Talos, Maxios, Pyre, Kai, Crux, Gaia, Destra, Combu, and Noir belong to Dragon. Of. Chaos97.


It had been twenty years since Shock was killed and things had gotten better in WarFang, peace regained its proper place in the surrounding area but unfornutately...peace never lasts...at all.

Chapter 1

A young dragon was walking to the Training Hall and most of the students looked at him with fear, curiousity, or hate. He couldn't blame them. He has blue-green scales, a white underbelly, black wing membranes, 6 horns that resembled Cynder's, blue eyes, and a liquid metal tail blade. His build was normal for a 12 year-old dragon.

"Hey, freakshow. Why don't you have your father go destroy someone else's city?!" said Talon the bully of the Academy who also happened to be an Earth dragon.

The smaller dragon whirled around and delivered a left hook to Talon's face.

"NOBODY TALKS ABOUT MY DAD THAT WAY!" yelled the blue-green dragon his eyes going from blue to a dark blood red as his face contorted into a snarl. The big Earth dragon stumbled back at the sight and the younger dragon walked away before Combu walked up to the blue-green dragon

"HiKlaxon!" said Combu as he walked next to the blue-green dragon. Combu is the son of Maxios and Gaia, he has dark purple scales, a blue underbelly, green wing membranes, a seraph blade shaped tail blade, and bright blue eyes.

"Where're you heading, Klax?" said Combu keeping up with the blue-green dragon.

"Combat Training." replied Klaxon.

"Me too." said Combu nearly bouncing up and down on his feet.

Suddenly Destra warps in on Klaxon's right side. Destra is the son of Talos and Pyre, he has luminous green scales with steel grey underbelly, bright blue eyes, bright red wing membranes, a knife-like tail blade, and spikes running down the top of his tail. Then Noir dropped down from the ceiling and took up the rear of the group. Noir is the son of Crux (born chestburster style) and is a shadow dragon hybrid with the same Xenomorph claws on his forelegs and his tail. Also has wall climbing ability like Crux but his wings are a lot larger. His underbelly is gunmetal grey with wing membranes that look like bones (color wise), has a scythe shaped tail blade. He also had dorsal flaps on the sides which when in flight help him keep his tail aloft. His eyes are red.

The group entered the Training Hall to be greeted by Ignitus, Spyro and Cynder's son named after the former Fire Guardian-now-the-new-Chronicler. Ignitus has black scales with a golden underbelly, 3 horns that curve back to form a protective frill for his neck, his tail blade resembles a mace, and his wing membranes are purple, his eyes are an emerald color.

"What took you guys so long?!" asked Ignitus.

"Bully troubles." snapped Klaxon then he looked around and saw new students for Combat Training and laughed inside as to their expressions when his father makes his entrance. The group took their seats near the front and Spyro tapped his claws impatiently on the stone floor.

"Why does he always do this?" mumbled Spyro.

Suddenly black mist crept along the ground until it came to rest next to Spyro and it slowly took form until it revealed Skyler who barred his teeth and let black smoke rise from his mouth and the new students were quivering in fear while Klaxon, Destra, and Combu laughed at the new students' fear. Noir just grunted, yet had a slim smile on his face.

"Skyler! Do you have any idea how long it will take them to get over their fear of you?! I mean really! You always do that to new students!" said Spyro glaring at the green-orange Fox Dragon.

"What's the matter Spyro? Can't take a joke?" said Skyler slapping Spyro across the back with a joybuzzer and Spyro jumped and everybody, except Noir, started laughing.

Some students looked between Skyler and Spyro with shock, they had seen Spyro around the city before and thought that he was tall, but Skyler was a good 3 or 4 feet taller than Spyro who was now as tall as Terrador.

"[Clears throat] Now that we've had some fun, its time to start the lesson. Blaze, Hunter! Get in here!" said Skyler and both the machines came in.

20 years had done some changes to the two; Blaze looked more like a lion than a tiger when in beast mode and had a mane in robot mode, Hunter still had one eye but his arms were now filled with hidden weapons, yet he still used his arms to crawl around due to him not wanting legs and it made his long snake-like tail more effective.

"Why do you always use us for target practice for these squirts? We are advance war machines for crying out loud!" said Hunter annoyed.

"Why do you always have to question his leadership? Has he ever gotten us killed?" said Blaze.

"Don't start you goody-two-shoes!"

"Heartless cretin!"

"Brown noser!"

"BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP!" yelled Skyler grabbing both and slamming their heads together, "Now then, class today you will be practicing against Hunter. [To the snake-bot] If you kill anybody, I'll rip your spark out. [Back to class] Begin."

Every (new) student charged the Snake-bot with various elements, yet to no avail. With one flick of his tail he sent the students flying and he started filing one of his claws and whistling.

"[Clears throat] Hey Hunter. You forgot us!" said Klaxon spitting a green fireball at the machine.

Hunter dodged it and wrapped his tail around Klaxon, squeezing tighter and tighter. Combu tapped Hunter on the shoulder and the Snake-bot looked at him as the dark purple dragon pointed up.


Hunter released Klaxon after a stone replica of the 16-ton weight Crux dropped on Skyler 20 years ago fell on his head.

"Well...that was interesting." said Skyler, "Class dismissed for you five. You new students...YOU FAIL! GO BACK TO BASIC COMBAT TRAINING TOMORROW!"

A fire dragoness walks by and both Destra and Klaxon wolf whistle.

