I know this is a short chapter, but I wanted to give it to you all until I can point this back on track.

Cal woke up to the sound of sniffles and the squeaky bedroom door. He peeled his eyes open to see a messy head of curls dragging a blanket behind her. Lucy's little silhouette shook as she tried to calm her own tears.

"What's wrong?" he mumbled, trying to wake up. It was three in the morning and Cal wasn't exactly known for being a morning person. He nudged Gillian, sleeping beside him and she hummed, rolling over. She also noticed the little shadow of Lucy standing in doorway.

"What's the matter, baby?" Gillian asked pushing off the covers and reaching to turn on a lamp. But even in the new light, Lucy wouldn't move. She stood there, shaking, tears rolling down her face.

Something was really wrong. Both Cal and Gillian were out of bed in a second and in front of the little girl. She was nearly hyperventilating. Her pants were soaked through and there was a layer of sweat on the girl's body.

"He-he-said I was bad…" Lucy choked, her eyes wide and her motions jerky. "He said he was going to hurt me 'cause I was bad."

Gillian pushed the little girl's hair out of her face, but Lucy jumped at the motion. "Baby, he's not here, he can't hurt you."

"He was!" Lucy insisted, grabbing tightly to her mother's wrists.

"He's not here," Gillian repeated gently, kissing her hairline. "I'm here, baby."

"He was…" Lucy repeated, softer this time. Finally, Lucy looked back at her mother and for the first time since they had gotten out of bed, Lucy seemed to actually see her. "Mommy, I'm scared."

Gillian pulled her daughter into her and could feel her own tears burning behind her eyes as she looked at Cal. He could see all the emotions on her face. The anger, the contempt, the fear, and the absolute sorrow. Her daughter was suffering, and like all good parents, her parents were suffering more.

"Let's get you a quick bath and you can sleep with me and Cal," Gillian cooed, picking her up and heading toward her bathroom. Cal followed, meeting Gillian's eyes and studying her. She was doing everything she could to hold things together, but she wanted to cry. Gillian wanted to break down and cry with her daughter.

"He was here, Mommy," Lucy repeated as Gillian turned on the water. "Don't you believe me?"

Big blue eyes stared at Gillian, pleading her to believe her. Gillian pushed the dark curls off Lucy's shoulders and looked her in the eye. "I believe that you're scared and I'm right here. Do you believe me that no one will hurt you as long as I'm right here?"

Cal put his hand over her mouth and shook his head as he stepped back out of the bathroom. He had never been affect like this. He got angry, he got even, but he never got hurt. He hurt. Emily never had someone hurt her like Lucy did and Cal would have never guess he could hurt this much. He thought he'd get angry. He thought he'd want to kill someone, but he was too busy wanting to heal the little girl who hadn't slept a full night in days.

No one in their home slept, not really. It was like power naps. It was like charging to twenty-percent and running until it was just impossible to move anymore. Gillian was holding herself together with strings, doing everything she could possibly do to keep their business running. Their relationship was strained because they were exhausted and scared.

"Cal," Gillian called softly as she lowered Lucy into the tub. He poked his head around the corner, but she didn't look up at him. "Will you please take care of Lucy's sheets?"

"Yeah, sure."

Later Cal woke up to Lucy sleeping and buried in her mother's pillow. As he glanced at the clock, for the second time that morning, he had been woken before his alarm. There was a light glow from the closet.

He glanced at Lucy one more time before throwing off the covers and walking toward the closet. The closer he got the faster he moved at the sound of muffled sobs. He stopped at the closet door and hesitated for a moment. His hands pressed against the white door of the closet as he closed his eyes. When did this become their life? When did Gillian resort to crying in the closet?

He slowly opened the door to see Gillian leaning against the wall of her closet, a handful of her robe over her mouth to keep the sobs muffled. As her bloodshot eyes and tear stained face looked up at Cal, he couldn't keep himself from her any longer. The silent agreement to give her space was done. They needed each other. Lucy needed them to hold on to, she needed them to hold on to each other.

"I'm sorry," she whimpered as he went to her, pulling her into his arms in much the same way as she had done with Lucy.

Cal shook his head. "She's going to be okay, Gill. Lucy's going to be okay."

Lucy was their daughter. It was their job to make sure she got okay. Gillian wasn't in this alone.

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