
Alright everyone, welcome to the last part of this chapter. It's been a hard read, as its been hard to write. I want to thank you all for your support or your stalking. More to come on the second chapter of Leverage, Drown With Me. Coming soon.

Without further ado. Please enjoy the last part!


"Bravo, Irina..."

... "Encore!"




Chapter 7




The always fabulous MIST

and the newcomer but just as talented, SomewhatLucid


Jacob POV




I had counted off one hundred and fifty lashes, and we are on a break right now.

Paul was nowhere within sight.

Embry and Quil were still screaming from their own tortures

Meanwhile, Irina is licking my wounds, and her venom burns.

It hurts like a bitch.

I wish she would just get on with it already.

"I am going to give you one of my gifts tonight, my pet," Irina said as she unbuttoned my pants. Her cold hard grip doing wonders in the not helping department when I have to get hard for her, "You may be as vocal as you like."

Sex was never pleasurable for us. In fact, we despised it. Its why- I think- they got off telling us to cum for them.

As she began to bob her head on my cock, I did all I could to manage.

-but it felt like I was sticking my cock in frozen snow.

"ungn...so good. Thank you mistress...ungn...thank you."

-ugh...please get off me,


-feels like she's trying to pull it off,


I tried to remember the only time they allowed me to have sex with one of their human slaves to reward me with release...it was taking forever, but at least I had no problem getting hard.


It had taken her already now, nearly ten or fifteen minutes of jacking and sucking and I was still not near my climax. I was going to pay in blood if I didn't feel like cumming soon. Thankfully, Fucktard had taken off to enjoy a meal.

At least, he held on to the diet Carlisle taught him, saying it was too hard to hear the crippling fear of the victim.

"Do you not like your mistress sucking your cock slave?" Irina asked as she kept jacking me off.

"ungn...ungn...your...mmmm...your slave loves...ungn...loves it mis...ungn...mistress," I responded, wanting to concentrate on making her happy and possibly sparing myself the outcome if I didn't comply, but it was already hard enough having to fight my own natural reaction to her kind without having her break my focus.

"This filthy dog is getting closer...please don't ugh...ungn...don't stop...faster...please...ungn...your devoted slave...ungn...umng...uh...begs you mistress...ummmhuh...do it faster...yeah...just like that."

Think warm...think moist...soft flesh...

I was finally about to come when out of nowhere, "He's thinking of the last time he fucked a human, Irina."

Fuckward Sparkle Dung is back.

She stopped immediately.

"Is that true, slave?" Irina asked, warily low.

I stayed silent...I was only allowed to voice pleasure and this was not pleasure.

"I said...IS THAT TRUE, SLAVE?!" she screamed at my face as she spat mists of venom.

Silence followed...everyone must be looking. Only the moans, whimpers and mewls of the my brothers could be heard.

"Respond," she said menacingly low.


"Your slave is ashamed mistress," I admitted, "It's the only time this filth has taken a human girl slave." I had to tell her the truth, since that fucking mind rapist was here to verify each word.

"Poor, baby," she cooed, caressing my cheek. I nuzzled against it with my eyes closed, my dick still hard, but I was not deluded enough to think that she was pleased with the news assfuck had just divulged.

"Well...it is our last night, and I thought I would give this to you, I thought you wanted your mistress tonight."

I rubbed my face harder against her stone-cold hand, reaching with my lips and tongue to her palm, pleading for forgiveness and mercy that I knew well would never come. If I were allowed to speak, I would have been begging, and the laughter echoing off the walls from that Fuckface told me he was enjoying my coming misery as usual.

She removed her hand, and I felt her putrid breath close to my face, "Save a few times, you have been good to me, and even though I should punish you, you will be allowed to fuck a human girl...tonight, but she will not be a slave...not yet at least."

I pulled against my restraints, in realization of her words. They were taking me around humans...girls, outside...innocents.

I felt cold terror freeze my blood.

I could imprint.

The infernal cackle of my main tormentor echoed inside my head through my ears.


We were in the limousine, as I was told the re-precautions of my actions, should I leave or disobey.

"You will obey every command," Irina began, "no matter how degrading, nor how ridiculous."

I knew this and had been doing it for the past fifty years, what else is new, still, she continued the spiel, "Should you decide to escape or do something heroic...your doggy buddies will be sent home in a garbage bag. The agreement is nulled which means your tribe's life will be forfeit, and you will be kept in perpetual chains. Do you understand?" .

I nodded, again returning to the no-speaking rule.

