a/n: I've just read the 60 and 61stchappie and want this to happen… :(

Disclaimer: I love them but don't own them.





Abel's death means she doesn't have any chance to see him again, except in her dream.

And so she tries to dream about him every night, every hour, every single moment, that when she closes her eyes she will see him standing before her, smiling with his silver hair blown by the spring breeze, and gazing at her with the warmth of fresh afternoon tea.

But all she can see is only a headless body.

She will wake up with a pool of sweat, a gasp of breath, and a flood of tears.

She doesn't want to stop trying, though. This night, she hugs her pillow and shut her eyes so tight, while saying the words she has cried million times.

"Father, please…. I need to see you." She desperately refuses to see headless man anymore, and thinking hard about the things which might be the key. Something he mostly likes, something he can't resist.

"I," she whispers in the middle of her sob. "I've made you a cup of tea and poured thirteen spoonful of sugar into it…."

When her consciousness is about to fade out, she suddenly whispers something she had never thought about.

"I haven't even kissed you goodbye."

And so Abel, just like that, appears in her dream.

They're standing in a strange train station, all things were white in colour, the smells of lilies sprinkled everywhere. He walks approaching her, and she smiles widely, exclaiming, "Father, finally—" But then she stops all of a sudden, because once they're close to each other, he reaches her and kisses her too deeply.

His lips is on hers, and she feels like being swayed by the softest thing she had never known. She wants to fly, she wishes time will die and stop walking by. She sighs when his kiss goes deeper and caressing her mouth. She can't do anything except replying him with the same tenderness.

He softly cups her cheeks when it's over, their foreheads meet and their eyes are barely an inch away.

"You're alright?" he asks warmly.

"No," she snarls. "Why are you so evil? Leaving me alone?"

He doesn't answer, only touches her forehead with his lips. "What about the thirteen spoonful of sugar you've promised me?" he asks then.

She finally manages to laugh and seizes a cup of tea from nowhere. She ensures him she has mixed it with thirteen spoonful of sugar.

"Miss Esther," he says after drinking the tea. "I've told you I'll stand by your side. Just call me everytime you need me, alright?"

"I had called you thousand times. You never came. You were…," she can't say the word 'headless'.

He strokes her hair and smiles slightly. "You've found the way, I guess."

There comes a noise from the train horn, and when Abel glances at it with grave look, she knows it's time for him to go.

"I have to leave now," he whispers. "Take care, Miss Esther."

"We'll meet again…"

He slowly steps backwards, takes a deep breath, and smiles when he has been ten feet away from her. Whether he finally rides the train or not, she cannot tell…

… because she wakes up with a grief which, oddly, mingling with bliss and relief.

At least she understands one thing. That mischievous Abel will appear wholly and healthy in her dream, only if she offers him thirteen spoonful of sugar and asks for his kiss.