"Hellooooooo, Flare!" they say at the same time to the fire dragoness who has pink scales with a silver underbelly that shines in the sunlight, her wing membranes are bright blue, and she has bright green eyes. She also has a pair of small horns that curl so their tips are besides her ear frills, her tail blade is oval shaped with a slight point. Her snout resembles a little bit like Spyro's. She is also the daughter of Flame and Ember.

As she walks by she quietly giggles at the two. Once she's gone, Klaxon turns to Destra.

"I saw her first!" said the blue-green dragon.

"No you didn't! I did!" said Destra.

"I did!"

"I did!"

Noir walks over and grabs their heads before slamming them together.

"Are you two done arguing over a single female? Sheesh, what do you guys see in them?" said Noir as the two got up.

"Now the squirt knows how we feel." said Hunter snickering.

"Its rude to laugh at another's misery." said Blaze.

"Don't start!"

"No! You don't start!"

Skyler gets ready to slam them together but Klaxon stops him and grabs their heads.

"SHUT THE F$# UP!" yells Klaxon as he slams them together.

"The squirt's got his father's strength, I'll give 'im that...[groans]"


Klaxon, Destra, Noir, and Combu have breakfast at Flare's house and Combu returns after getting KETCHUP for his corn flakes (he's the only one to eat corn flakes).

"Why are you putting ketchup on your corn flakes?" asks Klaxon with an eye brow raised.

"I couldn't get any milk from the fridge." replies Combu.

"Why? What are you, a spas?"

"No. There just happens to be an Atom Bomb in front of the door."

"What type of reason is tha-[Looks at Atom Bomb] OH MY ANCESTORS!"

Flare freaks out when she finds out about the bomb.

"Why is there a bomb in my kitchen?!"

[Klaxon and Destra] "I'll get it out!"

Both dragons look at each other with death glares, start arguing, and then they wrestle each other with Noir keeping them away from the bomb while Combu is excited.

"FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!" says the dark purple dragon.

Noir sighs then jumps in fright when Combu smashes the ketchup bottle against the bomb, it doesn't explode.

"Aw, it's a dud!" says Combu sitting down moodily.

'What is wrong with him? He wants the bomb to go off!' thinka Noir then turns his attention to the two fighting dragons after an audiable crunch is heard, 'Here we go again.'

Noir walks over and slams their heads together.

"Look. We need to get rid of the bomb, Destra since you can teleport it you take it to the sea and drop it in, then come back." said Noir.

Destra gets up and smiles smugly while Klaxon pouts. When Destra returns Flare hugs and kisses him on the cheek.

"You saved us all." says Flare.

Destra blushes before responding, "W-well. I...umm, i-it was nothing really, I mean, it was dangerous yes, but nothing really."

"You're so brave Destra." says Flare.

Destra's face goes completely red. At this Klaxon eyes quickly flicker from blue to red to blue again.


The group was walking to the Academy when Talon, Lazer, and Hydro ran past them and into the Academy shutting the doors from within. The group run up to the door and try to open it to no avail.

"Those jerks won't open up." says Flare who then spots Combu preparing a fireball, "And if you blow the gates you'll be in trouble Combu."

Combu becomes moody, "Aw, whatdowedonow?"

Noir just grunts as Destra smiles evilly.

"Oh dear. Ahem, this calls for very special blend of tactical thinking and extreme violence." says Destra before warping inside.

"I wish I could teleport." said Klaxon with a small hint of anger and jealousy.

"Don't we all." said Flare.

The group then hears the sound of scuffling and grunting from inside.

"Destra is so screwed." said Klaxon with a smirk.

"I wouldn't be so sure." said Noir.

The doors open to reveal Destra fighting all three bullies at the same time, once he beats them he turns angrily towards the group.

"Feel free to step in ANY TIME! Honestly, I feel like I'm the only one who has the guts around here." said Destra.

"What was that now?" said Klaxon taking a step forward.

"You heard me, coward."

"THAT'S IT!" yelled Klaxon charging forward and tackling Destra and getting into a fight.

"Placebetseveryone!" says Combu and other dragons come to place bets.

Neither dragon won, because Skyler came and broke up the fight even though his son demanded payback for being called a coward. Upon walking away, Skyler slammed his tail onto Destra's head, smashing it into the ground. Klaxon snickered at this but was cuffed upside the head by Shard who gave him a glare and he hung his head in shame. Destra pulled his head out of the ground and walked away.

Skyler went into Klaxon's room and had a talk with him.

"Klaxon, just because somebody calls you coward doesn't mean you should attack them. Sometimes you have to ignore it. It is one of your strengths in fighting but it can also be a weakness, don't let anger control you like it did me for a while." said Skyler with the last part looking away.

"Is that why some of the people call you a monster?" asked Klaxon.

"Yeah, but I'm not and you know that. Now go to sleep."

Klaxon curled up in the pile of pillows he had for a bed and closed his eyes as his father left his room.

WarFang's Walls

Skyler saw Spyro, Cynder, Talos, Maxios, Scorch and Crux on the city's main gates and arced there. All of them looked out to the horizon and Skyler broke the silence.

"There's a storm coming isn't there?" said the Fox Dragon.

"Yep. We may have to fight again to defend the city and our young ones." said Spyro.

"They could help, I mean, they are at the age you two were fighting Malefor." said Scorch to Spyro and Cynder.

"Let's just wait and see." said Cynder.

In the distance thunder could be heard and flashes of lightning were seen.



Note: Dragon. Of. Chaos97 helped design Flare for this story along with the Atom Bomb scene and the Academy gets taken over by bullies scene.