This is written for the couple of people who wanted Harry/Fem!Harry. I don't know if I'm back to writing requests, but I really want to get back to writing in general. We'll see how it goes.

This was done over a year ago, but I wrote it out of order and into a huge plot hole, which took forever to rewrite myself out of. I also lost motivation for this more than once.

The first time Harry looked into a mirror, he was three years old. It was the first time he had been tall enough to see it above the sink, even with the step stool. He was surprised to see a little girl looking back, instead of the reflection he had always seen in water and on glass. She was the same height as him, and had the same face. Her hair was bright red and her eyes calm brown. "Hello?" He said cautiously. The girl tilted her head and her lips moved soundlessly. Harry frowned, realizing he couldn't talk to his new friend. The little girl waved at him, so Harry waved back. "BOY!" Aunt petunia screamed. Harry jumped and saw the girl do the same. They waved to each other and ran out of the room.

Rose was six years old before she learned the seeing a boy in all the mirrors was a freakish thing. She wrote a story about the boy in the mirror. Her teacher praised her about her vivid imagination.

"Doesn't everyone see the boy?" Rose asked, confused. This worried the teacher, who then asked Rose to show her this boy. Rose brought the teacher to the bathroom and pointed to Harry.

"See?" Rose exclaimed. She saw Harry doing the same with the teacher's reflection. The teacher frowned at the reflection and told Rose it was fine to make up stories but she needs to remember the difference between truth and fiction.

When Harry looked into the Mirror of Erised, he was extremely surprised to not see Rose. He saw his parents and other family, smiling and waving at him. He was so happy to see his parents for once, but couldn't help but wonder where Rose went. As that thought crossed his mind, Rose walked into the mirror. She smiled and waved repeatedly, causing to Harry frown. Rose normally waved once, then the duo tried to actually communicate. They'd bring paper and pens, or try and talk with their hands. It was hard, as it took a while to learn to spell well enough to be understood. The girl was just waving. The mirror was making Harry feel uncomfortable.

"It must be broken" Harry decided. He gave his parents a sad look before leaving, planning to never return.

Rose Potter glared at Quarrel as he pushed her in from of the broken Mirror of Erised. She didn't care if it showed her parents; if Harry wasn't there, than the mirror was wrong! As Rose gazed into the mirror, she was startled to look into Harry's eye. She saw him struggling against his own Quarrel. Rose looked at Harry and wished he had the stone, so it could be safe in the mirror, as Harry would not let anything happen to it. She felt something drop in her pocket and internally screamed; she would not be able to protect the stone! As Quarrel began to speak to her, she saw Harry place his hands on his Quarrel and cause his face to burn, so she copied him. Quarrels screams matched the silent lips his counterpart. Before she fainted she And Harry locked eyes and smiled.

When Harry and rose were named the heir of Slytherin, they wrote notes to each other complaining about the other students and comforting each other. When Hermione was paralyzed, they cried together.

They laughed together when they blew up aunt marge. They raged together when they found out Sirius was their godfather. They cried together when they learned the truth and see Sirius go back on the run. When they went to the Yule ball, they both complained that they couldn't just go together because other people were just too complicated. Rose was Harry's first crush and vice versa.

As Harry walked into the room with the veil he was surprised to hear voices from the other side. Some were completely unfamiliar but others... That one sounded like Luna... And that one sounded like it should be familiarā€¦

"Sirius!" Harry screamed and ran after him, even as Remus tried to grab him. As he approaches the veil, Harry was shocked to see the girl following her own Sirius from the other side. Rose and Harry met eyes and realizes at the same time they would be unable to grab Sirius in time. As Sirius fell, Harry stopped in front of the veil. He saw he Sirius heading toward the girl, and hers heading toward him.

"Take him!" Rose screamed. Harry stuck him arm in the veil and grabbed her Sirius as she grabbed his

"He'll be safe" Harry yelled back while tugging her Sirius out. He was unconscious. Harry and Rose's eyes met and they a sad smile at each other before waving goodbye. The veil turned a dull red and the girl disappeared; in her place stood another Harry potter, wearing Slytherin robes and holding onto Bellatrix like life depended on it. Harry stared for a moment until Remus yelled at him again. Harry pushes Sirius into Remus' arms before running off into the direction Bellatrix ran to.