"When we find a female of your liking we will bring her home, let you have your way with her for a couple of days, and release her."

"May the slave speak freely?" I asked.

"Sure," she permitted after a moment, looking at me attentively. Still, my eyes were low.

"Why won't my mistress just enforce any other pain on her slave? Why do we have to bring an innocent into this?" I asked her, "I would gladly bleed for you instead, mistress."

"You seem to forget that you belong to me and need to do as I say, but I will humor your question." she said, lifting my chin so I averted my eyes, "This is a reward for following all my instructions and taking my demented punishments, Jacob. I can never enforce so much pain on a regular human slave because I could kill them, and you already know I don't kill humans unless they are bought from multiple life sentences in prison or going on death row.

She paused, "And Innocent? Don't make me laugh...any slut that approaches you today is not with pure intentions. She will get exactly what she is looking for and will return home after the best fucking of her life."

She said that as if she really thought she was doing me a favor.

I had thought she was done, but I was wrong, "Tell me, why you couldn't get off with me?"

It wasn't a question, I know, but I didn't want to chance and think that my permission to speak was still in effect.

I remembered that- just in time- as I had opened my mouth to speak, but closed it back up immediately.

"Oh...sorry, you may speak freely." My eyes flashed up to her quickly at her slip.



"The grip was a little harder than what I would like," I said, knowing it was the lesser of two evils, "I am sorry to have displeased you."

"DON'T BULLSHIT ME, JACOB!" she screamed, "You need to tell me the truth!"

I heard a sob and chanced a look up.

What-ta fuck?

Is she crying?


These fuckers weird me the fuck out.

This is a new trick.

Some new sick twisted game, I'm sure

"Um...permission to speak freely, mistress," I asked, deciding to speak the truth in hopes that it would piss her off enough to take me back and do whatever she wanted to an inch of my death, as long as no innocents got involved.

"Go on."

"I don't know if you remember, but we are supposed to be enemies," I paused swallowing, readying myself for the ass beating I was going to get for every word I was about to spew, " I was made to kill your kind not please you." When she didn't grab me and start to beat me senseless right away, I kept going, "Then there is the fact that, I was recently beaten to an inch of passing out, your smell is...not pleasant to my kind, add to this list that your temperature is below freezing, and your grip is like a tourniquet...I don't know about you but, it all makes for very uncomfortable intercourse for any of us," I said pausing, "Plus, I ran out of the drugs we usually take to help with rising arousal. So, be thankful I stayed hard as far as I did with all that going against me."

There was a tense pause, where I awaited for the dreadful trip home...sigh...hopefully she would wait until we arrived back at the castle before I received the first blow.

"Thank you," she whispered.

"What?" I said unable to stop myself and kicked myself mentally.

"Don't worry, I wont be punishing you for that." I looked back at her and she was looking out of the window, "We are not being followed right now, and the driver is my father's friend, not employed by them."

She looked back at me and understood my confused stare, "I am part of the clan from Denali."

I chuckled without humor.

That explains it.

So these were the 'friends' that were supposed to make it easier on us?

"I am sorry I was so harsh," she said, another humorless chuckle escaped me as I kept my eye on the ring in the middle of my chest, "but I didn't punish you for what you did to Marina."

"Ri-ight! It was a caress...a loving embrace," I said sarcastically.

"Look, I don't have to tell you anything, but I figure you needed to know what was planned for you before the spies are within hearing distance," she said gaining my interest, "Besides, did you forget that Edward can read minds and the halls where you and your pack brothers are kept are not exactly surveillance free nor soundproof?"

"Okay, spill," I said knowing full well that this is most likely a trick to try and break me. Still, she made some good points.

"I requested to keep you, right before Edward put in a request himself," she said.

"Why not give me to him to make my life more miserable?" I snapped.

"I am trying to save you, stupid mutt!" she snapped back.

"Sure sure..." I said, "It sure as hell felt like it when you gave me a hundred and fifty lashes...daily for...how long was it for, again?"

"Edward has been requesting some real sadistic shit, and in case you haven't noticed, he was teaming up with James and Victoria earlier, triple-teaming your friend," she yelled, "If Aro accepts Emmett's and Rosalie's request for ownership of your buddy, it leaves them with no toy and since they have owned all of you once, it's time to return to the beginning of the cycle. And guess who was first and next in their list shuffle?"

Well, that shut me up and sent a cold shiver up my spine.

