A New Beginning

Chapter 1

One month earlier….

Edward and Haley walked into the house to see their parents on the kitchen table looking worried.

It was sunset and they had just returned from the park.

They turned to them as they walked towards the kitchen table.

Haley could tell that something was wrong by the look on their faces.

'Something has happened.' Haley thought. 'What's gotten them so worried?'

"What's wrong?" Edward asked.

'He can feel it as well.'

Their Mother smiled slightly. "It's nothing to worry about. We heard that the flu is getting worse out there. More and more people are getting it."

Their father held up four masks. "Your mother and I were talking while you were out. And we want you to wear these masks so that you won't catch it as well. It's only a precaution."

"It's spreading further every time." Haley said worriedly.

Edward hugged Haley and said. "You don't have to worry about the flu Haley. I'll protect you from it. I'll make sure that you won't get it."

"Promise me Edward that you won't get it?" Haley asked. "I want you to make me promise that you won't get ill from that stupid illness."

Edward nodded. "I promise. I'll always be here to protect you baby."

"Good." She said as she turned to her parents. "Then we don't need those masks. No one in this family is getting sick."

"Sweetie you don't know that." Her mother said. "You never know who is going to get sick next. The illness strikes anyone."

"Well I know that no one in this family is going to get sick." Haley said. "Edward promised me. And we don't need those masks."

Haley walked over to her father and snatched the masks away from him and chucked them in the bin.

Edward looked at his mother with worried eyes but didn't say anything.

"We don't need to wear them." Haley said. "The illness won't affect this family."