Sirius opened his eyes and looked around the hospital wing, confused and disoriented. The last thing he remembered was laughing at Bellatrix and then nothing.

"Sirius! You're awake! How are your feeling?" Remus asked

"Like I'm in a cloud. What happened?" Sirius questioned.

"You were an idiot and weren't serious when you fought Bellatrix."

"But I'm always Sirius"

"Damn it Padfoot! You fell into the veil. You're just lucky Rose was reckless enough to stick her arms in the veil and pull you out."


"Yes your goddaughter risked her live by-"

"But I don't have a goddaughter!"

"Sirius, this is no time for jokes"

"I'm not joking! I have a godson! Where's Harry?!"

"No you have Rose and she's right here! Don't upset her with these jokes."

"Remus, he's not joking" Rose promised as she walked past the curtains around Sirius's bed. Sirius rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

"Lily?" He murmured. Rose shook her head.

"Rose. Your god son's name is Harry Potter, right?" She asked. Sirius nodded dumbstruck. "We've been seeing each other inside mirrors since we were little. He's my best friend."

"Why can't I just go back through the veil to Rose?" Questioned Sirius. Harry shook his head.

"It's not the same anymore. I thinkā€¦ I think that every time someone travels through the veil, the designation changes. It was fate that mine and Roses worlds were connected. Probably because she and I have been interacting for so long. After I pulled you out, Rose disappeared within seconds. I saw a new world the veil; it showed me in Slytherin, holding Bellatrix like I had been holding you. Who knows what else has changed. It could be anything; hell, another planet, a parallel world were Voldemort rules, or Merlin knows what else." Tears came to Sirius eyes as Harry's explanation continued. He put his head in his hands and began to weep. Remus looked extremely uncomfortable; he still did not completely belief Sirius's tale.

"Come with me." Harry said, pulling Sirius with him to the Room of Requiremental. Harry paced, thinking "We need a room with privacy, quills, inks, paper, and a mirror" three times. The doors opened and Harry led Sirius over to the mirror, Remus lingering in the doorway.

"Rose is right there." Harry explained.

"Rose sweetie, I miss you" Sirius yelled, putting his hand on the edge of the mirror.

"She can't hear you. But if you write her note, I can tell you her response." Sirius jumped to the paper and 'I love you Rosie-Poise' and held it to the mirror. "She says she loves you too."

"Do you use this to talk to your Sirius? He's calling me Prongslet."

"Yeah, but I have to admit, I'm sad you two were the one's to go through the veil. I have been trying to find a way to travel for years."

"If you ever find a way-"

"Don't worry, I'll bring you too.

On both sides on the mirror, Snape killed Dumbledore. On both sides, the trio hunts horcruxes. Ron left, Dobby died, and both Rose and Harry were horcruxes. Before summoning their dead parents with the ring, they both pulled out a hand mirror, and mouthed "I love you" to each other. Both died and were resurrected. Both killed Voldemort once again. Both were hailed Heros.

Rose married Neville Longbottom and Harry married Ginny Weasley. On the day of the wedding, the looked in the mirrors and each knew they would rather be marring each other instead. When Rose gave her son the middle name "Harry", only Sirius knew why. The same happened when Lily Rose was born on the other side.

The oldest child got the cloak, the wand was snapped, and the ring was held onto but not used, for the dead do not wish to be brought back for long. The day death came to take Harry's soul away, Harry greeted death like an old friend; he also returned death's ring.

"The living cannot live on with the dead. The dead cannot move on with the living." He insisted, before he asked about Rose and if he'd be able to meet her. Death smiles at Harry.

"Throughout ever world, every universe, every dimension, I am the only constant." He explained, he took Harry's hand and led him on, meeting an identical counterpart of death and Rose. Rose and Harry embraced, and kissed. Two deaths became one. He monitored for the two to follow.

Those separated in life are reunited in death.