"Yeah, that's what I thought," she leered, "I may be a bitch but I am a walk in the park compared to those two."

After a bit of time, I sighed and laid my head in the seat, closing my eyes, "Alright...you got me listening for real now."

"Good," she accepted, "the plan is to bring an innocent back and make her dominate you, use you and humiliate you for Eddikins benefit, then I am allowed to take you home to my private dungeon and release the human to her own devices, after a good fucking from you," she explained, "You will rest a while there. I will have to take you back for Edward to see you tenderized a little and make him happy then return back to mine a little longer. I plan to have you rest for a least a few months to help you recuperate a bit."

It sounded like heaven in comparison to what I have endured for the past half a century.

But as the alpha I had to think of my pack first.

"Retire your request for me and take either Paul or Embry. They deserve it just as much as I. If I have to be on the chop block with Edward then bring it on," I said sounding a lot more sure about my words that I really was, "I can take it."

"That's very cute and all, being noble for your friends, but they will be taken care of," she said with a smile.

"What do you mean? Taken care off..." I said then swallowing rather hard in fear for my brothers.

"Don't get your panties in a twist." she said rolling her eyes, "What I mean is, my sisters have requested them. Kate asked for Embry and Tanya asked for Paul, and if I am correct, we will find out soon enough about your friends while we are scouting."

I didn't allow myself the opportunity to smile in relief just yet; things could still go sour.

One of my brothers could be stuck with Victoria and James, even myself. Hopefully Edward makes a stink about whatever Aro says so he gets fed up and sends us home.

One can only hope.

"You better return to being submissive, remember to act the same and not think about our plan while dickwad is around." Then she seemed to be thinking about it, "You may not want to think about it at all after now, Edward might be with the scouts since he has such a thing for your suffering. I won't be able to be gentle at all until we are back at my place."

"You are not just saying this to take me through hell, are you?" I asked still weary.

"I know that you don't trust me. Who would after what you've been through?" She sighed and looked out the window, "Rosalie told me about how Quil reacted when she asked your permission to ask for him...it's something I never-" she seem to choke on her words, "...I never thought any of you would break this soon."

We were silent for a while and then she suddenly looked towards me, saying, "Showtime."

At first we went into an upper class restaurant, Del Duca, where she had to keep her coat on because of her 'dress'. It was not the most delicate.

Lets just say it didn't leave much to the imagination.

Right after we got a table, delicious food was ordered, but I wasn't allowed to eat unless I was fed by her. I saw Edward and Jane be seated, not so far from us.

I returned to my thoughts of nothingness, stewing over feeling hungry and miserable at having to wait to be fed.

It must have worked because he kept chuckling every so often as he shared my suffering thoughts with Jane.

She walked to the bathrooms and told me to meet her there.

Once outside of the bathrooms I was to knock three times and wait.

I didn't have to wait long.

"Come in," she called.

I walked in, passed a couple of ladies were at the sinks who became startled at seeing a man walk into the ladies bathroom, but I paid them no attention.

I walked straight to the stall where Irina was and knelt.

She opened the door and said loudly, "Clean me."

Thank the spirits vampires don't really piss or this would be really gross, "Yes, mistress."

As I did, the ladies inside took a slight peek at what was happening and murmured amongst themselves at the oddity of what they were witnessing, but no one showed more than voyeuristic curiosity. Maybe a few laughs that usually would never get to me, but for Edwards benefit I let myself tense with thoughts of hatred and humiliation at being exposed in this matter.

We were approached by the restaurant manager upon our return and asked politely to leave, which we did.

Irina walked before me, while I crawled on all fours behind her.

Yeah, Edward and Jane got a kick out of that...but they weren't the only ones.

People can be real sick sometimes.

Edward called Irina and spoke a bit about this field trip. They both agreed that it would be difficult to find someone of class- which they thought would be hilarious to take out of their comfort zone- to respond to such a strong display of sexual energy, and so it was decided that we would go into bars- get a blue collar girl.

I wish I could have said no when she asked me if the downtown area was okay.

I thought it though.

Edward got a kick of that too.

This will sure be an outing to regret it for a very long time.

If only I knew how right I was.

I was to walk thirty paces behind her and be absolutely docile. Once inside, I was to drink only when and if allowed to, please her at the bar, let her flirt and become acquainted with the crowd, eyeing everyone, looking for a prey. Then we would leave them all baffled, walk slowly to the next bar, wait so see if we were followed, and continue fishing until we got a bite.

