After the interview, Heidi and Iris were walking down the halls heading to their next class. Iris was quiet and Heidi was looking at her constantly. Heidi decided to break the silence.

"What's wrong?" Heidi asks.

"Heidi," Iris says "I really don't want to have a date for a dance."

"Why? You're pretty." Heidi says.

"Not the point, plus have ya looked at me?"


"The last time I went to a dance... I... I..." Iris stammered.

"You what?"

"I never been to a dance." Iris says fast.

"What? That's crazy, there had to be a dance you went to." Heidi says.

Iris looked at Heidi with a sad expression on her face.

"One dance?" Heidi asked.

Iris shakes her head no.


"I've been to no dances! You might not know this but... I'm shy. Plus, nobody notices me."

"You are shy?"

"When a guy asks me out, I'm shy. Last time that happened this guy named C-" Iris got cut off from Maria running down the hall in a panic screaming "WHERE IS RANDY?"

"HE'S IN CLASS!" Iris yelled at Maria.

"Thanks." Maria says popping out of nowhere in front of Iris and Heidi.

Randy and Howard are in science when they hear screaming.

"Is that Bucky screaming?" Howard asks. "Is there a robot?"

"I'm right here!" Bucky says.

"Boys," Mrs. Driscoll says getting their attention "We need to learn about the human body."

Can this get any worse? Randy thought to himself.

"RANDY!" Maria screams kicking down the science room door.

"Maria?" Randy asks getting up from his chair.

"Woah," Bash says "Who's the hot chick that broke down the square openie thingie?"

"Randy, need you here, pronto!" Maria says furiously.

"Hi Maria." Mrs. Driscoll greeted "Why do you need Randy at this time?"

"I just need him."

"You better not be his girlfriend and go and-"

"EWWW!" Randy and Maria both yell.

"OK!" Mrs. Driscoll says.

Randy and Maria walk out of class.

"What do you want Maria?" Randy asks.

"No," Maria says "what do you want?"

Randy gives her a confused look.

"Never mind. The point is," Maria confesses "There is another Ninja. But first we need to find the suit."

"Another Ninja?" Randy asks.

"I'll tell you the history."