front and a white stripe running down his back.

"So it's you, Kakashi?" Itachi asked, slightly surprised and apprehensive towards the hybrid. The fox nodded. He then looked at Deidara and the others whom were ready fight.

"Well I see that they didn't kill the Kyuubi brat got the great Kakashi." Kisame said with a grin on his face. "And who knows what others they got."

All Kakashi did was give a glare at the missing swordsmen from the mist, while he just looked back at Itachi. "Now, now Kakashi sensei we're not here to fight them." Another voice came and the five members looked behind to see Naruto himself said there with a grin on his face. "We came to offer them a chance to join us."

"Oh really become demons that really sounds like fun!" Deidara said, already not liking the idea of becoming one.

Yet the blonde clay ninja just heard Naruto laugh at this. "Well that or you can die we are building a new world. One in which only demons mainly rule my pack." Naruto said with a dark laugh as he looked at the Akatsuki members.

The five all just looked at each other wondering what they should do after all they knew that they had to make a chose and it had to be soon. "What should we do Nagato? I mean with what is going on we need to decided if we should join them or not."

Nagato just nodded at his long time friend as he looked over at Naruto and Kakashi. "I know and there is no way we can run away from them, as I doubt they will let us go." Nagato said, he knew that they couldn't take out all the demons and the trouble was he and the others had no idea just how many people Naruto had changed and where they are right now.

"I feel as we have to side with Naruto on this." Itachi said as he looked at both Konan and Nagato. "Giving how powerful he is I fear we have to side with him it's the best chance that we have to survive right now."

However Deidara's just looked at the three with a shocked look on his face at what they were suggesting to do. "What the hell Itachi you want us to become demons hn!" yelled the blonde. "I mean how will, we know they won't just kill us, need I remind you that we tried to kill them, hell Hidan and Kakazu did try kill one of them and look where that got them!"

"Deidara shut up we have to do this if we want to live." Itachi said looking at Naruto. "And besides Naruto will want us knowing how powerful we are."

"… Fine, I accept just because you probably are our best bet of survival." Deidara mumbled looking away from the fox. Naruto smiled and placed both his hands upon their heads. The diseased chakra poured into their bodies. Slowly they transformed. Deidara became a fox with yellow and white fur. Itachi became pure black. Not another color was visible accept for his red Sharingan eyes. With Nagato became a red fox as the demon chakra healed the injuries that had been done to his body, while Konan became a deep blue fox with a whit strip down her back.

Kisame on the other hand became a mix of light blue and black fur, after he had finished changing like the others, Kisame picked up his sword. Naruto grinned as two more powerful allies became part of his pack. The others grew confused as Deidara began laughing. "This feels great! We should've done this earlier Itachi!" He joked.

Itachi shook his head in disbelief. "Your stupidity holds no bounds you know that."

Deidara just looked over at Itachi. "Fuck you Itachi!"

Naruto just looked at the five with a grin, and knew that that he had even more of a chance now to win this war in taking over the world for his pack. "Welcome to the pack."

A/N Short I know but I have had a lot going on sadly in life and I changed my mind on the lemon I just hope I did it well as it was my first so it might not be all that good sadly, which is one of the reasons I didn't want to do one,

But since I did that means just one thing for both Ino and Sakura won't say what it is I will leave you all to guess what will happen to the two lovely vixens. Other than that five new people have joined Naruto's growing pack and don't worry Gaara will also join later on with a few more as well. So until next time please review :D