"We are sure to get a few bites in one of these ponds," she said with slight excitement, "Shall we begin our hunt?"

I nodded, and she was off.

I stood back as ordered and counted her steps. No need to guard my owner- another part of the slavery clause- as we were surrounded by humans, and no enemy clans were around.

Irina and anyone like her would be as strong as ten men, after all.

I began to walk slowly as I counted again her steps. Two of hers were one of mine. There was no need for me to hurry. Once I got there, I heard everyone commenting on what she was wearing and her flirting with the bartender after asking for our drinks. That's my cue.

I earned more gasps that she did; I don't know why. Maybe being freakishly taller than the rest of the local, or not so local, men counts for something. Silence reigned as I made my way through the restaurant.

I was hit with a cacophony of scents, but there was something subtle in the air that called for me to search.

I ignored it and followed the directions given to me instead.

While we were giving everyone a great show, I made sure I kept great concentration on how much I hated this whole ordeal. I heard the front door chime twice, the same sound I heard when I came in.

It was the door opening and slamming shut. Either someone new entered or someone exited.

Lucky them.

I listened to the conversations abound us and heard some girls' conversation. I zeroed on that and concentrated on pulling off this degenerate stunt. I was a bit shocked they were able to speak of something different that the current display Irina and I were giving. After all, we were at the center of everyone else's.

I noticed the subtle something different in the air was diminishing slightly.

'I guess tonight was too exciting for our Bella...' one woman said, her voice trembling with mirth.

'"But we never got to tell her about my brother!' another complained with an annoying whine.

'Well, we can just set up a blind date instead...maybe something romantic? What do you think?' the first woman offered.

'Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh Hunter and Bella will love it!' she said in excitement, as I was letting Irina's leg down.

We stood there a bit, while she faked drinking some more, feeding me sips as I was made to stand there stoically. I thought about the change in the air earlier that called to me, what it could possibly mean and was relieved when it was gone. It meant I was safe. For now.

My distracted mind was called to the present when I rina spoke, "Well, good night boys!"

Speaking to her now adoring crowd of salivating dogs while wiggling her fingers, then as she turned and began strutting to the exit without looking back if I did she ordered, "Come!".

I followed as I felt their heady-awed and envious stares, comments and giggles followed me.

Thank the spirits, this was over.

Hopefully, there would be no bites on this fishing trip.

Once outside of the bar, we stayed there a few seconds, with our enhanced hearing we could both hear that their conversation were returning to normal, or they were commenting on how vulgar the display was.

It looked to be another failed attempt. The second, so far, this night.

She reached for her phone and sent a text, turned and began to walk away as she spoke, "The car is going to meet us on time...let's go..."

I heard some rustling in the alley we were passing, the tickling heady scent of arousal tickled my nose, also not missed by Irina. Human. Female. HER.


"Stay," she whispered as she kept walking a few steps.

no!...I was almost home free.

Well, not free...but, innocent free.

She acted as if she just noticed I wasn't next to her and barked my name, "Jacob!"

If these vampires were good at anything, it was acting. They emulated human behavior almost perfectly.

"Please...don't..." I whispered, begging with slight hesitation, then walked up a couple of steps.

Only to be told to stop, via whisper, and have her approach me instead.

"She wants you..." she whispered, her excitement almost noticeable.

"Please..." I begged again.

"Do you want what we spoke about?" she asked then realized her mistake, and cleared any doubts, "If you don't do this, I will pour cement into your throat and watch you burn as it dries, and if you don't die from that, you will starve."

Edward and Jane's cackling laughter could be heard in the distance.

It was a one of the similar proposed torments he had been turned down for.

"Now be a good silent pet, and do as you are told," she said with a frown, "Do you still have your collar and leash in your right pocket?"

I nodded.

She found it and showed it to me. Meaning, 'Kneel and accept your collar.'

She patted my cheek with a smile and said in appreciation, "Good boy."

She took another step backwards and ordered without pulling it, "Stand!"

Again, I obeyed.

I can't believe it, their plan worked.


Now an innocent will join me in this hell for two days. I can only hope Irina keeps her promise and returns the human home. I will take any punishment, any pain, as long as no other innocent soul is soiled with the touch of this life.

We heard her gasp.

She must have noticed my collar and leech.

"Wait," Irina whispered, as she began to walk away.

She continued until the leash was taught, then pulled the chain with another command, "Heel!"

I did.

I walked away with dread weighing down my every step, feeling my feet growing heavier the moment I heard as the innocent girl began to follow.