Hello, and thanks for reading this! This is gonna be my first fanfiction, so I'm gonna be a little nervous on how this goes. Many thanks to ~TheWolfBunny at DeviantArt for giving me the push to do this! Disclamer: I don't own any of the Mario characters or the iDOLM ASTER charcters; the Mario characters belong to Nintendo and the iDOLM STER characters belong to Namco Bandai. So with that, let's get underway!

*Insert theme: "Main Theme" (Mario Party 9)*

**Mario & iDOLMASTER Party**

Chapter 1


It was a bright beautiful sunrise glistening the green pastures of the Mushroom Kingdom, birds chirping, flowers receiving the morning dew. As the rooster readied itself to make its call to greet the morning near the illustrious castle of Princess Peach Toadstool, a loud voice ruined its concentration and nearly made it lose its footing…..


*Peach's Castle ~ Main Hall*

*Insert theme: "Peach's Castle" (Super Mario 64)

The loud voice came from the mouth of the princess' personal steward, Toadsworth, as he one and of the Toad retainers, simply named Toad, were simply aghast of the princess' proclamation.

"But dear Princess, even with the inclusion of Birdo, a Shy Guy out of the blue, a Hammer Bro who has wanted to join in, a Boo who had long overcame its shyness, even sweet little Toadette, HOW COULD YOU SAY WE DON'T HAVE ENOUGH PARTICIPANTS?" Toadsworth pleaded, his face turning red from the unneeded tension.

"It's just as I said, we just don't have enough participants" Princess Peach, a tall blond princess in a beautiful pink dress, said as she quietly pondered the situation.

"I'm gonna agree with Toadsworth on this one, Princess. This doesn't make any sense!" Toad, a short boy wearing a round white hat with red polka dots and a blue vest, reacts with a shrug and a sigh.

"What's so great about this particular Mario Party that needs us to have to have more people than we already have? Personally, I think you just want a reason to hog all the glory, even more than that goody-two-shoes, Mario!" Wario, Mario's longtime chubby rival, snorted as he picked his nose simply out of necessity.

"Well said Wario! I can't believe all of this myself either!" Waluigi, the sinister rival of Mario's brother Luigi & Wario's right-hand lackey, sneered as he stomped his foot repeatedly in anger.

*Music stops with a record scratch sound*

*Insert sound effect: Cricket chirps*

"…" Everyone in the lobby stared at Wario and Waluigi without saying a word.

"…Fine then, you two! I'll explain why this particular Mario Party is a special case!" Peach huffed as she put her hands on her wrist. "It's about the Dimension Comet."

"Dimension Comet? What's that?" Yoshi, a green bipedal dinosaur wearing a red saddle and brown shoes, asked in pure innocent curiousity.

"Comet? Like that Comet where goody-two-shoes Mario met that space lady?" Wario snarked while Waluigi laughed.

"Quiet, Wario! And her name happens to be Rosalina by the way!" Peach hushed as she pulled out her parasol and whacked the rude member into a dizzying pinball-like spin all over the lobby.


"ACK! WARIO!" Waluigi screamed as he chased his spinning cohort all over.

"Now that those two idiots won't interfere for now, let's get the explanation of the comet underway!" Peach spoke as she readied herself.

"Go on ahead, Peachy!" the kingdom's national hero, Mario, , assured Peach.

Peach sighed as she prepared herself for a long explanation, with the rest of the group anxiously waiting for what she was about to say.

*Insert theme: "Intro Story" (Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door)

"Very well. The Dimension Comet is a very special comet said to traverse dimensions every 200 years, said to herald a legendary soul known as the Ultimate Superstar. That very soul is said to bring miraculous fortune to whoever is chosen as the one who is skilled in both courage and dance. And apparently, to be more precise…"

"Whew.. thanks, Waluigi.." Wario reacted in a dizzy tone; perhaps he spun a little too much…

"Anytime!" Waluigi grinned, though there must be some motive….

*Music stops*

"This IS that very year! That's the reason why we had all these dance lessons a few days ago!" Peach remarked as she pointed to a large set of dance equipment from step pads, jump ropes, videos, the works!

*Insert sound effect: Sad Trombone ~ Fail sound*

"Oh…haha…" Wario and Waluigi laugh nervously as a visible sweatdrop appeared on their heads.

Mario crossed his arms in thought "Hmm…that-a explains why-a we need-a more people for dis-a Mario Party! And I'm-a very sure da celebration is not-a limited to da Mushroom Kingdom, but to da other lands as well! I'm-a sure if we-a look hard enough for experienced dancers, then," Mario began to beam with pride, his eyes pretty much glimmering like stars, "Then we'll have enough-a people for da Mario Party! Perhaps even more than enough!"

"Oooh-ooh! My buddies at Kong Island should be able to help! But…" Donkey Kong, a gargantuan ape wearing a red necktie bearing his initials "D.K.", started, but then stopped midsentence.

"What's-a wrong, D.K.?" Mario asked, scratching his head in confusion.

"They're too busy right now to join, even my little buddy Diddy!" D.K. drooped in embarrassment.


Everyone comically facefaulted onto the ground, aghast at what D.K. just said!

"THEN WHY'D YOU BRING THAT UP?!" Wario yelled at D.K. in anger, his head pretty much steaming like geysers!

"Thiss is jusss embarassinnng…" Yoshi groaned; poor dinosaur must've bit his tongue from the fall…

Suddenly, Toadsworth realized something. "Come to think of it, where IS Master Luigi and Lady Daisy? They aren't here at all during this farce!"

"EHHHHHHHHHH?!" The noise reverberated around the castle.

*Peach's Castle ~ Guest Quarters*

Meanwhile, Luigi, Mario's younger twin brother, and Daisy, the tomboyish princess of Sarasa Land, were fixated on the T.V. screen for some apparent reason.

*Insert music: "READY!" (The iDOLMASTER 2)*

"Wow! These girls sure know how to dance! And those matching outfits of green, yellow, and white sure are adorable!" Daisy exclaimed as she looked at the supposed performance on the set.

"I'll-a say! These-a girls' movements, their sense of fashion, the way they don't miss a beat to their-a songs….it's as-a if they're…..masters." Luigi agreed in awe.

What Luigi & Daisy were watching was the latest performance of the renowned Idols of 765 Productions, dancing and singing to the beat of one of their songs, "READY!", their outfits billowing beautifully as they danced, and by the looks on their faces, they seem to be having a really good time with their performance. How Princess Peach got the time to link her castle's cable connection to as far as Japan is a mystery, but no one's complaining….


"YOW!" Luigi & Daisy leapt out of the couch in a shocked enough surprise that Luigi's green hat and Daisy's pink crown flew out of their heads!

Mario and Peach popped in the living room, and boy, were they disappointed! Yoshi followed along, just simply out of necessity.

"W-Wait, Bro! I.. I can explain! We were just-a doing uh…ah…. research! Yeah, research!" Luigi panicked , flailing his arms all over!

"Research? What are you…?" Peach started, but then started to stare at the T.V. screen. Perhaps the performance got her attention like a magnet to anything metal…who knows?

"..Peachy? Whatta ya.." Mario wondered what's up with Peach all of the sudden, but like her, our poor plumber hero couldn't resist what was on the screen to even finish his sentence…

"…My gosh!" "Mamma mia!" Mario and Peach stare at the last parts of the performance, not knowing they're blocking Luigi and Daisy's view….until…..

*Music stops*

"THEY'RE PERFECT! PERFECT FOR THE MARIO PARTY!" Peach exclaimed in joy, the answer to the problem was shown in bright light.

Mario quickly rushed to Luigi and patted him in the shoulder "Luigi…you did-a great! For once, you got ahead of-a me in solving da problem! How about-a you come along to bring them here personally?" Tears of joy rush down Mario's eyes.

"Okay! I'll do that!" Luigi answered with pride, beating his right arm into his chest.

"Hey Mario!" Yoshi asked out of the blue "is it okay if I come along too? I kinda Flutter-Jumped to get a view since the frontal watch kinda couldn't happen with you and Peach close to the screen."

Mario smiled, "Hey, da more, da merrier!", then got Luigi and Yoshi close and spoke in a quiet enough tone that Peach and Daisy wouldn't hear.

"Um…just a personal question, but which of-da girls didja find most appealing? I kinda thought da one with da ribbons looked-a great." (Haruka Amami)

Luigi added "I see…personally, the girl with-a the shiny blue hair and brown eyes seemed most appealing. (Chihaya Kisaragi) The way she sang, it was-a like she's an angel in colorful clothes!"

Yoshi sweatdropped "Well…I couldn't see most of the show with you and Peach hogging it, Mario. But…" His thoughts turned to the one Idol he DID see…"..The short girl with the hairband and silky long hair who reached for her plush rabbit at the end… (Iori Minase) ..I can't get my mind off her for some reason…."

"What are you three talking about?" Peach asked, trying to peek into the conversation, that sly princess..

"YOWWW! NOTHING!" Mario, Luigi, and Yoshi leapt as if they were jolted with lightning right up their spines!

Mario added, trying to defend himself, Luigi and Yoshi, "We were uh…. thinking we should-a invite these-a girls personally! Luigi, Yoshi, and I will-a do da honors. Peachy, you and da rest should-a finish da preparations!"

Peach and Daisy looked at each other in confusion, question marks practically visible on their heads, Breaking the sudden silence, Peach reacts by acceptance "Alright, we'll finish up with the preparations… we're counting on you to have these wonderful girls over, as soon as possible!

"OKAY!" Mario, Luigi and Yoshi speak in unison as they prepare a new Warp Pipe to their chosen destination. Meanwhile, a hooded figure, overhearing the conversation exclaims as he took off into the sky onboard a strange broomstick "Oh boy, this is gonna be a treat! Just wait till Lord Bowser hears this!"


*765 Productions ~ Talent Agency ~ Break Room*

*Insert theme: "Main Theme" (The iDOLMASTER)*

The 13 Idols of 765 Pro (Haruka, Chihaya, Miki, Makoto, Yukiho, Ami, Mami, Ritsuko, Azuza, Iori, Yayoi, Takane, & Hibiki), as well as their Producer-san, a tall man in a business suit with black hair, return back after the performance to rest up and prepare for future performances on the agenda. In short, pretty much a busy day. The attendant, Kotori Otanashii, arrives with some news to the Producer.

"Producer-san, I've received word from the Producer of 876 Pro. He's agreed to lend Ai, Eri, & Ryo over to us for a few performances while he takes care of things abroad!"

"Great! Thanks for the heads-up!" Producer-san reacts happily with a smile. The Idols pretty much were ecstatic to work with the 876 Pro trio again!

"Mami, isn't it great to see Ai-chan, Eri-chan, and Ryo-chan again?" Ami asked her twin sister!

"Mmm-mm! I know! This'll be great!" Mami reacts, equally as excited. Maybe a little TOO excited….

"It's good to know how Ryo's doing once in a while!" Ritsuko complimented, easy to tell 'cause h..I mean she's her cousin….whew, almost tripped on a landmine there!

"It's good to see things are get perked up as usual.." Chihaya reacts a little dryly, probably wants some alone time to practice her songs…

"I know! Isn't that right, Chihaya-chan!" Haruka reacts happily, even going as far as trying to hugging her….if she hadn't tripped and hit her face on the floor. "Oww….I tripped again!" she reacts in an embarrassed smile.

"Haha…some things never change!" Makoto chuckles, Haruka pretty much admitted before that she trips at least once per day, clumsy girl!

Little did anybody know at that very moment during the excitement did a large green cylinder pipe begin to materialize outside the breakroom, as if by magic…..

*End Theme*

Whew, that's the first chapter! Wow, for a first chapter, it was a bit long! And yes, Ryo is actually a boy, but had to dress as a girl, due to lack of masculinity and his own Producer's request to try some time as a female Idol before trying the male part! And Mario's Italian accent is not easy to capture! Also…that hooded figure….for those who played the Mario games, you'd know who he is but I'll not risk saying who he is due to spoilers! Feedback and any requested improvements are welcome!

..On a side note, I'm using the Producer-san from the anime version of iDOLMASTER. Makes much more sense this way.